Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Owner of the club: “You win this time.., Doc.”  “The war is not over yet,” “It has just begun.”
FBI Agent 1: “Take this thug away, and after interrogations, store him on the coolest ice you can find.” “Another grate mission doc.”  I really wish we could keep you permanently, but I know you have more heads to shrink.”  “Thank you for all you do!”  “And get to the hospital for a routine checkup.”
Doctor Calmer: “Yes, I will.” “Have a good night”
As the seen brakes up, the doctor could not help but wonder what the club owner meant when he said:
“The war is not over yet,” “It has just begun.”
Maybe nothing, or maybe there are more people pulling string that meets the eyes.  As he gets into his car and drives home, those words keep echoing in his mind.  Because of his much disciplined mind, the moment he sees his wife, he calmly shoves it all into his subconscious and hugs and kisses her and they go inside.

     Doctor Calmer’s subconscious tends to invade his sleep that night.  His attempts to hide his concerns from is dear wife, are unsuccessful.  The words: “The war is not over yet,” “It has just begun.”… “The war is not over yet,” “It has just begun.” Keep echoing in his mind all through the night.  Finally his wife awakens him:
“Dan ‘Drew Calmer’?”  She always says when she knows he’s trying to hide something from her.
Wife: “What is it, you have been talking in your sleep all night, and you’re driving me crazy.”  “You might as well spit-it-out!”
Doctor Calmer: “Nothing you should be concerned about dear.”  “I will get it together.”
Wife: “You need to get it together now so I can get some sleep!”
Doctor Calmer: “I will dear”, I just need to go and talk to someone.” “Soon!”
Wife: “Talk to me now!”  “How dangerous is this, ehh, Club gangster?”  “Is he a threat to our family in anyway?”
Doctor Calmer: “Dangerous enough that you do not need to know any more than you do.” “Go back to sleep, and everything will be fine after I get some answers to some things tomorrow.”  He says as he embraces her and kisses her tenderly.  They love on each other for a while and then pass back out to sleep.
The next day:  At the state prison:
Club owner: “Well!” “The good doctor is making a house call in the prison.”  “What kind of answers to think I will give you to any question you have for me.”  He said in a very ferocious tone.
Doctor Calmer: “Whatever I need to know, you will give it to me.” “With or without your cooperation.”
Club owner:  “I am sorry my good doctor, but you caught me at a bad time, I was about to step out for a moment.”
Doctor Calmer: “That will be a neat trick, in a maximum security prison.”
Club owner:  “I am not into tricks.”  “No Dave Copperfield here.”  “However, Maybe and air strike!”
And just as he said “air strike”, “multiple explosions went off all over the prison yard.  Guards were scrambling everywhere. Yelling:  We are under attack!!
To be continued.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


Stand: “Wow!” “Doc!”  “You are truly an amazing man!”  “How do you keep so cool under such difficult situations?”
Doctor Calmer: “I like to think that it is not me doing the work.”  “I believe there is a much higher power at work and I am just a tool in his hands”
Stand: “Amen!
Doctor Calmer:  “Your session is up my son.”  “And son, please stay out of clubs.
As the doc leaves his office, he keeps feeling like something is wrong and he keeps hearing the sound of foot steps behind him in the dark shadows of the parking structure.  And then:
Owner of the club: “Well, well, well!” He said as he stands in the shadows shinning a blinding light in the doctor’s face.  “We finally meet.”
Doctor Calmer: “It’s you!”  “You must surrender!”
Owner of the club: “Not a chance!” He says as he fires a shot at the doctor.  He’s hit and he goes down and is motionless.

As the doctor lays motionless, the perpetrator starts to gloat of his seeming triumph over his believed victim. And says:
Owner of the club: “Did you think that you would be able to stop a multi-billion dollar operation so easily?” “Somebody must have told you wrong.”
As the doctor continues to lay motionless, suddenly laser-sight beams start to converge on our perp from all angles, and a voice out of the darkness says:
FBI Agent 1: “I think the good doctor said it plainly.” “You must surrender.”  “You okay doc?”
Doctor Calmer: “Right as rain sir, however it does sting a little.”
Owner of the club: “What is this, I killed you,  Iagggga!” He said as he starts to raise his gun again.
Doctor Calmer: “I would not do that if I were you.” “There are dozens of highly-trained FBI agents behind those beams on your chest, and they will make a hole in you that you could never be able to drive yourself to the hospital to get fixed.”  “No matter how tough you are.”
Owner of the club: “You win this time.., Doc.”  “The war is not over yet,” “It has just begun.”
FBI Agent 1: “Take this thug away, and after interrogations, store him on the coolest ice you can find.” “Another grate mission doc.”  I really wish we could keep you permanently, but I know you have more heads to shrink.”  “Thank you for all you do!”  “And get to the hospital for a routine checkup.”
Doctor Calmer: “Yes, I will.” “Have a good night”
As the seen brakes up, the doctor could not help but wonder what the club owner meant when he said:
“The war is not over yet,” “It has just begun.”
Maybe nothing, or maybe there are more people pulling string that meets the eyes.  As he gets into his car and drives home, those words keep echoing in his mind.  Because of his very disciplined mind, the moment he sees his wife, he calmly shoves it all into his subconscious and hugs and kisses her and they go inside.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Doctor Calmer: “I see.”  What did you mean by hi-tech?”
Stand: “It is like on Star-trek.” “Some kind super-science working with this club.”  “The club is really a front for the whole operation.” “Prostitution, drugs, sex-slave trade, pornography, gun-running, and money –laundering.”  “All the girls in the club are really hi-priced hookers.” “And when I say high priced, I really mean hi-priced.”  ‘You even have to pay just to look at them.”  “That is where some of the hi-tech comes into play.”  “Each member that wants to see the girls, are issued a special set of glasses that syncs it’s self with you retina and everything you look at gets registered into a database and automatically bills your credit card of bank account.” “However, there is button on the right side of those glasses, and if you hold in down for 3 seconds, it will x-ray the girls close and she will appear to be nude.”  “When one does that, it will trigger a debit from your account for $50.00 dollars, and she will get a text from you on her cell-phone and come over to your table with a bottle of wine to keep you company for the rest of the night, or for however long you want at the rate of $500.00/hr.”
Doctor Calmer: “Wow!”
Stand: “Still think it’s just going to be just a routine operation?”
Doctor Calmer: “No,” ‘my son, this may be over sooner than I thought.’  ‘The more corrupt an organization is, the easier it is to unravel the mechanics of its structure, ‘sort-of like a house of cards.’ “All one needs to do is remove the main supporting cards, and it will all come down.”  “They are criminals, son.”  “Extremely hi-tech, and well-funded, but still criminals.”  “They will never be able to escape their nature.”  “It will fail them every time.”
Stand: “Wow!”  Your strategy sounds good Doc.”  “However, I will still be praying for you the whole time.”  “God-speed!”
Doctor Calmer: “Thank you!”  “I will need all the help I can get.”

FBI Agent 1: “This mission is highly classified and totally covert.”  “Extreme caution is a must.”  “Are you psychologically ready Roger for this mission doc?”
Doctor Calmer: “Yes, my team is assembled and ready and mission code alpha-tango-Charlie is ready to be executed at will.”  “The supporting cards have been identified and targeted.”
FBI Agent 1: “Excellent!”  “Proceed to execute mission and report for debriefing in 4800 hrs.” “Roger, over and out.”
Doctor Calmer: “Roger, Roger!”
Doctor Calmer and his team went into action.  Everything happened just as he predicted.  The main supporting cards of the criminal organization was of course, the crooked bankers.  Once the feds got on their case, and started to associate them with drugs, human trafficking, prostitution, sex-slave trade, child—pornography, gun-running, and with gangsters, the cash-flow of the structure came to a Holt. All the clubs were shut down and pad-locked and personnel arrested, in a span of 48 hrs.  However the owner and his son fled the country. Several prominent leaders of the club scattered everywhere to escape arrest.  And just like clock-work, the Doctor was back shrinking heads in now time.  Once again a measure of stability was re-established.  
Stand: “Wow!” “Doc!”  “You are truly an amazing man!”  “How do you keep so cool under such difficult situations?”
Doctor Calmer: “I like to think that it is not me doing the work.”  “I believe there is a much higher power at work and I am just a tool in his hands”
Stand: “Amen!
Doctor Calmer:  “Your session is up my son.”  “And son, please stay out of clubs.
As the doc leaves his office, he keeps feeling like something is wrong and he keeps hearing the sound of foot steps behind him in the dark shadows of the parking structure.  And then:
Owner of the club: “Well, well, well!” He said as he stands in the shadows shinning a blinding light in the doctor’s face.  “We finally meet.”
Doctor Calmer: “It’s you!”  “You must surrender!”
Owner of the club: “Not a chance!” He says as he fires a shot at the doctor.  He’s hit and he goes down and is motionless.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015

Break free

Breaking  Addiction Through Grace

Von Bro'


Doctor Calmer: “I know!”  “Tell me what you know of their power?”
FBI AGENT 1: “Power is an understatement, when it comes to this bunch.”  “We’ve lost agents, cops, and all types of operatives we used to try to infiltrate this group.”  “They have an uncanny power of corrupting anyone they want with lust for pleasuremoney and power.”  “Formidable combination!”  “We need someone like you,’ ‘someone unbreakable.”
Doctor Calmer: “I will do it!”
FBI AGENT 1: “What!?”
Doctor Calmer: “I will do it!” “Let me go in”  “This has to end”
FBI AGENT 1: “I knew you could not resist the challenge.” He said as he handed him his old badge and his new ID.”  “Then he said: “You have already been reactivated.” “Welcome back!”
FBI AGENT 2: “It will be a pleasure to work with you sir!”

Stand: “Doc!”  ‘I really don’t think it is a good idea for you to go in and try to infiltrate this organization.’  Even when you had left the FBI to be just a shrink, I could still smell fed on you from a mile away.”  “How are you going to hide that fed attitude?” You look like you want to shoot or arrest someone right now.”
Doctor Calmer: “You worry too much kid.”  This is not too far from a routine operation for the feds.”  I will be in and out before they know they been had.”  “And they will be in cuffs by the time I am back shrinking heads”  “Tell me more about what you know about this club?”
Stand: “This club is off the hook of all hooks and hi-tech going to bed.”  The 69 in the logo is not what some people think, however, it is the price of membership.” “That is to keep it more exclusive.”
Doctor Calmer:69 buck?” “That does not sound too exclusive to me.”
Stand: “That may be so, however try $6900.00 bucks, but get this: I if you don’t have it and they like you and want you in, they will hook you up with some gigs so you can work it off until they say you membership is paid in full.”  “Then it really gets crazy because if you like the gigs, and continue to work them, you start receiving mega large pay-checks directly deposited in to your bank account like clockwork.”  “And sometimes all you would be doing is keeping so lonely rich-lady company, while she gets drunk.”  However, some of the gigs are a little more X-rated.
Doctor Calmer: “I see.”  What did you mean by hi-tech?”
Stand: “It is like on Star-trek.” “Some kind super-science working with this club.”  “The club is really a front for the whole operation.” “Prostitution, drugs, sex-slave trade, pornography, gun-running, and money –laundering.”  “All the girls in the club are really hi-priced hookers.” “And when I say high priced, I really mean hi-priced.”  ‘You even have to pay just to look at them.”  “That is where some of the hi-tech comes into play.”  “Each member that wants to see the girls, are issued a special set of glasses that syncs it’s self with your retina and everything you look at gets registered into a database and automatically bills your credit card or bank account.” “However, there is button on the right side of those glasses, and if you hold in down for 3 seconds, it will x-ray the girls close and she will appear to be nude.”  “When one does that, it will trigger a debit from your account for $50.00 dollars, and she will get a text from you on her cell-phone and come over to your table with a bottle of wine to keep you company for the rest of the night, or for however long you want at the rate of $500.00/hr.”
Doctor Calmer: “Wow!”
Stand: “Still think it’s just going to be just a routine operation?”
Doctor Calmer: “No,” ‘my son, this may be over sooner than I thought.’  ‘The more corrupt an organization is, the easier it is to unravel the mechanics of its structure, ‘sort-of like a house of cards.’ “All one needs to do is remove the main supporting cards, and it will all come down.”  “They are criminals, son.”  “Extremely hi-tech, and well-funded, but still criminals.”  “They will never be able to escape their nature.”  “It will fail them every time.”
Stand: “Wow!”  Your strategy sounds good Doc.”  “However, I will still be praying for you the whole time.”  “God-speed!”
Doctor Calmer: “Thank you!”  “I will need all the help I can get.”


Thursday, August 6, 2015


Stand: “I did not have a problem with that at all, only that when they took the money out, it did not look like a normal reverse transaction, but a purchase of some kind.”  “I did not like that at all, so I did some poking around and found out someone purchased some guns and explosives from overseas using my account.” “When they realized I had hacked their system, I have been running ever since.”
Doctor Calmer: “I sounds like you got yourself involved in some kind of money laundering scheme.”  “I will brief the Police and the F. B. I. Everything you have told me.”
Stand: “I have not told you enough yet”
Doctor Calmer: “You do not have to tell me anymore.” “If you can hack there systems and learn what you know, you can bet that the feds already knows more.”  “You just need to stay out of sight.”

FBI AGENT 1: “Doctor Calmer, we are so sorry we lost you to you Psychological profession.” “You were a perfect agent.”  “Cool, and sound in mind,’ ‘and unbreakable.’ “Why did you make such a choices?”
Doctor Calmer: “I discovered that there were so many troubled minds, that I could help, with God’s help, of course.”
FBI AGENT 1: “Of course!”  “You know the boy has gotten himself into hot boiling water of trouble.”  “They will not stop hunting him until he is dead?”
Doctor Calmer: “I know!”  “Tell me what you know of their power?”
FBI AGENT 1:Power is an understatement, when it comes to this bunch.”  “We’ve lost agents, cops, and all types of operatives we used to try to infiltrate this group.”  “They have an uncanny power of corrupting anyone they want with lust for pleasure, money and power.”  “Formidable combination!”  “We need someone like you,’ ‘someone unbreakable.”
Doctor Calmer: “I will do it!”
FBI AGENT 1: “What!?”
Doctor Calmer: “I will do it!” “Let me go in”  “This has to end”
FBI AGENT 1: “I knew you could not resist the challenge.” He said as he handed him his old badge and his new ID.”  “Then he said: “You have already been reactivated.” “Welcome back!”
FBI AGENT 2: “It will be a pleasure to work with you sir!”


Friday, July 24, 2015


Doctor Calmer: “Very clever my Son.”  “I will pull some strings and get you immediately put in my custody under house arrest.”  “No one would dare try anything with me watching them.”  “After my report, they would have too much to explain.”
Stand:  “Thanks Doc!”  “You are a good man, here take one of my devices, in case we get separated, so I can call you safely when I can.”
Doctor Calmer: “Thank you.”  “I was wanting to learn more about that device.”
Stand: “I thought you would.” “The instructions and specs will be sent to your e-mail.”
Officer 1: “You been in there long enough Doctor Calmer, You both need to come out now, or we will launch the tear gas immediately.”
As they were talking, Doctor Calmer had emailed a friend in the F. B. I., and arrange for Stand to be put under house arrest in his custody until things can be sorted out.  As they were diving up the Doctor shouted:
Doctor Calmer: “Do not launch the tear-gas.” “We’re coming out!”

Quickly, black-suits surround Doctor Calmer and the suspect, to safely escort them to his car and to follow them home.  Doctor used to work for the F. B. I. in his past and is still well respected by all.
Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the infamous club Base69.  Its powerful leader is conversing with his oldest son.
Club owner: “You are my beautiful son’, and Prince of all I will leave you one day”  “Come here and kiss your father?” He immediately complied, for he loved his father well, and vowed to grow up and be just like him.
Son: “I love you dad,’ and all this money you keep bringing in.”  “You are the best dad in the world.”  You have   kicked financial problems in the behind 10 times over.”  “However, we have a problem.”
Club owner: “What kind of a problem son.”
Son: “A certain club out there on the east coast was bringing in 3 mil. Per/ week, but now it has dropped to 2.”  And I believe I know why, but the one I am suspicious of has been put under house arrest with some shrink as his guardian.”  “Also, he has become too much aware of our operation.”  “He might spill his guts the feds.
Club owner: “You are wrong son, that guy is not the one, my intelligence reports have already informed me of the leak of money, and the leak of information.”  “You go immediately, and find him, plug up that leak, and drop that turd into a pool of Parana.”  Then go see your mom and tell her how beautiful she is and that I will be there soon to take her to the Bahamas.”
Son: “Yes father, right away!”
Back at the Doc’s Home.
Doctor Calmer: “Tell me more about these strange bank transactions?
Stand: “Yes.’ ‘There would be these large deposits into my bank account I could not explain. But then I noticed that it was not from the Payroll account.’  ‘So I called and told them and they apologized for the error and said we will take care of it.  They thanked me for my honesty and told me to keep the 10% that they would leave in the account for my troubles.”
Doctor Calmer: “What was wrong with that?”
Stand: “I did not have a problem with that at all, only that when they took the money out, it did not look like a normal reverse transaction, but a purchase of some kind.”  “I did not like that at all, so I did some poking around and found out someone purchased some guns and explosives from overseas using my account.” “When they realized I had hacked their system, I have been running ever since.”
Doctor Calmer: “It sounds like you got yourself involved in some kind of money laundering scheme.”  “I will brief the Police and the F. B. I.  on everything you have told me.”
Stand: “I have not told you enough yet”
Doctor Calmer: “You do not have to tell me anymore.” “If you can hack there systems and learn what you know, you can bet that the feds already know more.”  “You just need to stay out of sight.”

Von Bro’

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Doctor Calmer:  “Club Base 69, all about that base.’ ‘The doc says as he reads the words on the membership card.  He continues to read:
“Come out and shake your money maker with us.”  “Judging by the images on this card, I take it this club is about more than women shaking their booties.”
Stand: “You don’t know the half of it” “You know Doc.’ ‘Before this, I did not believe in God.”  “I believe now because the owner of this club must be the devil.”  I never met anyone so evil.” I once seen him take out 8 men by himself, and they shot him twice, but he still took them out with his bare hands, and drove himself to the hospital.”
Doctor Calmer: “Calm yourself Son.”  “We will get to the bottom of this”
This is how the logo appeared:


Doctor Calmer: “How did you let this happened Son?”  “You mad such progress in our sessions, I thought you knew better than to join such an organization, with all your obsessive disorders”. “What were you thinking?”
Stand: “Doc, I was just thinking it looked like nice place to hang out at first.”  And it seemed nice at first but then some strange transactions on my bank account started accruing, and when I inquired about it, they assured me that it was a clerical error, pay it no mind and we will take care of it.”
Doctor Calmer: “Wait a minute!” “You said some of them out there knows more about what’s going on, you shouldn’t be talking here, the place could be under surveillance.
Stand: “Don’t worry Doc, I got it covered, He said as he pulled out a cell phone with an unusual device plugged into it.  “One of my latest creations”
Doctor Calmer: “What is that?”
Stand: “It is a special white-sound device the scrambles one’s personal conversations, so that no one can eavesdrop on you.”
Doctor Calmer: “Scrambled signals can be unscrambled Son.”
Stand: “Maybe so, however when they do, that’s when the software really goes to work and confuses them even more.”  “I call it my tower-of-babel program.” “It will sound like I’m kicking it with my homies, and pay it know mind,”
Doctor Calmer: “Very clever my Son.”  “I will pull some strings and get you immediately put in my custody under house arrest.”  “No one would dare try anything with me watching them.”  “After my report, they would have too much to explain.”
Stand:  “Thanks Doc!”  “You are a good man, here take one of my devices, in case we get separated, so I can call you safely when I can.”
Doctor Calmer: “Thank you.”  “I was wanting to learn more about that device.”
Stand: “I though you would.” “The instructions and specs will be sent to you e-mail.”
Officer 1: “You been in there long enough Doctor Calmer, You both need to come out now, or we will launch the tear gas immediately.”
As they were talking, Doctor Calmer had emailed a friend in the F. B. I., and arrange for Stand to be put under house arrest in his custody until things can be sorted out.  As they were diving up the Doctor shouted:
Doctor Calmer: “Do not launch the tear-gas.” “We’re coming out!”

Sunday, July 19, 2015


We are all slaves of something.  Some more so than others.  However the them of this site is directed at helping ones to break free from Porn.  There is another addiction that goes hand and hand with the desires motivated by porn.  The lust for Power, Fame, Sexual gratification, but the one that gets everyone is the lust for Riches. It is the thread that ties this life-style all together.  If it falls, the ones that love it comes tumbling down like a junkie coming down from the highest high, The next episodes of "The  Headshrinker" will dive into the raw sewage of the lowest underworld that exists in this life.  That is, if one can call it life. Lastly, it is all controlled by gangster, pimps, drug-lords, gun runners, and leaders of sex-slave traders and finally crooked banks and international money launders.


Von Bro'


 Doctor Calmer: “Detective Styles.  I can’t say I am glad to see you, and by the look on your face, I might not make it home before my dinner is cold.”
Detective Styles: “What! are you Psychic?  You always have a way creepily reading what’s on my mind by looking at my face.  However doc,  It aint good.  We have a hostage situation, and we need you badly  Yous maybe real late for supper.”
Doctor Calmer:  “Okay!  I’ll get my coat.”

Officer 1: Talking on a mega-phone. “You need to release the hostages, and come out with your hands up”  ‘I know you know we have snipers, and no one wants to kill anyone today.’
Stand: “I will not come out.” “And once again, these people are not my hostages, I’m being set up and you know it!
Officer 1: Okay Son!  I appreciate how you feel, however, you must come out!”
Stand: “No!” “I will only surrender to the Doc!”  “Is he here yet?”
Officer 1: “Yes!”  “He just arrived!” He said as the detective and Doctor Calmer drove up.
Doctor Calmer: “I’m going in!”  As the Doctor approaches, little does he know how much his life is going to change after this day?
Stand: “Thanks for coming Doc!”  “I’m in real big this time”  “I hope we both are going to make it out of here alive.”  “So sorry to involve you with this, but you are the only one I trust.”  “There are a lot of strong and powerful people involved with this situation, and your life and mine may depend on you believing and understanding everything I have to say.”
Doctor Calmer: “I do not understand!”  “Why have you taken hostages?”
Stand: “That’s just it!”  ‘I have not taken any hostages!”  “This is a set-up and some of them out there knows more about what’s going on than what they would tell you.”
Doctor Calmer:  “What is going on Son?”
Then he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a membership card with unusual logo design on it and said.
Stand: “This is Big!”  “I know too much about this Club and I want out but there is only one way they want me to get out, with a toe-tag in the morgue.”
Doctor Calmer:  “Club Base 69, all about that base.’ ‘The doc says as he reads the words on the membership card.  He continues to read:
“Come out and shake your money maker with us.”  “Judging by the images on this card, I take it this club is about more than women shaking their booties.”
Stand: “You don’t know the half of it” “You know Doc.’ ‘Before this, I did not believe in God.”  “I believe now because the owner of this club must be the devil.”  I never met anyone so evil.” I once seen him take out 8 men by himself, and they shot him twice, but he still took them out with his bare hands, and drove himself to the hospital.”
Doctor Calmer: “Calm yourself Son.”  “We will get to the bottom of this”
This is how the logo appeared:




Friday, May 22, 2015


Doctor Calmer:   “Why do you really think that I should go out and get me some?”  “Do you really think I would need to do it for me or would it be more for you to feel more normal.”
Hiahkeem:  “I never though of it that way before, but yes, I think you just touched on something.”  “Yes.”  “That would make me feel real normal.”  “Come with me to the strip club, and then we will go to a ‘cat house’.”
Doctor Calmer: “What about my wife?”  “If I went with you, how would it affect her?”
Hiahkeem:  “I have been meaning to ask you about that.”  “How can you just be happy with just one woman?”  “I have tried it, it does not work for me.”  I see other women, and I got to have them too.”  “What is my problem doc”….. He says as he starts to cry.

Doctor Calmer: “I am sorry son, our session is up for today, however I will tell you this.  It is not completely your fault.  A lot of behaviors have been programed into all of us  against our will, and without us even knowing it.  Go home to your wife, and think about the things we talked about to day.”
Hiahkeem: “Okay doc. I will.  Sorry for the disrespectfulness.  I don’t know what came over me.”
Doctor Calmer: “It is quite alright.  There are forces at work, you are not aware of, or would not understand or believe if I told you.  Check with Lisa on your way out.  Looking forward to our next session.”
Hiahkeem: “Okay! I will.”
The doctor’s next visitor is not a patent, although the type of job he does, will almost guarantee one day he will be.  He is a police officer whom has to hunt down and capture sexual predators and rapists and murders of all sorts. and he is in his office on a case.
Doctor Calmer: “Detective Styles.  I can’t say I am glad to see you, and by the look on your face, I might not make it home before my dinner is cold.”
Detective Styles: “What! are you Psychic?  You always have a way creepily reading what’s on my mind by looking at my face.  However doc,  It aint good.  We have a hostage situation, and we need you badly  Yous maybe real late for supper.”
Doctor Calmer:  “Okay!  I’ll get my coat.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

“Obsession Phrases"5


Staring at me with such penetrating intensity that it made me a little uncomfortable. I thought about approaching her but quickly changed my mind because she didn’t have that curvy figure, graceful long legs or a tempting face that I always looked for. I mentally rejected her & removed her from my list of possibilities for that evening. But just as I started to walk away, I heard a mysterious voice…

“Hi! I am Kelsey.” I turned around & this woman was standing right next to me as she continued to stare at me with her chocolate brown eyes. “Oh Hi, I am Patrick” I said, with slight reluctance. But then, with a welcoming smile, she whispered something so magical into my ear that I couldn't help but be taken on a journey with her. The more she talked, the more intrigued I felt. Minutes turned into hours & I couldn’t take my eyes away from her, not even for a minute. I spent the rest of the night wrapped up in her words & although she appeared almost ordinary at first… Now I started liking everything about her. more

Sunday, March 22, 2015

………phrases 2

But, I wasn't going to give up. I wanted him to like me and I was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen. I don't know if it was a matter of pure luck or accident, but I discovered something which just didn't make this guy like me, it actually made him "LOVE" me like crazy. Moreover, within a very short amount of time, I turned into a true "Man Magnet" and men started flocking to me like bees to honey. What did I discover that changed everything for me you ask?

I'll tell you about it in a second, but before that let me explain something important... Have you ever seen a woman who can make any guy go absolutely crazy for her, and do the dumbest and sometimes even embarrassing things to please her? And at the same time have you ever seen a woman who does everything right, yet she is never able to get the love or attention she desperately desires from her man? Most women don't get this; in fact, most women dress sexy, cook great meals and try to logically convince a man to like them. …more

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Make you feel WANTED…

How to make any man convince himself that you’re the.

Only woman he’s meant to be with. Have you ever seen a man wish, want and need you so intensely that he wasn’t able to make himself interested in anyone else but you?

Have you ever seen him ache with so much love that just thinking about you brings a smile to his face & makes him go weak in the knees? Well, I’m about to reveal a shocking but surprising secret that will completely knock the winds out of you, but only in a good way.

My name is Kelsey & I am here to reveal the secret psychology behind how men fall in love. I’ll give you access to a hidden backdoor in the male psychology which initiates a chemical process in his mind that naturally inspires him to make you feel SAFE…

Make you feel WANTED…

But more importantly make you feel LOVED like you’re the most important woman in the world. And I'll show you how to do this using nothing but simple little words that you can whisper into any man's ears.

These words activate a man’s natural instinct to protect, care for & bond with a woman. Here is how it works – When a man hears these special words, his brain releases something called the “Bonding Chemical” throughout his body that makes his heartbeat rise, gets him excited & a delicious feeling of love erupts inside him.

More importantly, when he hears these words from YOU, he will feel you in his heart,

find you in his thoughts & will experience such an addictive feeling of love around you that he will instinctively desire to commit, comfort & pleasure you for the rest of his life. This method behind these words involves 2 basic stages…

In the first stage, I’ll show you how to psychologically condition any man to grow emotionally attached to you. Here he will start to feel that you are that one special woman he was always meant to be with & if you’re already with him, he will grow even more attached to you.

He will start to love every little thing about you, your smile, your eyes, the sound of your voice & the loving warmth of your touch whenever he is by your side.

In the second stage, I’ll show you how to awaken his protector instincts which arouses his natural need to commit to you & stay committed to you forever.

Here he will tell you that he never wants to lose you and your presence gives him this special feeling of fulfillment like nothing else in the world can.

You will feel this affection through the simplest little gestures - you will feel it in the way he holds you, the way he hugs you, the way he leans his head upon your shoulder & how he lovingly plays around with your hair while telling you that you’re more than everything he’s ever wanted in his life. Okay, I can almost smell the eagerness building up inside you and I know you’re super hungry to learn this. Therefore without keeping any more suspense, follow this link right now...more

Sunday, February 22, 2015





          Good graphics, professional coding and programming, and original relevant content, are just some of the building blocks of a successful web-site.  One must make sure everything is validated with the w3c web-site, develop a coding standards that assures that the site will continue to function for years to come….more

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


This story is about a shrink who has many clients whom he has to see daily and about their many attempts to affect him or to tempt him with their addictions.
Doctor Calmer:  “Hi Bill!” ‘It is good to see you again, but I am not happy about the circumstances of this encounter.”  “You were making such progress the last time I saw you and now, why are you back?”
Bill:  “I never though of my self of being crazy, or having a sexual addiction, however this recurring  dream keeps coming to me, and I can’t explain it.”
Doctor Calmer:  “What kind of dreams are you having?”
Bill:  “Strange, weird dreams!”
Doctor Calmer:  “What makes you think these dreams are sexual in nature?’ ‘Your profile is kleptomania.”  “You can’t control your erg to steal things.”  “Why do think the dreams are sexual in nature?” 
Bill:  “Well, you are the doctor, you tell me what's  going on!”  “The dream starts the same way.”  “I am trying to break into this house and I am having some difficulty.”  “Then I am in and there are all kinds of good things to steal.”  Suddenly out of no where, a huge penis comes and starts thrashing the life out of me.”  “I try to fight back, but it is too big and to fast for me.”  “I never even got a chance to see what or who was holding the penis.”  “It just beats me down real bad, and I remember waking up outside the house again on the front lawn, covered with urine.”
Doctor Calmer:  “This does not prove that your dreams are sexual in nature.”  “Your sexual inadequacies do to erectile dysfunction are simply  affecting your sub-courteous ,  making you feel a lack of confidence to successfully break into homes and steal things.”
Bill:  “Hey!”  “I never said anything about any erectile dysfunction!”
Doctor Calmer:  “You did not need to.”  “When you told me about your dream,’ ‘It was quite clear to me.”  “That is all for today.”  “Your session is up.”
Doctor Calmer:  “Hiahkeem”!  “How are you today?”
Hiahkeem:  “Horny as ever doc.”  “I don’t think the treatment is going to help me.”  “I got to have me some sex.”  “I don’t think I am sick.”  “I feel anyone that do-not do the same is strange.”
Doctor Calmer:  “Am I one of those people you think is strange?”  “Be honest!”
Hiahkeem:  “Well, no’…’not really.”
Doctor Calmer:  “Be honest!”
Hiahkeem:  “Well, no’…’not really strange, but you never smile, hardly.”  “If you went out and get you some, that would put a smile on your face.”  “A big smile.”
Doctor Calmer:   “Why do you really think that I should go out and get me some?”  “Do you really think I would need to do it for me or would it be more for you to feel more normal.”
Hiahkeem:  “I never though of it that way before, but yes, I think you just touched on something.”  “Yes.”  “That would make me feel real normal.”  “Come with me to the strip club, and then we will go to a ‘cat house’.”
Doctor Calmer: “What about my wife?”  “If I went with you, how would it affect her?”
Hakeem:  “I have been meaning to ask you about that.”  “How can you just be happy with just one woman?”  “I have tried it, it does not work for me.”  I see other women, and I got to have them too.”  “What is my problem doc”….. He says as he starts to cry.