Thursday, May 2, 2024

TO BREAK FREE FROM PORN, LUST, AND ALL IMMORALITY! (Sub-title :Why really do I even care?)

                        Why really do I even care?

                  Why do I even care?  Plain and simple, it is by far, the most favorite tool, that the wicket one, Satan the Devil uses to turn all people's attention away from God's will, and from the ways of righteousness.  When I finally wrapped my mind around that, one, as a minister of God, should greatly understand what King Solomon was feeling when he recorded the proverb: 18 

For an abundance of wisdom brings an abundance of frustration,

So that whoever increases knowledge increases pain.+ Eccl. 1:18

Yes, having knowledge and insight into a matter is no guarantee that one will see clearly, how to help everyone one wants to.  This means the addictions of some, especially of a sexual nature, may be very difficult, to some even impossible, because some do not want to change because they are loving every minute of it, and far from wanting to, or even agreeing that they are even doing anything wrong.  One needs to consider the big picture.

                                   The Big Picture

         The big picture, based on Proverbs chapters 9,10, indicates that this council does not apply to all.

The one who corrects a ridiculer invites dishonor,+

And whoever reproves someone wicked will get hurt.

 Do not reprove a ridiculer, or he will hate you

Reprove a wise person, and he will love you.+

 Share with a wise person, and he will become wiser.+

Teach someone righteous, and he will add to his learning.

Yes! The ones looking for a release from slavery to lust and all immorality are the ones that will respond to this council, but the ones loving sin, will reject it and hate the one offering the council.

The fear of Jehovah prolongs life,+  Notice Proverbs 10:28-32;

But the years of the wicked will be cut short.+

28 The expectation* of the righteous brings joy,+

But the hope of the wicked will perish.+

29 The way of Jehovah is a stronghold for the blameless one,+

But it means ruin for evildoers.+

30 The righteous one will never be made to fall,+

But the wicked will no longer inhabit the earth.+

31 The mouth of the righteous one produces* wisdom,

But the perverse tongue will be cut off.

32 The lips of the righteous one know what is pleasing,

But the mouth of the wicked is perverse.

Yes! The closing words of chapter 10, greatly sum up the matter.  Jesus himself once mentioned, that people's thoughts, and speech, influence their actions.  Out of the heart's abundance, one's mouth will speak.(Luke 6:45)

                                       In conclusion

            I even care because it; is the right thing to do.  Jehovah sent someone to put me on the road to life, as all true servants of God, we must all keep spreading the word until the work is finished.  Remember the words Jesus applied to himself just before he began this preaching work:

The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah is upon me,+

Because Jehovah anointed me to declare good news to the meek.+

He sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to the captives

And the wide opening of the eyes to the prisoners,+

Von Bro

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Short stories and Poems Presents: MC DJ JDSLICE-O-LIFE'S Comedy Moments!(Sub-title; Sheading Light into Darkness! )

 The world is crazy, and these stories or a hokes, let us tickle your funny bone, 'cause we got jokes!?

                       Shedding light into darkness

First of all I want to straighten out some facts, and yes this is that Dr. rest his soul, who used to assist ones with ending their life.  Helping them to die with dignity, instead of suffering a long time.

For the life of me, I don't know why he keeps being mistaken for this guy.  He will never assist anyone with suicide, and in fact, he will pray for you and preach the word to you!  However no he can not help you with that, but if you want to keep grabbing this bull by the horns, you might run into this guy:

Darth Winter!  Then you need to chill!  He will teach you the true nature of the force! So-to-speak.  Again, he will not assist you with suicide, but you will learn a lesson.  "Give yourself to the Dark side!"
In time you will learn to call him Master! Lol 😁😂😁😂😀!

Impressive, most impressive!

Cool your jets, Vader, we are coming to you, and you will get your turn.

Next, we want to talk about this guy:

Mr. Perry!  He has come a long way in shedding light into darkness.  Looks safe to meet in a dark alley!

Don't underestimate this individual though!?  The dark side doesn't have anything on her.  It's like she invented the dark side.  If you want to make her mad, just ask her: "What would Jesus do?"  She would get a rope, and fashion it into a whip, and drive you out of her house with it!  Just to make a point, with her Jethro Bodine 6 grade bible-educated self.

Doesn't she have a prostate? I think I heard that somewhere!

Not going to ask you again Vader, to stop interrupting!?
Perhaps you think you are being treated unfairly?
That's it!  You are going to get lunch for everyone!
Ok, my bad!  Perhaps  Mr. Perry would let me use his car. My shuttle is in the shop!

Yes Mr., Vader, it will be fine, just put some gas in it, and can I know, what happened to your shuttle?

It was nothing really, just me and Han Sole got into a drag-race, cause he is always bragging about his Millennium Falcon, So I thought I  would knock a hole in him in a race. and bring him down a notch, but I hit a bank curve a little too fast n spinned out of control, but don't worry Mr. Perry! I m not going to be racing in your car.  I will go out to Mc Donald's and come straight back, scout's honor!

Okay, Vader, wonderful story.  Get going to the store, and you promised, no racing! Come straight back? Our next guess is Father Guido Sarducci  What do you have to add to our discussion?                                                             


Thank you, and  glad to be hear on your show Mr.  Slice-o-life!  That is a weird name, but to-each-his -own!  Anyway I am hear to introduce a new church I found, called; The First United Church of the Supreme Jehovahs, Where every one gets to be Jehovah. In fact, when ever any one wants to play God, all you need to do is just raise your hand, and the official Jehovah garment will be provided for you.

Wow! That sounds extraordinary!  Tell me, How does that work?


Well once a member puts on the garment, it is turned on, for it has buttons and switches on it, and they are transformed and able to float around the room, with great speed, and they become shrouded in a dark cloud with an awesome display of lightning and thick gloom fire and smoke and quivering fire! Also there is a button one can press, and it makes the ground tremble!  It's a truly awesome experience!

Well that is an exceptional report.  A bit strange, but what is the purpose for such a extreme service at a church?

So glad you asked?  So many people just don't study the word of God like they should, and when they hear something new they never heard, they are too quick to judge, and question everything.  I know that you have heard the expression that imitation, is the biggest form of flattery, however we do not wish to flatter anyone.  The word says that is no good.  However one of the apostles said if one boast in anything, boast in the almighty.  As you and some of your homies would say; Word!

Thank you for that explanation.  And you don't think some one took things just a little to literal?

No!  We have a very Awesome God! Every one should Know!

Okay and thank you for that!  Okay last but not least , where is he oh there he is. Just getting back from Mc Donald's, and passing out every bodies food. Good job Vader!

Okay I'm ready now , and can I take this mask off , because people need to know I'm not  like this anymore?

Yes! that will be fine Vader!

That's better.  I got Mc DJ JD Slice-o-Life to have this show to help people to know why I gave in to the dark side.  I was driven by forces out of my control.

Hold up Mr. Skywalker, wasn't it booty, that made you turn to the dark side?

What!? Now who's  interrupting?  That is not true! I was in love!

No! It was that booty! I myself might have went to the dark side for her, it stuck out like a thumb that her butt was loaded with the the dark side of the force! LOL 😄😂😄!  You should have saw that coming a mile away, Skywalker!

Right!?   Very funny! you outta be a comedian!?  Also I see your point.  Also it brings me to how I feel.  I think the order was wrong for forbidding to marry. Being able to have a mate is the way it should be to keep a balance. If some do not wish to marry, that should be their choice.  I think your worship book has something to say about that, if I am not mistaken!?

Excellent speech, Skywalker, and thank everyone for showing up. And may the force be with you!

CONCLUTION:  In conclusion, to shed more light into darkness, I would like to get on my soap-box for a moment about the subject Mr. Skywalker touched on, about man's preciouses gift God gave us.  It is painfully obvious how important our sweet sisters in life are to us. Men, let's make a more valiant effort to treat them with the respect they deserve.  Powerful light, and Powerful darkness. however if we are true to the light, the light is more than enough to overpower the Darkness. Word!

So in signing off; Never be board, pull out your S Word, and take a nice slice of life!

Von Bro'

Monday, April 1, 2024

NATURAL AFFECTION, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO IT? (Subtitle; "True love has cooled Off!")


1. Lack of natural affection

2. What is natural affection?

3. Love defined.

4. 4 different types of love.

                                         The lack of natural affection 

          Jesus prophesied, that our days would be marked by a lack of natural affection. At least a mother is trying to give her child some kind of life If one leaves one's infant child on a doorstep, and then rings the doorbell and then runs and hides, and waits to see what happens to it before they walk away not even caring, however, it is much more horrible, if they leave them in the trash.  Still, a more popular case is the degradation of the mechanics of love and romance these days. Not only violently inflamed in lust for the same sex, but whether it be the same sex or the opposite, one exchanges mates as often as they change clothing, or just tossing them away as a used napkin, or something even worse. (2 Timothy 3:1-5Romans 1:26-28. NW TRANS,)

                                                    What is natural affection?

          Natural affection defined: 1. Storge (“natural affection”) is one of several Greek words for “love,” but it is never used at all in the protestant Bible (either the Septuagint or the New Testament). It refers to the natural love members of the same family have for each other.(google-search)  Natural affection has instead been replaced with unnatural affection.  To promote true love, one must return to old-fashioned values of long ago, that only a few still practice in our time.  I propose that all true lovers present a united front to make true natural affection more contagious than the unnatural.

                                                               Love defined.

                 Many will give many different kinds of meanings for love because most people are not really taught about what truly love is all about. Notice the definition from the Insite book: A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a friend, for a parent or child, and so forth; warm fondness or liking for another; also, the benevolent affection of God for his creatures or the reverent affection due from them to God; also, the kindly affection properly expressed by God’s creatures toward one another; that strong or passionate affection for a person of the opposite sex that constitutes the emotional incentive to conjugal union. One of the synonyms for love is “devotion.”(Insight on the ScripturesOne and all returning and refining all these wholesome values, can transform us into strong families, then, stronger communities, then stronger cities, and then stronger states, and then stronger nations, until the whole world is united in true love.

                                                     4 different types of love.

                   Storge: 1 of the 4 different types of love was mentioned in the onset.  The next one isEros is erotic or sexual or passionate love. It's often all about need and it's more about the person who's feeling sexually attractive than it is about the person who is the focus of that love or thing that is the focus of that love Different forms of Eros are about false worship, and porn,  the modern equivalent of Baal worship. The next one is Phileo: It only desires good things for the other and is compassionate. But the third time that Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, He uses 'Phileo,' which speaks of affection, fondness, and liking the other. This love is companionable and relational. It's brotherly and friendship love.(google search) is one most people, appreciate for all love people who give gifts, especially to worthy causes. Basic meaning: Brotherly affection.  Finally Agape:  Love of a Principal.  The type of love Jesus showed and he emphasized it in the words: John 15:13 states; No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends.+  Soon, one day, we will all display all the different types of love perfectly.  Then we will be in paradise.

Von Bro'

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Last time on:Short stories and Poems Presents: THE SECRET EYE! You can run, but you can't Hide!(Sub-title; The point in time Part2)

 Susie: "Why did you build me to be able to enjoy food to charge my power cell, you could have just made me a fuel port for me to stick it into, which would have been more efficient!?"

George: "Then I would not have such a realistic experience dining with you! would I?"

Susie: "I guess not!"  Suddenly a time gravity well opened up, and the George of the past came diving into the room with a super-police suit on, black from guns and weapons fire.  He took off the helmet and said:

Old George: "Yes it's me, splinter!" "I figured out the point in time things got skewed!"  As he was still talking 5 Nazis emerged from the time gravity well with machine guns, and said:

Commander:  "Nobody moves!!"


As Susie touched George's watch, the commander said: 

Commander: "I said, Nobody moves!!"  As the time gravity well closes, the Notzis surround them with machine guns ready, and he said: Well, well, well, Dr. Madman, we meet at last, or shell we call you; The secret eye!  Negotiator, Private Investigator, and puppet for the FBI!

George: "So impressed with your intelligence!"

Susie:  "Heads up papa, your suit is coming! She whispered in his ear"?"

Commander: "Stop whispering, he said as he readyed his machine gun."  As he spoke, the doctor's suit came crashing through the door, and Susie went into action, with super speed, and knocked out all the Notzis before they could even get a shot off.  At the same time, George jumped into the air as his suit enveloped him.

George"Great job Susie!"

Susie: "Don't mention it, papa. we are a team!"

Old George: "You two really are a sight!"

George:  "They are going to be out for a while, and I have signaled the FBI a TTI pickup, so while we wait, let's debrief!?"

Old George:  "Yes of course, but first of all, do you really miss me like a splinter when you get it out of your finger, and when I'm gone you have a hole, that lingers around for a few days until it heals up?"

George: ''Very funny, uk, uk uk, proceed with a debriefing?"

Old George: "Right!  Well, one day as I was walking you know as we always do, thinking about what to do about those kids, suddenly a limo appeared out of nowhere.  I could not see the driver, but the back window was coming down as it drove up, and believe it or not, it was Dr. Phil.  At first, I thought he was sent to help me get my thinking correct about things, because, he was making good sense, but then he started making some weird suggestions, I went along with him because I trusted him, a famous shrink, and his own TV show.  However then, it started. He knew I had been walking for a while and assumed I was hungry and he offered me a banana.  When I finished it, he suggested I put the peel into my pocket, because it was not his limo.  I found out that that was a mistake because the limo stopped and suddenly he told me to get out.  I got out and was suddenly face to face with my oldest stepson Tommy. with his usual angry face. I said:  "I looked at Dr. Phil, and said; What is this?"

Tommy:  It is your end, that's what!  Suddenly he jumped me and we struggled instinctively i snapped his neck in a rage before I knew what was going on.  Soon after that, Dr. Phil told me; "Quickly!, drop the banana peel by his feet and get back in!?"  In a panic, I did what he said. and that was it. Thus the "BANANA PEEL MURDER WAS BORN!"  The plot thickens though, for it turns out that Dr. Phil was doing all this under duress because the Notzis, who threatened his family, and so-called new school under-world lords that were supposed to be going legit but are working together to reverse engineer the Time travel technology.  Their goal is to taint the results of the ELEET TIME TRAVEL TEAM, so they can still get away with murder.  Something that the underworld refused to give up! "You were correct to just send emails.  Once you did that, your career as a serial killer was stillborn in your reality."

George:  "I know bro!  You should have remembered the Proverb, "Shrewd is the one that sees the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself from it."  However, do not despair.  The FBI can correct the timeline now."  "That was a good debriefing!" "Did you leave out anything?"

Old George:  "Yes!"  "The Notzis, they got your friend Victoria, Dr Mannis's daughter!"  "Her husband is a mess about now, by the way"

George:  "Susie, let's suit up!"

Susie:  "Right papa. let's go rescue your friend!"  "Yes! Action time!"


Von Bro'

You can run, but you can't hide,

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

You can even slip away!,

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

But you'll never slip aside.

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

Heart of vengeance, heavy on your trail.

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

It will never settle down until you are caught or in hell!

It will never settle down until you are caught or in hell!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Short stories and Poems Presents: THE SECRET EYE! You can run, but you can't Hide!(Sub-title; The point in time)


Last time:...

Susie:  "Right!"  "Hey!" "Why do I have to be Watson?"  "You think maybe we can take turns, and sometimes I can be Sherlock, and you be Watson sometimes?"

George:  "For what purpose?" "You have no ego to bruise!"  "Why would you make such a request?"

Susie:  "I agree, I am being a bit petty ain't I?"  "I must be picking up bad attitudes from my boyfriend's fishing buddies, I guess!"

George:  "Is that so, or are you just making an excuse for your actions?"

Susie:  "I had not thought of it like that!"  "Perhaps it means I'm becoming more human?"

George:  "Perhaps, but we will hash this out later."  "Let's finish the job for now."  "Good job with the deductive reasoning, but what is the connection with the Notzi's?"

Susie:  "Right now, I don't seem to have a clue!"  "Perhaps your counterpart was just pulling your leg?"

George:  "It's possible, but let's set up some surveillance around his favorite love-nest to see what turns up!"

Susie:  "Right boss!"

George:  "You did realize you called him your boyfriend?"  "Has your relationship progressed?"

Susie:  "Not the way you would think, but I'm not complaining, I'm making money!" 

 "I get 50% from all of his friends and I have saved up over 2000 dollars so far!"

George:  "Sounds good Susie!"

As they set up the equipment and deployed the smart listening devices, then the Nazis 

showed up!


You can run, but you can't hide,

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

You can even slip away!,

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

But you'll never slip aside.

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

Heart of vengeance, heavy on your trail.

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

It will never settle down until you are caught or in hell!

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

George:  "Sounds good Susie!"

As they set up the equipment and deployed the smart listening devices, then the Nazis 

showed up!

George:   "Well, well, well look who just showed up!?"

Susie:  "What does this mean?"

George:  "Not sure yet, let's listen!?"

The Man:  "Why are you showing up here, I have been doing as you said, it is not safe for us to be seen together!?"

Nazi:  "Calm yourself, my friend, it's just  a routine check!"

The Man:  "It's not safe though, my wife may be suspicious and have a P.I. watching me.'  I don't want her mixed up in this." "Things could get out of hand!?"

Nazi:  "I hope not for her sake."  "You just have to make up a good story that she will believe!"  " It would be unfortunate If she would have to be eliminated!"

The Man:  "No! no!  Please! not that!?" "I have done what you asked!"

Nazi:  "And you have been compensated well, so deal with it!"

George: "So that's it the Nazis are running the black market baby ring!" "Why though!?"

Susie: "What do we do now, we go in and shut them down?"

George: "No Susie!"  "We just observe and report."  "We need to transfer this info to the FBI, and they will do the rest."  "Our suits are bulletproof, but our job is not to face machine guns!"

Susie:  "I get it, the right tool for the right job!"

George:  "Correct!"  "Let's report our findings to our client, return to FBI headquarters for debriefing, and then call it a day."

Susie:  "Great this was fun!" "What's next on our agenda for today, Papa!?"

George:  "What else, my child. we go home and fry us up some fish!"

Susie:  "Yes!"

As they pack up and leave the stake out, George ponders over the possibilities of why the Nazis are investing in black market babies and how everything fits together.  After they finished with their client and at FBI headquarters, they headed home.  They were both in silent contemplation as Susie cleaned fish while he washed and prepared them for the fryer.

Susie: "So you finally ' got a new girlfriend, way to go Papa!"

George: "Yes!, and she is a real jewel too!"  "How about you?"  "How are things going with you and your friend?"

Susie: "It's still a business doing business with him!"  "Whenever we meet, he greets me like I'm his girlfriend, he grabs me and kisses me very passionately, and then he says."   "Let's go catch some more fish baby!" As he smells the fish getting golden brown, she gets so excited and says:  "Papa, my power cells are getting low, I'm going to need a piece of that fish soon, can we take a break and eat?"

George: "Yes my child, the french fries are coming up now!"

As they ate and drank, Susie rejoiced as her cells recharged up to full capacity, and said:

Susie: "Why did you build me to be able to enjoy food to charge my power cell, you could have just made me a fuel port for me to stick it into, which would have been more efficient!?"

George: "Then I would not have such a realistic experience dining with you! would I?"

Susie: "I guess not!"  Suddenly a time gravity well opened up, and the George of the past came diving into the room with a super-police suit on, black from guns and weapons fire.  He took off the helmet and said:

Old George: "Yes it's me, splinter!" "I figured out the point in time things got skewed!"  As he was still talking 5 Nazis emerged from the time gravity well with machine guns, and said:

Commander:  "Nobody moves!!"


Von Bro'