After Jo Jo had finished his campaign on the ultimate evils of this be world. The force started to shift back into balance. The evil harlot spoken of in the inspired word quickly started to lose her hold on the Kings of the earth, these players Jo Jo had taken out, we're her main supporters of her shameless luctury she lived in. Correspondingly, : "A strong Angel came down from heaven, and lifted up what looks like a mill stone, one which is turned by a beast of burden, and pitched it into the sea. A voice out of heaven said.; Thus with a great pitch, was Babylon thrown down, and was devastated, and was completely burned with fire...."(Revelation Chpts. 17n18)
This starts the: "Great Tribulation", for not only is false religion, (Babylon the Great), but the true religion (Pure Worship) is going to be under attack as well. All diligent students of inspired word should be well prepared to face these events. One can not be too prepared. Intensify your study while one still can. However, those who don't feel ready, You have my prayers and my deepest sympathy. but don't just sit there. Pray read and keep living. Do it now, while you still can. Everlasting life is well worth what ever it takes to be with Jesus and his father Jehovah, in Paradise. Word'.
Von Bro'.