Monday, September 18, 2023

MINDING SPIRIT OVER THE FLESH (Subtitle; Power of the Spirit!)

                   Minding the spirit over minding the flesh!?

Well first, why so important?  Why do I even care, since I mentioned in my last post, that I have provoked the devil to attack and destroy my marriage?  One must make sacrifices to make everlasting life.  Believe me, everlasting life, is more than well worth it, and then some.  I have no sympathy for ones that are in opposition to me, for I well know that it’s because they make money, or work for ones that make bank, ($$$) off all the things associated with the underworld.  The few readers that come to this blog, will hardly hurt their livelihood!

      Why so important, though?  Well, if one that reads from this blog, doesn’t remember anything from this blog, one will do themselves credit, to remember this:  Jehovah’s holy spirit is very powerful.  Ones who mind the spirit and keep themselves on guard by reading and studying his word daily, especially the ones in the full-time services, are getting a for taste, of how the new world will be.  Contrary to popular belief, everlasting life is far from being boring.  Even now, those who engage in full-time service no doubt experience countless numbers of precious moments in time.  Such moments in time where 15 minutes can contain an eternity or blessings of spiritual joy.

        Why do I care so much against such odds?  Having experienced such moments in time, I know how important it is that we resist the fallen flesh.  Fight against it!  A war against it!  Only if we take a firm stand on Jehovah’s side in this way, can God keep us filled with his powerful holy spirit, to experience those precious moments in time, and have great joy as we walk with him through this dark system of things, shedding Devine light on everyone they meet.  Word!

In conclusion: Malachi 3:10 States:  Bring the entire tithe*

 into the storehouse,+ so that there may be food in my house;+ and test me out, please, in this regard,” Jehovah of armies says, “to see whether I will not open to you the floodgates of the heavens+ and pour out* on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking.”