Saturday, August 29, 2015


Stand: “Wow!” “Doc!”  “You are truly an amazing man!”  “How do you keep so cool under such difficult situations?”
Doctor Calmer: “I like to think that it is not me doing the work.”  “I believe there is a much higher power at work and I am just a tool in his hands”
Stand: “Amen!
Doctor Calmer:  “Your session is up my son.”  “And son, please stay out of clubs.
As the doc leaves his office, he keeps feeling like something is wrong and he keeps hearing the sound of foot steps behind him in the dark shadows of the parking structure.  And then:
Owner of the club: “Well, well, well!” He said as he stands in the shadows shinning a blinding light in the doctor’s face.  “We finally meet.”
Doctor Calmer: “It’s you!”  “You must surrender!”
Owner of the club: “Not a chance!” He says as he fires a shot at the doctor.  He’s hit and he goes down and is motionless.

As the doctor lays motionless, the perpetrator starts to gloat of his seeming triumph over his believed victim. And says:
Owner of the club: “Did you think that you would be able to stop a multi-billion dollar operation so easily?” “Somebody must have told you wrong.”
As the doctor continues to lay motionless, suddenly laser-sight beams start to converge on our perp from all angles, and a voice out of the darkness says:
FBI Agent 1: “I think the good doctor said it plainly.” “You must surrender.”  “You okay doc?”
Doctor Calmer: “Right as rain sir, however it does sting a little.”
Owner of the club: “What is this, I killed you,  Iagggga!” He said as he starts to raise his gun again.
Doctor Calmer: “I would not do that if I were you.” “There are dozens of highly-trained FBI agents behind those beams on your chest, and they will make a hole in you that you could never be able to drive yourself to the hospital to get fixed.”  “No matter how tough you are.”
Owner of the club: “You win this time.., Doc.”  “The war is not over yet,” “It has just begun.”
FBI Agent 1: “Take this thug away, and after interrogations, store him on the coolest ice you can find.” “Another grate mission doc.”  I really wish we could keep you permanently, but I know you have more heads to shrink.”  “Thank you for all you do!”  “And get to the hospital for a routine checkup.”
Doctor Calmer: “Yes, I will.” “Have a good night”
As the seen brakes up, the doctor could not help but wonder what the club owner meant when he said:
“The war is not over yet,” “It has just begun.”
Maybe nothing, or maybe there are more people pulling string that meets the eyes.  As he gets into his car and drives home, those words keep echoing in his mind.  Because of his very disciplined mind, the moment he sees his wife, he calmly shoves it all into his subconscious and hugs and kisses her and they go inside.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Doctor Calmer: “I see.”  What did you mean by hi-tech?”
Stand: “It is like on Star-trek.” “Some kind super-science working with this club.”  “The club is really a front for the whole operation.” “Prostitution, drugs, sex-slave trade, pornography, gun-running, and money –laundering.”  “All the girls in the club are really hi-priced hookers.” “And when I say high priced, I really mean hi-priced.”  ‘You even have to pay just to look at them.”  “That is where some of the hi-tech comes into play.”  “Each member that wants to see the girls, are issued a special set of glasses that syncs it’s self with you retina and everything you look at gets registered into a database and automatically bills your credit card of bank account.” “However, there is button on the right side of those glasses, and if you hold in down for 3 seconds, it will x-ray the girls close and she will appear to be nude.”  “When one does that, it will trigger a debit from your account for $50.00 dollars, and she will get a text from you on her cell-phone and come over to your table with a bottle of wine to keep you company for the rest of the night, or for however long you want at the rate of $500.00/hr.”
Doctor Calmer: “Wow!”
Stand: “Still think it’s just going to be just a routine operation?”
Doctor Calmer: “No,” ‘my son, this may be over sooner than I thought.’  ‘The more corrupt an organization is, the easier it is to unravel the mechanics of its structure, ‘sort-of like a house of cards.’ “All one needs to do is remove the main supporting cards, and it will all come down.”  “They are criminals, son.”  “Extremely hi-tech, and well-funded, but still criminals.”  “They will never be able to escape their nature.”  “It will fail them every time.”
Stand: “Wow!”  Your strategy sounds good Doc.”  “However, I will still be praying for you the whole time.”  “God-speed!”
Doctor Calmer: “Thank you!”  “I will need all the help I can get.”

FBI Agent 1: “This mission is highly classified and totally covert.”  “Extreme caution is a must.”  “Are you psychologically ready Roger for this mission doc?”
Doctor Calmer: “Yes, my team is assembled and ready and mission code alpha-tango-Charlie is ready to be executed at will.”  “The supporting cards have been identified and targeted.”
FBI Agent 1: “Excellent!”  “Proceed to execute mission and report for debriefing in 4800 hrs.” “Roger, over and out.”
Doctor Calmer: “Roger, Roger!”
Doctor Calmer and his team went into action.  Everything happened just as he predicted.  The main supporting cards of the criminal organization was of course, the crooked bankers.  Once the feds got on their case, and started to associate them with drugs, human trafficking, prostitution, sex-slave trade, child—pornography, gun-running, and with gangsters, the cash-flow of the structure came to a Holt. All the clubs were shut down and pad-locked and personnel arrested, in a span of 48 hrs.  However the owner and his son fled the country. Several prominent leaders of the club scattered everywhere to escape arrest.  And just like clock-work, the Doctor was back shrinking heads in now time.  Once again a measure of stability was re-established.  
Stand: “Wow!” “Doc!”  “You are truly an amazing man!”  “How do you keep so cool under such difficult situations?”
Doctor Calmer: “I like to think that it is not me doing the work.”  “I believe there is a much higher power at work and I am just a tool in his hands”
Stand: “Amen!
Doctor Calmer:  “Your session is up my son.”  “And son, please stay out of clubs.
As the doc leaves his office, he keeps feeling like something is wrong and he keeps hearing the sound of foot steps behind him in the dark shadows of the parking structure.  And then:
Owner of the club: “Well, well, well!” He said as he stands in the shadows shinning a blinding light in the doctor’s face.  “We finally meet.”
Doctor Calmer: “It’s you!”  “You must surrender!”
Owner of the club: “Not a chance!” He says as he fires a shot at the doctor.  He’s hit and he goes down and is motionless.

Thursday, August 13, 2015