Sunday, September 15, 2024

Last time on: Short stories and Poems Presents: THE SECRET EYE! ( Sub-title: "Nozi fantasy Part 2!")

After George finishes reflecting on his research in his lab earlier he says:

 George: "I'm Frasier Crain and I'm listening!" The Supreme Leader didn't think that was funny and ordered the hand to put pressure on the hull of his assault vehicle!  Then  he responded:

Supreme leader:  "I think you need to understand who controls this situation!"   The menace pressure and the high-frequency sounds are recking havoc  on Susie's systems and she says: 

Susie: "Make him stop Papa, this hurts"

George:  " Ok, Ok, stop it!!,". "State your Demands!"

Supreme leader:  "That's better!" "Negotiator!". Ha!

Hah! Hah! "Hah! Hah! 


Von Bro' 

You can run, but you can't hide,

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

You can even slip away!,

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

But you'll never slip aside.

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

Heart of vengeance, heavy on your trail.

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

It will never settle down until you are caught or in hell!

It will never settle down until you are caught or in hell!

As George and Susie sit and wait for the Supreme leader to state his demands George instructs Susie on their next move. George has informed her of tech of the assault vehicle's that she was not a where of!  Their plan is to at the right moment to bail through the bottom of each seat in the cockpit,  through a hidden trap door and fall uncontrollably into the thick rain-forest below, and not activating their suits until the last minute, after they are deep into the rain-forest, making it seem like they fell to their death.  Then Susie says, reluctantly:

Susie:  "Okay!"

George:  "On my Mark!"

Supreme leader:  "My Demands are quite clear."  "As your counter part explained to you, we intend to be the first to stake our claim on that planet, made of solid Gold!  Also you are going to help us get there first, or else your your beautiful friend is not going to look so beautiful anymore!"  "Do I make myself clear?"

George:  "Cristal Clear!" "I have sent my report to the FBI and I'm sure your intelligence reports have revealed how difficult and impossible this quest is?"  "Insane even!?"

Supreme leader:  "We are very much a where of all the risks, and Dangers it entails!"  "A  small price to pay compared to the possibility for great Master race to finally come into its own!"

George:  "You are mad!!"

Supreme leader:  "Wrong answer!"  He said as he gives the order to give the vehicle a squeeze again.

George: "Get ready Susie!"  he says excitedly!

Susie: "Ready papa!" As the vehicle starts to come apart, George says:

George: "Mark!"  As they start  fall, George sends coded instructions for Susie to activate a special failsafe in her suit to help keep the power cells of the suit, while she is shielded from the sun, so she does not give out of batter power.  As they get closer to the trees, they maneuver themselves further away from each other to further give them a tactical advantage, by making it look like the are separated from each other, vulnerable, and alone, even if they did survive the fall.

Supreme leader:  "Bye!, Bye! Secret Eye!" "Ha!

Hah! Hah! "Hah! Hah! "  Ha!

Hah! Hah! "Hah! Hah! 




Thursday, August 22, 2024

Last time on: Short stories and Poems Presents: THE SECRET EYE! ( Sub-title: "Nozi fantasy!")

Old George: "I know it's crazy as hell, and also the fact that the planet exists." "Also, the space race is on, and rumors are spreading fast, and anyone who is anyone, and knows anything about building space ships, and space travel, are getting gold-fever and itchy trigger fingers." "The Nozi's are determined to stake their claim first!"

George: "No!" "This is not crazy, but insanity!" "Even if it is a planet out there, and made of solid gold, and knowing how much gold weighs, who would have knowledge of any technology to mine it and get it off the planet?"

Old George: "Well my friend that's where the plot really thickens!" "The Nozi's believe you do, or we do, but mainly you, because you kept your focus, and I got diverted to go on a killing spree!" "So everything points to you!" "Also that is why they kidnapped your friend, Victoria." "It's obvious you are being lead into a trap!"

George: "Great!, and just how did they get that idea?"

Old George: "Well, they have very good intelligence, and they followed your career as a college professor, and a pioneer in computer programming, and super-advanced robotics, and your theories on multi-directional-gravity manipulation!" "Need I go on?"

George: No that is quite enough, and the FBI is here, and time for you to go.

As the FBI takes him away, to correct the time line, he sends his report to the FBI headquarters, and him an Susie are off to rescue his friend! Proceeding with extreme caution:

George: "Susie is our vehicle prepared"

Susie: "Yes papa!" "Shield power is at Maximum, and all smart listening and video recording devices are ready, and cloaking device is online!"

George: "Excellent!" "Let's begin?" As they take off Susie engages the cloaking device and they are off. Suddenly a time gravity well opens up, and a giant electronic hand emerges and grabs hold of the vehicle. As they loose complete power, a voice says:

Supreme-Leader: "I am the Supreme Leader of the free Nozi party." "Your vehicle is now under my control." "Any attempt to regain control, will be met with a crushing penalty!" "Hah!

Hah! Hah! "Hah! Hah! 


As our friends are trapped by the giant machine hand, Dr Madman reflects on his research about the possibility of a planet existing composed of solid gold! So that he would be able to reason with the Nazis about how crazy their idea is!   Reasoning in his mind even if such a planet could exist, given how far away it might be, how long would it take to get there and back, not to mention the cost of such a trip!.

George:  Close up of the horse head nebula?  When the image appears he says: Are there any planets close by?

Computer AI bot:  

The Horsehead Nebula is a vast interstellar gas cloud, and while there aren't any planets directly within the nebula, there are some nearby stars and their planetary systems. Here are a few examples:

1. Alnitak (ζ Orionis): A triple-star system about 800 light-years from Earth, located near the Horsehead Nebula. It's possible that planets could exist in this system.

2. σ Orionis: A multiple-star system about 1,100 light-years from Earth, also near the Horsehead Nebula. This system has at least one confirmed exoplanet.

3. HD 38087: A star about 1,100 light-years from Earth, with a confirmed exoplanet. It's located near the Horsehead Nebula.

Keep in mind that these stars and their planets are still quite far from the Horsehead Nebula, and the environment within the nebula itself is not suitable for planetary formation.

If you'd like more information or have other questions, feel free to ask!

George:  Is it possible for a planet to exist that is made up of solid gold?

Computer AI bot:   

While it's theoretically possible to imagine a planet composed of solid gold, it's highly unlikely in reality. Here's why:

1. Planetary formation: Gold is a heavy element that sinks to the core during planetary formation. It's unlikely to accumulate in sufficient quantities to form a solid gold planet.

2. Chemical bonds: Gold doesn't readily form compounds with other elements, making it difficult to create a solid, stable planetary crust.

3. Temperature and pressure: The high temperatures and pressures at a planet's core would cause gold to melt or vaporize, rather than remaining solid.

4. Stellar nucleosynthesis: Gold is created in small amounts during stellar nucleosynthesis. The amount of gold produced is insufficient to form a solid gold planet.

However, there are some interesting exceptions, like the discovery of exoplanets with surface compositions rich in precious metals, including gold! These planets are thought to have formed in environments with unique conditions, like neutron star mergers.

While a solid gold planet might not exist, the universe still offers many fascinating and unexpected wonders!

George:  If it was true that beings from othe tor worlds created such a planet on purpose by creating the right conditions to make a solid gold planet! For their interstellar mining purposes?

Computer AI bot:   

Now that's an intriguing idea! If we assume that advanced beings from other worlds have the capability to create a solid gold planet, it could be a fascinating scenario for interstellar mining purposes. Here's a hypothetical exploration of this concept:

1. Advanced technology: These beings would possess advanced technology to manipulate planetary formation, creating a solid gold planet through artificial means.

2. Mining purposes: The planet would serve as a vast gold reserve, allowing the beings to extract and utilize gold for their interstellar needs.

3. Energy source: Gold has excellent conductivity properties, making it a valuable resource for energy storage, transmission, or even propulsion systems.

4. Strategic location: The solid gold planet could be strategically placed near a hub of interstellar activity, facilitating trade and commerce.

5. Security: The planet's unique composition might also serve as a secure storage facility, protecting valuable resources from potential threats.

This concept raises more questions:

- What kind of civilization could achieve such a feat?

- How would they maintain control over this valuable resource?

- Would they encounter conflicts with other interstellar entities?

This idea sparks the imagination, and who knows? Perhaps in some distant corner of the universe, a solid gold planet exists, created by advanced beings for their interstellar ambitions!

George:  Because gold is heavy would the gravity be different on such a planet? Also different in the whole system the planet is in?

Excellent follow-up question! Yes, a solid gold planet would have a significant impact on its gravity and the surrounding system. Here's a breakdown:

1. Surface gravity: Gold has a high density (19.3 g/cm³), which would result in a stronger gravitational pull. The surface gravity of a solid gold planet would be approximately 2-3 times stronger than Earth's.

2. Planetary mass: The increased density would also affect the planet's overall mass. A solid gold planet with the same radius as Earth would have a much larger mass, potentially affecting the surrounding space.

3. Orbital dynamics: The increased mass would alter the orbits of nearby celestial bodies, such as moons, asteroids, or even other planets. This could lead to:

    - Changes in orbital periods and distances.

    - Increased tidal forces, potentially affecting the planet's rotation and axis.

    - Altered stability of the entire planetary system.

4. System-wide effects: The presence of a solid gold planet could also impact the surrounding system:

    - Star-planet interactions: The planet's increased mass could affect the star's energy output or even its stability.

    - Systemic gravitational waves: The unique composition and mass of the planet could generate distinct gravitational wave patterns.

Keep in mind that these effects would depend on various factors, such as the planet's size, composition, and location within the system.

The concept of a solid gold planet offers a fascinating thought experiment, allowing us to explore the intricate relationships between planetary properties, gravity, and the surrounding space!

George:  With this in mind if someone from earth discovered such a planet in the systems near the horse head nebula n wanted to stake a claim how long would it take to get there and is there any technology in existence that could make the trip other than unmanned spaces crafts? Also would it be possible to get a ship to take off loaded with gold on such a planet?

Computer AI bot:

Here are some hypothetical answers to your questions:

1. Distance and travel time: The Horsehead Nebula is approximately 1,500 light-years from Earth. Even at high speeds, like those achieved by Voyager 1 (~0.006% of the speed of light), it would take tens of thousands of years to reach the nebula.

With current technology, the fastest spacecraft, like New Horizons (~0.003% of the speed of light), would take around 70,000 to 100,000 years to cover this distance.

However, let's consider some theoretical concepts:

- Fusion propulsion: Could potentially reach 10% of the speed of light, reducing travel time to around 15,000 years.

- Antimatter propulsion: Might reach 50% of the speed of light, reducing travel time to around 3,000 years.

- Wormholes or Alcubierre drives: These hypothetical concepts could potentially allow for faster-than-light travel, but they are still purely theoretical.

1. Manned spacecraft technology: Currently, there are no manned spacecraft capable of interstellar travel. However, researchers are exploring concepts like:

- Generation ships: Large, self-sustaining vessels that could support multiple generations of humans during the journey.

- Hibernation or stasis: Putting humans in a state of suspended animation to reduce life support needs and radiation exposure.

- Advanced propulsion systems: Like those mentioned earlier, which could potentially make interstellar travel more feasible.

1. Taking off with a gold-loaded ship: The strong gravity of a solid gold planet would pose significant challenges for escape. Let's assume a ship could be designed to withstand the gravitational forces:

- Escape velocity: The speed required to escape the planet's gravity would be approximately 2-3 times higher than Earth's, around 40-60 km/s.

- Propulsion systems: Would need to be incredibly powerful to achieve escape velocity, possibly requiring advanced technologies like fusion or antimatter propulsion.

- Structural integrity: The ship's structure would need to withstand the stresses of lifting off from a high-gravity planet, potentially requiring advanced materials or designs.

Keep in mind that these ideas are highly speculative, and the challenges involved in interstellar travel and exploiting a solid gold planet are significant. However, exploring these concepts sparks interesting discussions about the possibilities and limitations of space travel and exploration!

George:  With this in mind if someone from earth discovered such a planet in the systems near the horse head nebula n wanted to stake a claim how long would it take to get there and is there any technology in existence that could make the trip other than unmanned spaces crafts? Also would it be possible to get a ship to take off loaded with gold on such a planet?

Computer AI bot:

Here are some hypothetical answers to your questions:

1. Distance and travel time: The Horsehead Nebula is approximately 1,500 light-years from Earth. Even at high speeds, like those achieved by Voyager 1 (~0.006% of the speed of light), it would take tens of thousands of years to reach the nebula.

With current technology, the fastest spacecraft, like New Horizons (~0.003% of the speed of light), would take around 70,000 to 100,000 years to cover this distance.

However, let's consider some theoretical concepts:

- Fusion propulsion: Could potentially reach 10% of the speed of light, reducing travel time to around 15,000 years.

- Antimatter propulsion: Might reach 50% of the speed of light, reducing travel time to around 3,000 years.

- Wormholes or Alcubierre drives: These hypothetical concepts could potentially allow for faster-than-light travel, but they are still purely theoretical.

1. Manned spacecraft technology: Currently, there are no manned spacecraft capable of interstellar travel. However, researchers are exploring concepts like:

- Generation ships: Large, self-sustaining vessels that could support multiple generations of humans during the journey.

- Hibernation or stasis: Putting humans in a state of suspended animation to reduce life support needs and radiation exposure.

- Advanced propulsion systems: Like those mentioned earlier, which could potentially make interstellar travel more feasible.

1. Taking off with a gold-loaded ship: The strong gravity of a solid gold planet would pose significant challenges for escape. Let's assume a ship could be designed to withstand the gravitational forces:

- Escape velocity: The speed required to escape the planet's gravity would be approximately 2-3 times higher than Earth's, around 40-60 km/s.

- Propulsion systems: Would need to be incredibly powerful to achieve escape velocity, possibly requiring advanced technologies like fusion or antimatter propulsion.

- Structural integrity: The ship's structure would need to withstand the stresses of lifting off from a high-gravity planet, potentially requiring advanced materials or designs.

Keep in mind that these ideas are highly speculative, and the challenges involved in interstellar travel and exploiting a solid gold planet are significant. However, exploring these concepts sparks interesting discussions about the possibilities and limitations of space travel and exploration!

George:  Could the possibility of a technology called "multiple directional graveyty manipulation" make it easier for such a ship to lift off if such a device could eliminate the wait factor?

Computer AI bot:

I see where you're going with this! "Multiple directional gravity manipulation" is an intriguing concept that could potentially revolutionize space travel and exploration. If such a technology existed, it could indeed make it easier for a ship to lift off from a high-gravity planet like a solid gold world.

By manipulating gravity in multiple directions, the ship could potentially:

1. Reduce the effective gravity force acting on the ship, making it easier to lift off.

2. Create a localized gravity "bubble" around the ship, allowing it to move more easily.

3. Even create a "gravity shield" to protect the ship from the intense gravity.

This technology could, in theory, eliminate the need for incredibly powerful propulsion systems, making it possible to lift off from a high-gravity planet with less energy expenditure.

However, it's essential to note that this concept is still purely speculative, and the laws of physics as we currently understand them don't allow for gravity manipulation. But, if such a technology were possible, it would likely require a vast understanding of exotic matter, energy, and gravity manipulation, potentially involving:

1. Advanced exotic matter with negative mass or negative energy density.

2. Sophisticated gravitational field manipulation using advanced technologies.

3. Innovative applications of theories like Alcubierre's warp drive or gravitational waves.

While this idea is fascinating, it remains firmly in the realm of science fiction until we have a deeper understanding of the underlying physics and technologies required to make it a reality.

After George finishes reflecting on his research in his lab earlier he says:

 George: "I'm Frasier Crain and I'm listening!" The Supreme Leader didn't think that was very funny and ordered the hand to put pressure on the hull I his assault vehicle!  Then  he responded:

Supreme leader:  "I think you need to understand, just who is in control of this situation!"   The menace pressure and the high-frequency sounds are recking havoc  on Susie's systems and she says: 

Susie: "Make him stop Papa, this hurts"

George:  " Ok, Ok, stop it!!,". "State your Demands!"

Supreme leader:  "That's better!" "Negotiator!". Ha!

Hah! Hah! "Hah! Hah! 


Von Bro' 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

THE SEEN OF THE WORLD IS CHANGING: (Sub-title What did Paul Mean?)

The inspired word states at 7:29-35;

Moreover, this I say, brothers, the time left is reduced.+ From now on, let those who have wives be as though they had none, 30 and those who weep as those who do not weep, and those who rejoice as those who do not rejoice, and those who buy as those who do not possess 31 and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full;+ for the scene of this world is changing. 32 Indeed, I want you to be free from anxiety. The unmarried man is anxious for the things of the Lord, and how he may gain the Lord’s approval. 33 But the married man is anxious for the things of the world,+ how he may gain his wife's approval, 34 and he is divided. Further, the unmarried woman, as well as the virgin, is anxious for the things of the Lord,+ that she may be holy both in her body and in her spirit. However, the married woman is anxious for the things of the world, and how she may gain her husband's approval. 35 But I am saying this for your personal advantage, not to restrict you, but to move you to what is appropriate and to constant devotion to the Lord without distraction.

 1, Why do things have to change?

 2.  Change can be good and Change can be Bad!, Why?

 3.  Why should embrace change?

 4.  Why did Paul say that, and What kind of Changes was he speaking of?

                     Why do things have to change?

             Why do things have to change?  What if things never changed? and kids stayed kids and never grew up?  The nature of existence is based on positive changes, ever since the rebellion started in the Garden of Eden.  Genesis 3:14,15 states: "Then Jehovah God said to the serpent:+

 “Because you have done this, you are the cursed one out of all the domestic animals and out of all the wild animals of the field. On your belly, you will go, and you will eat dust all the days of your life. 15 And I will put enmity*+ between you+ and the woman+ and between your offspring*+ and her offspring.*+ He will crush* your head,+ and you will strike* him in the heel.”+

" This change will be further realized when Christ's kingdom takes over the earth and brings things back to the conditions of Eden!

    Change can be good and Change can be Bad!, Why?

                   Change can be good or bad. Why?  Let me give you the bad news first, so you can appreciate the good news more!  Many times we have no control over the bad changes that come our way. Change can affect us personally only, and many times it affects everyone.  11 

I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift does not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle,+ nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches,+ nor do those with knowledge always have success,+ because time and unexpected events* overtake them all. (Eccl. 9:11)  On the upside of things good changes, always make things better, and if we always keep a positive attitude, good changes will come at the right time for it! 

                        Why should embrace change?

                     We must embrace change because let's face it, many times we need to just take it on the chin and just roll with the punches like we are in a boxing match. We have no control of changes sometimes, so we need to have the flexibility, and resilience to roll with it, and still come out smelling like a rose! Adaptability is what comes to mind.  It reminds me of that old TV show Bat Man.  It seems like they had what ever they needed at any given time, to get them out of a jam.  In other words; stay prepared!?

   Why did Paul say that, and What kind of Changes was he speaking of?

                     The seen of the world was changing in Paul's day and even more so today.  Paul was urging his fellow friends to think soberly about everything.  There are all kinds of changes, that need to be made, and all kinds of change we need to learn to roll with and keep on going.  Stay sober-minded, and not sleep like some do, so sedated by trivial things of life. and maintain constant attendance a pond the lord, without distractions. For emphasis: But the married man is anxious for the things of the world,+
 how he may gain his wife's approval, 34 and he is divided. Further, the unmarried woman, as well as the virgin, is anxious for the things of the Lord,+ that she may be holy both in her body and in her spirit. However, the married woman is anxious for the things of the world, and how she may gain her husband's approval. 35 But I am saying this for your personal advantage, not to restrict you, but to move you to what is appropriate and to constant devotion to the Lord without distraction.

Von Bro'


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Short Stories and Poems, Presents: "TIME TRAVEL THEORY Part 3" (SUB-TITLE;" My true theories of Time-Travel"

 More on the man in the hyperbole!

           He told me he needed to clarify something. It was not that he didn't appreciate the privilege of caring for his beautiful wife, but he realized he may have hogging all the blessings associated with being her caretaker. So he really wanted to get relief, but at the same time, give them a chance to receive God's blessings for taking care of one's elderly parents!

           However, instead of application for all the years he took care of their mom, they only had resentment for keeping them away from her money.  So they were determined to make him pay.  He tried his best, to send more emails to warn them to stop the bad attitude, to keep them from missing out on Jehovah's blessings, but they missed the point, was only concerned about money.

           I was curious, because this was so hard to believe that he could go through such things with out loosing it?  Well, he said.  I did loose it, but not in front of them. He said that when he got back home, away from them, is when it came out, which was good because he would have grabbed hold of them, and it wouldn't have been pretty!

           He said the whole thing reminds him of a situation King David went through, in the Bible!  We need to travel back into time abit:

The First of Samuel

25 In time Samuel+ died; and all Israel gathered together to mourn for him and to bury him at his house in Raʹmah.+ Then David rose and went down to the wilderness of Paʹran.

2 Now there was a man in Maʹon+ whose work was in Carʹmel.*+ The man was very wealthy; he had 3,000 sheep and 1,000 goats, and he was then shearing his sheep at Carʹmel. 3 The man’s name was Naʹbal,+ and his wife’s name was Abʹi·gail.+ The wife was discerning and beautiful, but the husband, a Caʹleb·ite,+ was harsh, and he behaved badly.+ 4 David heard in the wilderness that Naʹbal was shearing his sheep. 5 So David sent ten young men to him, and David told the young men: “Go up to Carʹmel, and when you come to Naʹbal, ask him in my name about his welfare. 6 Then say, ‘May you live long and may you be well* and may your household be well and may all that you have be well. 7 Now I hear that you are doing your shearing. When your shepherds were with us, we did not harm them,+ and they found nothing missing the whole time they were in Carʹmel. 8 Ask your young men, and they will tell you. May my young men find favor in your eyes, because we have come at a joyous time.* Please give to your servants and to your son David whatever you can spare.’”+

9 So David’s young men went and told all of this to Naʹbal in David’s name. When they finished, 10 Naʹbal answered David’s servants: “Who is David, and who is the son of Jesʹse? Nowadays many servants are breaking away from their masters.+ 11 Do I have to take my bread and my water and the meat that I butchered for my shearers and give it to men who come from who knows where?”

12 At that David’s young men returned and reported all these words to him. 13 David immediately said to his men: “Everyone strap on your sword!”+ So they all strapped on their swords, and David also strapped on his own sword, and about 400 men went up with David, while 200 men stayed with the baggage.

14 Meanwhile, one of the servants reported to Abʹi·gail, Naʹbal’s wife: “Look! David sent messengers from the wilderness to wish our master well, but he screamed insults at them.+ 15 Those men were very good to us. They never harmed us, and we did not miss a single thing the whole time we were together with them in the fields.+ 16 They were like a protective wall around us, both by night and by day, the whole time we were with them shepherding the flock. 17 Now decide what you are going to do, for disaster has been determined against our master and against all his house,+ and he is such a worthless* man+ that no one can speak to him.”

18 So Abʹi·gail+ quickly took 200 loaves of bread, two large jars of wine, five dressed sheep, five seah measures* of roasted grain, 100 cakes of raisins, and 200 cakes of pressed figs and put all of it on the donkeys.+ 19 Then she said to her servants: “Go on ahead of me; I will follow you.” But she said nothing to her husband Naʹbal.

20 While she was riding on the donkey and going down under cover of the mountain, just then David and his men were coming down toward her, and she met them. 21 Now David had been saying: “It was for nothing that I guarded everything that belongs to this fellow in the wilderness. Not a single thing belonging to him went missing,+ and yet he repays me evil for good.+ 22 May God do the same and more to the enemies of David* if I allow a single male* of his to survive until the morning.”

23 When Abʹi·gail caught sight of David, she hurried down off the donkey and threw herself facedown before David, bowing to the ground. 24 She then fell at his feet and said: “My lord, let the blame be on me; let your servant girl speak to you, and listen to the words of your servant girl. 25 Please, do not let my lord pay attention to this worthless Naʹbal,+ for he is just like his name. Naʹbal* is his name, and senselessness is with him. But I, your servant girl, did not see my lord’s young men whom you sent. 26 And now, my lord, as surely as Jehovah is living and as you are* living, it is Jehovah who has held you back+ from incurring bloodguilt+ and from taking revenge* with your own hand. May your enemies and those seeking injury to my lord become like Naʹbal. 27 Now let this gift*+ that your servant girl has brought to my lord be given to the young men who are following my lord.+ 28 Pardon, please, the transgression of your servant girl, for Jehovah will without fail make for my lord a lasting house,+ because my lord is fighting the wars of Jehovah,+ and no evil has been found in you all your days.+ 29 When someone rises up to pursue you and seeks your life,* the life* of my lord will be wrapped securely in the bag of life with Jehovah your God, but the lives* of your enemies he will hurl away like stones from a sling.* 30 And when Jehovah has done for my lord all the good things he has promised and he appoints you as leader over Israel,+ 31 you will have no remorse or regret* in your heart for shedding blood without cause and for letting the hand of my lord take revenge.*+ When Jehovah confers good upon my lord, remember your servant girl.”

32 At this David said to Abʹi·gail: “Praise Jehovah the God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me! 33 And blessed be your good sense! May you be blessed for restraining me this day from incurring bloodguilt+ and from taking revenge* with my own hands. 34 Otherwise, as surely as Jehovah the God of Israel who held me back from harming you+ is living, if you had not come quickly to meet me,+ by morning there would not have remained a single male* belonging to Naʹbal.”+

           This was very similar to my situation, he told me with a different twist. Instead of sheep,l I was talking care of my wife, King David was watching over a man's headers and the flock of sheep!  I was just as angry as David was, maybe even more, he explained, because I had to put up with their inssulance, for some 30 years. It's no mystery why his shrink has to convince him it was all a dream!

           He added; I did not have anyone like Abigail,  to talk to him, to save him from blood guilt, but he had to draw on everything he had gleaned from all his years of reading and meditating on the Scriptures.

A positive Time Travel Event! Word!

Von Bro'

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Short Stories and Poems, Presents: "TIME TRAVEL THEORY Part 2" (SUB-TITLE;" My true theories of Time-Travel"

 More on the man in the hyperbole 

          I asked him; "How did you finally get to keep things together?" He said it was his psychologist! He suggested that he needs to suppress those memories by concluding that it never happened. The past 30 some years was all a bad dream. The doctor convinced him that something happened to him, 30 years ago that put him in a coma, and while unconscious, he dreamed he got married, and gotten 5 steps kids from the it, and 3 of them were off the rails crazy.

          Crazy about money, and into magic, witch craft, and sorcery! However all of it was not true.  It was all a comatose night mare, so he needs to forget about it and move on.  The banana peel murderer, is a mythical thing his comatose mind created, and will never be born!  Still-born!

            Since his therapy, he believes he never got married and while in the coma, he just had a 30 years night mare, and so glad he is awake again n can finally being his real life again, and so glad he had not killed anyone, and so relieved it was all a bad dream!  That's the story he is sticking with! Word!

Von Bro!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Short Stories and Poems, Presents: "TIME TRAVEL THEORY" (SUB-TITLE;" My true theories of Time-Travel"

1. The only true Time Machine I know of.

2.  It's not about changing one's past for a better future. 

3.  Forget what you think you already Know?

4. Time travel Theory, the bottom Line.


                 The only true Time Machine I know of.

                      The only true time machine I know of is God's word the Bible. Word!  Through its pages, one can travel to the past, but can only affect changes in the present, but to affect one's own future, and thankfully no one else's.  We all have free will. We should never blame anyone for the decisions we make!  If we read God's word daily, with prayer and meditation, 9 times out of 10, we should make the correct choice, if we don't get too emotional about the situation.

    It's not about changing one's past for a better future.

                        It is so not about changing the past to affect one's present and future.  Time never changes. one-directional.  However, we can always learn from the past though.  From our own mistakes, and those of others.  If we are honest, we can reflect on our past mishaps, laugh, and say, that was very dumb!  Well, we might not always laugh, maybe cry, sometimes!  On the upside of this, when it turns out that we made the right choice, that reflection can be very reassuring, and uplifting.

               Forget what you think you already Know?

                         Since real-time travel, doesn't exist, what we think we know about it is irrelevant. Hollywood is all we have to go on, and how often does Hollywood get anything right?  The universe was created by an intelligent being with unlimited power.  We can only imitate his power on a small scale, and in the process, nearly blow the planet up.  With that in mind, don't you think our creator is smart and wise enough to make sure that no one can mess with time?

              Time travel Theory, the bottom Line.

                          The only true time travel is using what intelligence we have to make the right decisions the first time so we will not have too many regrets later.  For instance, there was a certain man, who had a very beautiful wife of thirty + years.  About ten years into the marriage, he learned that his stepchildren did not resent him for taking their father's place, like normal kids, but for cutting them off from their mom's pocketbook.  What is done, is done now, he thought in his mind so he would just make the best of it.  As time went on, other factors involved would possibly lead him to become a murderer, a homicidal, genocidal, maniac, and a notorious serial killer.  Needless to say, he could not let that happen, so instead of allowing things to end violently, and him getting too old to continue to be her caretaker any longer, thought it would be a good idea to let them get control of her money and health care, thinking that that would be enough, but it was not, they were so money hungry, that they made it so they could never have to give up her money.  Told lies, to keep him from seeing his wife and made her divorce him on a technicality.  A situation that they created themself. Little did they know that he had no intentions of ever getting control again, but he just wanted to love his dear wife without them always being up in bed with them, trying to run their life, and can't even run their own life.  

                         So getting control of her money again, dirty diapers, tons of turds, gallons of pee?  Oh no!  That ship had sailed!  He figured that as long as he kept his distance from them, he could never kill them.  He got a little stuck in denial about it for a spell, but finally came to accept the situation and moved on, thinking, it was not everything he hoped for, but it sure beats being on the run, or being locked up in jail for multiple counts of murder, and that is the bottom line.  He had already known, that after he sent the first email, the ball was set in motion, and was determined to stay out of jail at all costs! Word!


Monday, August 5, 2024

Last time on: Short stories and Poems Presents: THE SECRET EYE! (Sub-title "A place in time for a Kill!" )

 "That was a good debriefing!" "Did you leave out anything?"

Old George:  "Yes!"  "The Nozi's, they got your friend Victoria, Dr Mannis's daughter!"  "Her husband is a mess about now, by the way"

George:  "Susie, let's suit up!"

Susie:  "Right papa. let's go rescue your friend!"  "Yes! Action time!"


Von Bro'

You can run, but you can't hide,

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

You can even slip away!,

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

But you'll never slip aside.

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

Heart of vengeance, heavy on your trail.

------------------- Salah ---------------------------------

It will never settle down until you are caught or in hell!

It will never settle down until you are caught or in hell!

The George of the past, went on to elaborate on the Nozi's sub-plot behind their in evolvement with George going forward with his plans to become a murder, was linked to that file on Susie's memory she displayed on the wall to help him give up and let the FBI take him in.  The planet made of solid gold.  The Nozi's some how found out about it, and took it to be real.  The craziest thing about it, is that long range scans of the Horse-head nebula, has reveled a class M planet in the Horse-head nebula system that is registering as being of pure solid gold, with minimal traces of other  metals and other  elements of the periodic table.  Then George says:

George:  "That is so ridiculous , and extraordinary, for I made that story up as a goof, to trick you into calming down!"

Old George: "I know it's crazy as hell, and also the fact that the planet exists."  "Also, the space race is on, and rumors are spreading fast, and anyone who is anyone, and knows anything about building space ships, and space travel, are getting gold-fever and itchy trigger fingers." "The Nozi's are determined to stake their claim first!"

George: "No!" "This is not crazy, but insanity!"  "Even if it is a planet out there, and made of solid gold, and knowing how much gold weighs, who would have knowledge of any technology to mine it and get it off the planet?"

Old George: "Well my friend that's where the plot really thickens!"  "The Nozi's believe you do, or we do, but mainly you, because you kept your focus, and I got diverted to go on a killing spree!"  "So everything points to you!"  "Also that is why they kidnapped your friend, Victoria."  "It's obvious you are being lead into a trap!"

George:  "Great!, and just how did they get that idea?"

Old George: "Well, they have very good intelligence, and they followed your career as a college professor, and a pioneer in computer programming, and super-advanced robotics, and your theories on multi-directional-gravity manipulation!"  "Need I go on?"

George:  No that is quite enough, and the FBI is here, and time for you to go.

As the FBI takes him away, to correct the time line, he  sends his report to the FBI headquarters, and him an Susie are off to rescue his friend!  Proceeding with extreme caution:

George:  "Susie is our vehicle prepared"

Susie:  "Yes papa!"  "Shield power is at Maximum, and all smart listening and video recording devices are ready, and cloaking device is online!"

George: "Excellent!"  "Let's begin?"  As they take off Susie engages the cloaking device and they are off.  Suddenly a time gravity well opens up, and a giant electronic hand emerges and grabs hold of the vehicle.  As they loose complete power, a voice says:

Supreme-Leader:  "I am  the Supreme Leader of the free Nozi party."  "Your vehicle is now under my control."  "Any attempt to regain control, will be met with a crushing penalty!"  "Hah!

Hah!  Hah! "Hah! Hah!