An average of more than 2 Million pornographic films are rented in the United States alone.
This site is about getting free of porn addiction. ONGOING THIS SITE WILL BE ABOUT TRUE LOVE; "It is Time! Christ's Millennial Reign Approaches! "(Psycho-drama: As in Psychological warfare! "MI6 Agent for the Most High Government in the Universe, NO MISSION TOO DANGEROUS, NO MISSION TOO IMPOSSIBLE." Step up your game!) Matt..24:14
An average of more than 2 Million pornographic films are rented in the United States alone.
Nearly two hard-core pornographic videos are released in the United States.
That is 48 a day,
336 a week,
1344 a month,and
16,128 porn videos a year, which is fueling ones addictions year after year, unless on can break free.
Internet users send more than 1.7 Million pornographic e-mails.
This encourages others to become addicted to porn and also sexual addictions as well.
Every Second
Nearly 30.000 people use pornographic Web sites.
That is over the population of a city and some states.