Sunday, December 1, 2024

Survivors of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon, Will you survive the Final test? (Subtitle: Be even better Students of the new Scrolls!?)

 1. Continue to be diligent students of the Bible now!?

2. Even though we suffer much injustice, why, do we never want to give up?

3. Always respect Jehovah's Authority?

4. If one is an excellent student of the Bible now, that should carry over, into the time we will have the New scrolls.

Continue to be diligent students of the Bible now!?

          Why in this date and time, would ones be still trusting our life and future, into a book, that many intellectual individuals considered it out dated!?  However, is the Bible really so outdated as some think?  To the contrary, the Bible is more up-to-date, than any books in creation.  Anyone that does not consider Jehovah's words as important as bread and water, and also the very air we breath, is doing themselves, a great disservice. (Eccl. 12:11,12)

Even though we suffer much injustice, why, do we never want to give up?

           No matter how much the wicked one may slap us, even a thousands of times, with injustice, and trials and tribulations, let us all never give up, but instead, may we all pour ourselves out like a drink offering to the most high God every day! Proving the devil to be the lier that he is!

            Always respect Jehovah's Authority?

            Authority, how should this subject make us feel? Most of the world shuns authority. Even fighting against authority, as if it was the enemy.  However, that could not be much further from the truth.  The inspired word dictates: "All authority has been put in there relative positions, by God.(Romans13:1-4)

. If one is an excellent student of the Bible now, that should carry over, into the time we will have the New scrolls.

             Ever wonder what type of information is going to be in the new scrolls, spoken about in Revelation. What ever knowledge Jehovah is going to inlighten us with at that time, if we are diligent students now, we need to be prepared to be even more diligent and thankful, that Jehovah preserved us alive to be able to read it!  It will be in book from.(Rev.20:11-13)

            In conclusion, continue to be excellent students of God's word, in imitation of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom is referred to as the word of God, and one day, most likely after we have been so impressed just like the Christ, and can say: "I always do the things pleasing to him!(John 8:29) Word!

Von Bro'

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