1. Lack of natural affection
2. What is natural affection?
3. Love defined.
4. 4 different types of love.
The lack of natural affection
Jesus prophesied, that our days would be marked by a lack of natural affection. At least a mother is trying to give her child some kind of life If one leaves one's infant child on a doorstep, and then rings the doorbell and then runs and hides, and waits to see what happens to it before they walk away not even caring, however, it is much more horrible, if they leave them in the trash. Still, a more popular case is the degradation of the mechanics of love and romance these days. Not only violently inflamed in lust for the same sex, but whether it be the same sex or the opposite, one exchanges mates as often as they change clothing, or just tossing them away as a used napkin, or something even worse. (2 Timothy 3:1-5, Romans 1:26-28. NW TRANS,)
What is natural affection?
Natural affection defined: 1.
Love defined.
Many will give many different kinds of meanings for love because most people are not really taught about what truly love is all about. Notice the definition from the Insite book: A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a friend, for a parent or child, and so forth; warm fondness or liking for another; also, the benevolent affection of God for his creatures or the reverent affection due from them to God; also, the kindly affection properly expressed by God’s creatures toward one another; that strong or passionate affection for a person of the opposite sex that constitutes the emotional incentive to conjugal union. One of the synonyms for love is “devotion.”(Insight on the Scriptures) One and all returning and refining all these wholesome values, can transform us into strong families, then, stronger communities, then stronger cities, and then stronger states, and then stronger nations, until the whole world is united in true love.
4 different types of love.
Von Bro'
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