Wednesday, October 16, 2024

WHAT HAS HAPPEND TO TRUE LOVE? (sub-title The Family, the Back bone of the World!)

 1. Is there really such a thing as true Love?

2.  Is separation and divorce really the answer?

3.  Is there any real good reason for people not in the Marriage, to interfere? 

4.  What is the mighty army that conquered the Roman Empire?

            Is there really such a thing as true Love?

                      As a whole, true love is dead in America, and around the world.  Jesus Christ even told us that the love of the greater number will cool off.  Yes!  Jesus' words have come true.  Only a great minority are practicing true love and all aspects of it, and benefiting from blessings of following Bible principles.  However, the flip side of the issue is that the rest of the world is doing things all wrong, and that is the reason they are in turmoil, separations, and divorces.  No consideration of God's principles at all, just one's own selfish desires.

           Is separation and divorce really the answer?

                     In my experience, yes if one has no choice, especially if one's in-laws, or stepchildren are too involved, and the estranged spouse is in a mental state, unable to reason clearly on anything, not to mention following bible principles, and the whole situation could possibly end up in such a violent situation, that would be much worse than just being separated and devoiced, but also in prison, for murder.  In such extreme cases, one must know when to just let go and move on.  However, if things are not at such an extreme, applying Bible principles does work.  However it takes two people applying Bible principles, not one, but both.

Is there any real good reason for people not in the Marriage, to interfere? 

                  No!  No reason whatsoever, only a minister, or a trained marriage counselor, because people outside of the marriage always have selfish motives, like the love of money, they could have their eyes, on the person's mate themselves, and also, they could not possibly know enough about the situation, to have any objectivity, not to mention incurring God's wrath for ignoring his commands concerning commands about marriage.

    What is the mighty army that conquered the Roman Empire?

                   I know anyone would have to claim know I was being sarcastic with this topic.  For history dictates, though some might claim such a victory over the Roman Empire, the real conqueror was the breakdown of moral fiber.  The family as a whole became virtually non-existent, with multiple alternate forms of relationships.  Sound familiar?  In conclusion, I would like to turn ones attention to Proverbs chapter 1:  Starting with verse 20;  True wisdom+

 cries aloud in the street.+

It keeps raising its voice in the public squares.+

21 At the corner* of the busy streets it calls out.

At the entrances of the city gates it says:+

22 “How long will you inexperienced ones love inexperience?

How long will you ridiculers take pleasure in ridicule?

And how long will you foolish ones hate knowledge?+

23 Respond to my reproof.*+

Then I will pour out my spirit for you;

I will make my words known to you.+

24 Because I called out, but you kept refusing,

I stretched out my hand, but no one was paying attention,+

25 You kept neglecting all my advice

And rejecting my reproof,

26 I also will laugh when disaster strikes you;

I will mock when what you dread comes,+

27 When what you dread comes like a storm,

And your disaster arrives like a storm wind,

When distress and trouble come upon you.

28 At that time they will keep calling me, but I will not answer;

They will eagerly look for me, but they will not find me,+

29 Because they hated knowledge,+

And they did not choose to fear Jehovah.+

30 They refused my advice;

They disrespected all my reproof.

31 So they will bear the consequences* of their way,+

And they will be glutted with their own counsel.*

32 For the waywardness of the inexperienced will kill them,

And the complacency of fools will destroy them.

33 But the one listening to me will dwell in security

And be undisturbed by the dread of calamity.”+


Von Bro!

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