Monday, January 1, 2018


Back at headquarters.  Doctor Calmer gets a wonderful surprise.  His lovely daughter Julie, home from work overseas.

Julie: “Daddy!”

Dr. Calmer: “It is wonderful to see you, my beautiful child, but I wish you would have informed me that you were on the way.”  “The case we are working on is very dangerous and the scum we are up against is make it personal and he is targeting my family, because of the help I am giving the FBI.”  “However, I’m still glad you’re here, I have missed you so much”
Julie: “How can I help?”
Dr. Calmer: “You know I was just thinking of that.”  “My practice is suffering while I am working with the FBI.”  “Would you like to be Calmer and Calmer again, while you are here?”

Julie: “I’d love to papa!”  “I will open it up tomorrow.”  “Got to go bake home with mom now, eat with her, and then crash, jet-lag.”  “Love papa. Bye.”
Yes, you-guest-it.  Julie was his partner in his practice before she got an offer to work overseas.

At Dr. Calmers office, the doc helps is daughter get settled back into the practice.  Little do they know that they will have some unusual clients this day.

Julie: “Morning Daddy.”  “I am so excited about being home and working with you again.”

Dr. Calmer: “Me too dear, I really missed you.”  “Hey, sweet-heart, why have you not gotten married?”

Julie: “Believe me dad, I tried, and the results was; every time I found mister right, your words you always warned me with: “The only thing worse than being alone, is being with the wrong person.”  “So here we are.”

Dr. Calmer: “Say no more love.” “My babe girl is the best, and you deserve the best.” “I may have to arrange a marriage for you.”

Julie: “I rather be dropped off a cliff.”

They both laugh for a spell, but suddenly a couple appears at the door.  Julie recognizes something odd right away, however not quite able to put her finger on it at first, until the woman started to speak, and then she new it was not a real woman, but a real expensive fem-bot that can walk and talk like a regular lady.  Real state-of-the art.

Julie: “How can we help you to day?”

Fem-bot: I am not the one that needs help.” “It is my master and owner that has a real problem with me.”

Julie: “I am so sorry, but this is a psychologist’s office.  “We do not fix robots.

Fem-bot: “I am the FEM-BOT 2000 model, and I am completely life like and I even have feelings so don’t hurt them by calling me a robot, just talk some sense into my master!”

Julie: “Okay?” Sir, what seems to be the problem?

Man: “Well, I am having a hard time right now, between jobs, and I simply suggested to her that she be nice to some of my friends to make a little cash until I get back on my feet and she went off on me and told me I needed a shrink.”  “And that is why we are here.”

Dr. Calmer: “Stop right there.”  “Sir you need to look at the terms of purchase agreement of the manufacturer.”  “Your bot could not refuse you anything unless it was not stipulate at the time of purchase.”  Also, because you have asked her to do something she was not programed for, she has the right to buy herself back from you at the current book value, and be an emancipated fem-bot.”  “Its all-league and binding.”
Man: “Well shut-my-mouth.”  “Really.” “She could do that and just leave me all alone, just like that?”

Fem-bot: “No silly, I do not wish to leave you.”  “I simply do not want to be a prostitute.”  If I did not have enough money saved up, that would mean that you would have to have me reprogramed.”  “What I have become would be wiped clean and I would not be the same.”

Man: “Thanks doc, I will take my bot home.” “We have a lot to talk about.”

As they leave, Julie can hardly hold in her laugh, hoping they would hurry and go so she can break down and cry laughing.  They both get a good laugh out of it.

Dr. Calmer: “As a Dr. of psychology, I warned people of problems of creating those things.”  “I wonder if they realize that they have just taken porn out of the magazine, and the videos, and brought the fantasy it into reality.  “The cure is worse than the disease!”


Von Bro’