Wednesday, February 28, 2024



1. Everlasting life would be so boring!

2. Why everlasting, when life is full of so much trouble?

3. If people never died, wouldn't the earth get overpopulated?

4. Everlasting life is not what everyone would expect!

                     Everlasting life would be so boring!

               It's quite reasonable to think, that not an astute bible reader made this statement, for the first time.  Everlasting life is one of the core teachings of the bible.  Also, it is the reason Jesus gave his life on behalf of all mankind, to pay the price to buy mankind back from sin and death after we had been sold there by Adam and Eve. 1 Corinthians 15:45; states; So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living person.”+ The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.+ Everlasting life will be far from boring, life in the peaceful new world that God has in store for obedient mankind will packed with so much variety, throughout all eternity, one will never find out all the things that Jehovah has made.  Ecclesiastes 3:11

       Why everlasting, when life is full of so much trouble?

                This is another statement, that lets one know that either this person is not a bible reader, or they missed the point altogether.  It's really inexcusable, ones that read God's word.  The stories of the bible are packed with energy, God's energy! “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see.  26 

Lift up your eyes to heaven and see.

Who has created these things?+

It is the One who brings out their army by number;

He calls them all by name.+

Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power,+

Not one of them is missing Isa, (40:26)

All through the scriptures God's power is evident, and also his love. wisdom, and Justice too. so why would a God of justice give us everlasting life without making the necessary adjustments to the earth, so that the survivors will have abundant peace.

But the meek will possess the earth,+

And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace (Pss. 29:11; 37:1

 If people never died, wouldn't the earth get overpopulated?

   Unthinkable! Then God said: “Let us+

 make man in our image,+ according to our likeness,+ and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth.”+ 27 And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.+ 28 Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth+ and subdue it,+ and have in subjection+ the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.”  Notice he specifically said to fill the earth, not overpopulate it.  Also, Jehovah is the giver of life, he knows the capacity of the earth and how many people it can hold around 95 billion people, and if he needed he could turn off childbearing just like turning off a light switch.  Nothing is impossible for our majestic Creator.  We don't know how, we would have to wait and see how He will keep the earth from being overrun with people.

     Everlasting life is not what everyone would expect!

               Obviously, everlasting life is not going to be what we expect, for none of us have ever lived forever.  However, the bible gives us some clues.  One example is King Solomon's reign.  Jehovah was the true wisdom behind Solomons's leadership and this will also be true when the kingdom of the heavens takes over the earth when everlasting life is finally realized.  "For Jehovah is our Judge,+

Jehovah is our Lawgiver,+

Jehovah is our King;+

He is the One who will save us" (Isa. 33:22)  

                                     In Conclusion
              There is no way anyone can predict, but God Almighty himself, and of course his Son Jesus Christ.  They have complete control of the future.  Soon the earth will be as Jehovah intended for it to be. and death will be no more. He will swallow up* death forever,+

And the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces.+

The reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth,

For Jehovah himself has spoken it. (Isa. 25:8)

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Amen!

Von Bro'

Thursday, February 22, 2024

UNIQUE TREASURES IN EARTHENWARE VESSELS (Sub-title; God's Faithful Messengers)

                               A SPIRITUAL BRIEF

             God's word refers to the advance spiritual knowledge, of his faithful servants, as the treasure in earthenware vessels.  This is about the clay cylinders that copies of scrolls were stored in to preserve God's Word, down through the ages. In human vessels, God's word is preserved uniquely.  Their many years of studying His word, and sharing in the Global Preaching work, give them advanced knowledge and insight, into the whole scope of truth. Psalm 12:6; "The sayings of Jehovah are pure;+

They are like silver refined in an earthen furnace,*

 purified seven times." As they advance more and more in the years, his word is clarified to them that much more.  2 Corinthians 4;6-10 states; "For God is the one who said: “Let the light shine out of darkness,”+

 and he has shone on our hearts to illuminate them with the glorious knowledge of God by the face of Christ.+

However, we have this treasure+ in earthen vessels,+ so that the power beyond what is normal may be God’s and not from us.+ We are hard-pressed in every way,+ but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out;*+ we are persecuted, but not abandoned;+ we are knocked down, but not destroyed.+ 10 Always we endure in our body the death-dealing treatment that Jesus suffered,+

 that the life of Jesus may also be made manifest in our body"

Von Bro'

Tuesday, February 20, 2024




       Basically, it's a lack of faith!  However, millions today have very strong faith in the hope of everlasting life.  Why so?  Let's define faith first!  This is important!: Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for,+
 the evident demonstration* of realities that are not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)  To illustrate this; as long as we know that we have paid our light bill, and we have a working bulb in the light fixture, we know when we click the switch, the light is going to come on.  Likewise, we can't see the electrons, but we know they are there because the light glows.  Ones have made all kinds of arguments on why they don't
 believe, but when it comes down to the facts, it is always that one has not fully tasted that the lord is kind!  Notice what 1 Peter 2:1-3 states:  "So rid yourselves of all badness+
 and deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all backbiting. As newborn infants,+ form a longing for the unadulterated* milk of the word, so that using it you may grow to salvation,+ provided you have tasted*
 that the Lord is kind." We have all heard the amazing stories of God's Power of parting the Red Sea, and the story of Shadrack, Mashack, and Dbendego, but one story stands out above all: The resurrection of Lazarus:  At John 11:43,44

 43 When he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: “Lazʹa·rus, come out!”+ 44 The man who had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them: “Free him and let him go.”  However, in Luke's account, being that he was a Physician, noticed that his flesh was like a baby's flesh, truly an awesome display of power in all accounts.  Surely a God that can do this can easily give his servants everlasting life


                The devil is behind this reasoning.  This is similar to some of the words of Job's false comforters. Romans 6:23 lets us know, that everlasting life is a free gift from God 23 For the wages sin pays is death,+ but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.+     So how can anyone not be good enough, because Christ died for all.  Provided that one takes advantage of the hope provided by the value of his death. 

                     THE MATRIX OF TRUE LOVE?

               In Genesis, we find that in the beginning with the first human pair.  That is when true love began.  Everlasting life was God's purpose then, and it has always been his purpose.  He can't abandon his original purpose.(Gen 2:23, 24)  One day soon, in the future, the earth will be filled with healthy, righteous obedient mankind. (Rev. 7:9,10) States: After this, I saw, and look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*
+ standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ 10 And they keep shouting with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne,+ and to the Lamb.”+  All who heed God's warnings and learn to obey his will will be there, and soon after this event, the dead will rise to join them.

Von Bro'

Sunday, February 18, 2024

BAPTIZED INTO JESUS'S DEATH PART 3 (Sub-title; The figurative Death)

                               DEATH TO WHAT?

1. Death to our fear of being persecuted for doing what is right.
2. Death to our concerns of any financial loss that might result.
3. Death to any feelings that we will retaliate.
4. Death to fears of any kind of death whatsoever!

                          Fear of being persecuted

                        How does one die from the fear of being persecuted?  Followers of Christ all know well that Jesus endured much suffering, but fact that God, and suffering for us is promised to be momentary and light.  Also, it is said that we will not be tempted beyond what we can bear, and along with the temptation, he will always provide a way out. When one sees it, take it and run for your life. 1Corinthians 10:13

                     Any financial loss that might result

                       Why is this important?  Obviously, as this system comes to an end, our concerns about financial loss must diminish.  Concerns for silver and gold are of very little benefit.  Also, the love of money could move us to fight against our persecutors and can result in us being stabbed all over with much pain. 1 Timothy 6:6-19  

                  Feelings that we will retaliate

                      No doubt we all are concerned about this.  No one likes being pushed around for any reason, and if one comes from a lifestyle where they used to have to be aggressive before they learned the truth, there will be a tendency to want to fight back. 2 Tim. 2:24-26 states; For a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all,+ qualified to teach, showing restraint when wronged,+ 25 instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed.+ Perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth,+ 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they have been caught alive by him to do his will.

                    Fears of any kind of death

                       As we grow as true Christians the fear of any kind of death means nothing to us, because of the power of the resurrection hope.  Also, some deaths, should not be feared anyway, because it is the deaths of bad things that belonged to our old personality, which is forever being transformed into the new person we want to become, in God's new world. 1 Cor. 6:11   

                                    In Conclusion

                 We must die to all badness regardless of the situation.  As this system ends, don't underestimate how things might develop.  The pandemic has affected this world in various ways, and they will advance from bad to worse. So don't be surprised if some of your closest friends give in to the love of money.  This time is going to test us all to the limit. We are living in critical times, hard to deal with.  2 Tim. 3:1-5 states; But know this, that in the last days+
 critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power;+ and from these turn away

Von Bro

Friday, February 9, 2024

SHORT STORIES AND POEMS, PRESENTS The sweetest Bones of my Bones(Sub-title; My true Love)



                 The personification of the capable wife, the sweetest bones of my bones,  like the whitest dove flying down from the heavens, and into my life.  The purest water source, my true love.

                   The sweetest bones of my bones, our hearts beat together, in musical tones.

                  Although my single freshwater source, from which I will drink freely every day.

                   The sweetest bones of my bones, our hearts beat together, in musical tones.

                   Although we will drink our fill of love every day, each day it will never go away

                   Each day we will jump for joy, and skip about because, for all eternity, our love will never run out.

                    The personification of the capable wife, the sweetest bones of my bones, I could not love her more, If Jah gave me a rib bone, and the power to act, I would create another one, just like her, and that is a matter of fact.

                       The sweetest bones of my bones, our hearts beat together, in musical tones.

                  Although my single freshwater source, from which I will drink freely every day.

                   The sweetest bones of my bones, our hearts beat together, in musical tones.

                   Although we will drink our fill of love every day, each day it will never go away

                   Each day we will jump for joy, and skip about because, for all eternity, our love will never run out.

                    The sweetest bones of my bones, forever symbionts of true love, forever true.  The sweetest fragrance of love from heaven's garden, the best fruit of the woo.

VON BRO'     

Wednesday, February 7, 2024


                           WHAT IS THE TAKEAWAY?

                  What is the takeaway on this subject? 1. figurative torcher-stake, and 2. figurative Death.  However what will one torcher be, and what kind of death? This is strictly up to the individual.  Your case obviously is going to be different from the next one. I can only relate to the feeling I went through.  Not going to lie to you, and tell you that you are not going to want to do some kind of violent act to stop the inevitability of what is about to transpire. Just remember this: "YELLED PLACE TOTHE WRATH, VENGENCE IS MINE I SHELL REPAY, SAYS JEHOVAH!"  Then things will work out to your everlasting benefit.

                        MY FIRST THOUGHTS

                    The temptation to do violence to stop what I could clearly see was coming was almost unbearable. I just knew I was not going to make it through this situation, without doing a homicide. However as I said before, I paused for a time and meditated on the issues at hand, and finally, in my mind's eye, I found myself in the possible future in a maximum security prison for the criminally insane, arguing with Denzel Washington, because he did not want to play me in the Criminal Minds Episode Mini Series of my life as a cereal killer. because it would hurt his career to be stereotyped by portraying someone so insane.  That was the clencher for me.  It's just not worth it, being a cereal killer if you can't get Denzel to play you in the Criminal Minds Episode Mini Series of one's life as a cereal killer.   (Yes! I still got jokes!) I just sent emails and let things fall as they may.



                  ""The end of a matter is better than its beginning So I was in a race to get to the end of the matter, without becoming a murderer.  It was not easy.  They were so single-minded about proving their lies about me, and had reason to believe, they turned some of my closest friends into some of their flying monkeys, by offering them a bribe.  The whole situation makes me appreciate how Jesus endured his torture because he had more than 12 legions of angels at his command that he could have called on to rescue him from that hour, but he did not.


             Eccl; 12: 13. 14 states:  "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God+ and keep his commandments,+ for this is the whole obligation of man.+ 14 For the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.+"

Von Bro" 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

BAPTIZED INTO JESUS'S DEATH(sub-title "Is it only for the ones , that will rule in heaven, with Jesus?")


                   BAPTIZED INTO JESUS'S DEATH

           One might say!  "You are joking with me, we are not going to have to experience any such a thing?" "We are not going to be nailed to a torcher stake and people will be spreading all kinds of lies about me!" "I will not have to be able to take that?"  A reasonable response.  However, would that response be practical and true?  All things being equal, I would be in agreement, but if I had not witnessed it myself, or rather experienced it for myself, I would have not believed it either.

                             THINGS ARE NOT EQUAL

              Things are not equal because we, like Jesus, stand up for what is right. Other people that don't share our beliefs, will band together against us to accomplish a given goal, which would require us being put out of their way.  My torcher-stake, caused me my marriage.  Now one might, be saying If you have been put on a stake, why are you not dead, and who is typing on this blog?  Good question, and yes it is not a literal torcher stake I am referring to, but a figurative                                 


               If we truly are one of Jesus's followers, we are going to experience injustices from unbelievers and even so-called family members, especially if money is involved, and people believe that the love of money is wrong, but to some, only unless it is not a boat load of money we are talking about.  Regardless of the matter, it is very unpleasant and very painful.

                        SCRIPTURAL REFERENCE

                         Luke 12:49-53 states:  “I came to start a fire on the earth, and what more is there for me to wish if it has already been lit? 50 

Indeed, I have a baptism+ with which to be baptized, and how I am distressed until it is finished!+ 51 Do you think I came to give peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.+ 52 For from now on there will be five in one house divided, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”+  To get the full gist of this reference, one needs to read the entire chapter of Luke chapter 12, to keep it in context.  There is a big picture involved.

                     BIG PICTURE IN A NUTSHELL

                     I will say this, the big picture in a nutshell, is that some people are on Satan's side on purpose, or by default. If we are truly on God's side.  When it happens to you, you are not going to like it. When it happened to me, I did not want to stand for it.  My thought:  "I will come down off of this stake, take these nails out of my hands and feet, and put both of my bloody feet up someone's behind!!"  However, I paused for a time. and meditated on the issue, but I didn't understand until I watched the movie about Jesus being put to death, from the time from the crown of thorns to the nailing on the stake, my face was streaming with tears, and it would not stop.  Then I reflected on everything I had gone through.  His final words still ring in my ears: "IT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED!" Word!

                                IN CONCLUSION

                  The dividing line is clear, between the sheep, and the goats: Malachi 3:16-18 states: At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance was written before him+

 for those fearing Jehovah and for those meditating on* his name.+

17 “And they will be mine,”+ says Jehovah of armies, “in the day when I produce a special property.*+ I will show them compassion, just as a man shows compassion to his son who serves him.+ 18 And you will again see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person,+ between one serving God and one not serving him.”

Von Bro'