Sunday, October 28, 2018

How the Love of Money, affects ones addiction to Porn

       This is a curious question indeed.  However, if one just thinks about that phrase a bit, the answer to how the love of money affects ones addiction to porn, is obvious.  Yes!  You guest it!  Porn is a major part of the income made in the entertainment biz across the globe.  In other words, there are ones adding fuel to peoples addiction to porn, to the tunes of billions of dollars per year.
       Prostitution is called the oldest profession, but in a way porn is one of the oldest forms of entertainment.  Ancient Rome had theaters that featured all sorts of plays which is considered to be reminiscent of porn.  Also the worship of Baals recorded in the inspired word, with its sexual rites are the forbears of orgies and exotic dances.  Notice clear evidence to this truth: (1 Timothy 6 9, 10)

9 But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare+ and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge men into destruction and ruin.+ 10 For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.+
   Even in the work place, ones are affected.  How many times has ones did  things with there subordinates in order to keep ones job, or was asked to do so before they quit.  Ones addition to porn or the love of money was defiantly a factor in those events.  If one can break free and draw close to God, one can be protected.  (James 4:7,8) Therefore, subject yourselves to God;+
 but oppose the Devil,+ and he will flee from you.+ Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.  (Word)


Thursday, October 18, 2018

True Masculinity part 2

           On can debate in their mind about weather to mess with perfection.  Part 2 of the post has went almost unnoticed.  So this is a candid follow up.  One has to realize that such a subject as true masculinity can be of a shock to some people if they were not aware that the reality of it had eluded them.
            However, the real reason of the follow up is to assure the ones that rely on men to be men, so to speak, or to always sink and give in their lowest impulses to not to worry.  There will still be many men in the strip clubs making it rain for you so do not despair.  

            Only a mature man, and past the bloom-of-youth, can grasp and embrace such a concept as true masculinity.  However, even for us old heads, it is not easy, one has to still work at it, by reading God's word daily and like Job, renew our covenant with our eye from time to time.  In conclusion, to reflect on the words of Jesus:  If your eye is making you stumble, tear it out.  It is not to be taken so literally.  One most learn to look at women in a different way.  Word!!

Von Bro'