Thursday, June 20, 2019

Children of light vs Children of darkness:

     The children of light and the children of darkness are but one. Because we are all born in sin so to speak, we all have a certain level of darkness in us. The difference is that the children of the light, run to the light to get help. 

   However, the children of darkness love the darkness so they are more drawn to it than the light because of being afraid of being found out. One flaw in that reasoning. The light will always overpower the darkness. 

    However, the darkness can only overpower the light in the individual, if one lets it. That is the key. Will one fight the darkness to hold on to the light and reach purity, one day. Word! 

 Von Bro'

Sunday, June 9, 2019


BREAK FREE FROM PORN ADDICTION: The Meaning of Life?: This post may not be what one might expect.  ?????      One might reason that: I know what the meaning of life is!  The meaning of life...

The Meaning of Life?

This post may not be what one might expect. ????? One might reason that: I know what the meaning of life is!
The meaning of life is that it ends! We live and then we die. To ones that are walking around in
the darkness, that can be or at least seem true. However,
to keep in context with the purpose of this blog, to help one's
psychologically to break free from their addiction to porn, light
most shine forth. Children of darkness love and run and even
will break their proverbial necks to run to the darkness to flee
from the light. Those that choose that path, yes life will end. THE MEANING OF LIFE The truth is that the meaning of life is life. THE REAL
LIFE so to speak. What is that real life? It is the real life, the everlasting life that our Lord Jesus spoke
of when he walked the earth. So much light has been shined
on this that almost everyone knows how to get it, but very
few are brave enough to reach out for it. Ones feel like it is
so far out of one's reach and the devil makes things so hard
so why even try, we cannot win! THE SOLUTION Don't let the devil fool us. He wants us to believe that we cannot win, but it is a deception. Why does the devil bring so much opposition to us when we start taking bible reading more serious?
The answer is: He does not want us to figure out how to resist
him and to steer clear of all of his traps he has carefully laid
for us. If we read God's word daily and after we finish it start
over and keep doing it year after year, soon we will be like
Jesus and say. "The ruler of this world is coming, and he
has no hold on me". Word!


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Last time on: …HEADSHRINKER!

CLUB OWNER: "You remembered me!"  "I'm so touched, however, I am a little disappointed in you, never thought would be so deceptive."  "It was not nice to hide your wife and kid from me."  "Does not matter,' for they can run, but they cannot hide," "Sooner or later, I will find them and capture them I will have you by the balls and I will squeeze the life out of them."
Just as he said that the doctor's suit came back online.
DOCTOR CALMER: "You know something tough-guy?"
DOCTOR CALMER: "Your talk too much!" "The doctor said as he fired an electrical pulse from his risk bands, knocking him up against a wall and unconscious. 
FBI AGENT 1: "You okay doc.'  'I saw you go down."
DOCTOR CALMER: "I'm okay.' 'Suit was off-line for a moment, but I am good now, and I have a prisoner."
FBI AGENT 1: "Good." "A. I. Bots wrapped things up fast." We have 30 prisoners." "No Wounded."  "Meet you back at base."


As the agents regroup back at headquarters, they assemble in a video room to watch a movie recorded of the A. I. bots in action.  30 clones had taken hostages in the mall and were threatening to kill them all.  One of the bots decided to use something he saw in a movie. Programing the micro-nano-bots to build themselves into a Thor hammer, he said:
Bot 1: “I am the mighty Thor!” and threw the hammer a took out all the clones in a matter of seconds.

Doctor Calmer: “It is a new day!”
Agent 1: “Amazing!”
All the officers: “Our job has just been made easier.”  “All we have to do now is just come in with cuffs and clean up the aftermath, and take them away.”
Back at the prison:
As doctor Calmer interrogates the club owner, he is very focused on his purpose and direct:
 Club owner: “Well good doctor, you seem to have got the drop on me again, short-lived as it may be.”
Doctor Calmer: “Well tough guy, the other prison was ill-equipped to deal with the likes of you.”  “Make no mistake. They are prepared for whatever.”
Club owner: “Maybe so, but how are your wife and your cute little girl?”
Doctor Calmer: “You need to know that it will be a big mistake to challenge me on that.”
Club owner: “Well it is just a matter of time, and I will find them, and you will never get them back.”
Doctor Calmer: “Try it! Just try it!”  “I beg you to try it!”
Back at Headquarters.
Doctor Calmer: “This club owner is hell-bent on getting to my family.”
Agent 1: “You don’t seem to be worried about it, so what is it?”
Doctor Calmer: “I don’t know; I have an eerie feeling his up to something so I have taken some precautions.”