George: "In reference to the billions of dollars in question, that is connected to the underworld; be it drugs, guns, sex trafficking, human trafficking, pornography, child pornography, black market babies, and no doubt money laundering, is closely following!"
Susie: "Wow, you really go into a deep meditation, don't you?"
George: "A bit!" "Enough for now, let's go to bed." "We have much planning before we get started on this case." "We first need to find out how this cheating husband is connected to the underworld and go from there."
Susie: "Agreed!" Susie helps him up the stairs, as usual,, and helps him to bed, and just makes it to her bed before she gets too low on power. After fully charged, a new memory file is accessed; "Detective Training." Then she begins to dream!
As she dreams, she pays close attention to the stories of Sherlock Holmes, and other great detective stories dealing with deductive reasoning. finally, morning came and they were at the breakfast table:
George: "Moring my child, and how was your detective training?"
Susie: "Very educational, and interesting!" "Why the fascination with detective stories?" "There seems to be more devotion to fiction writing than to non-fiction!?"
George: "True!" "However, isn't it obvious, that after the rebellion in the Garden of Eden, Justice has eluded us so that it has always permeated our thoughts and our dreams to the point many stories have been written about it, down to this day!"
Susie: "I agree!" "It was unavoidable!
George: "Let's begin!" "What did you deduce about the case of the cheating husband?" "How did you surmise his connection to the underworld?"
Susie: "It was obvious because each time, he had encounters with 7 different women at the same time." "Soon afterward, those same women were not in the country for a while, then suddenly after nine months they were back." "Also, pryer to their return, 7 direct deposits of $10,000 showed up in his bank account, just like clockwork." "It's clear, he is the sperm donor, and the women, are the hosts of the black-market babies!"
George: "Elementry Watson!"
Susie: "Right!" "Hey!" "Why do I have to be Watson?" "You think maybe we can take turns, and sometimes I can be Sherlock, and you be Watson sometimes?"
George: "For what purpose?" "You have no ego to bruise!" "Why would you make such a request?"
Susie: "I agree, I am being a bit petty ain't I?" "I must be picking up bad attitudes from my boyfriend's fishing buddies, I guess!"
George: "Is that so, or are you just making an excuse for your actions?"
Susie: "I had not thought of it like that!" "Perhaps it means I'm becoming more human?"
George: "Perhaps, but we will hash this out later." "Let's finish the job for now." "Good job with the deductive reasoning, but what is the connection with the Notzi's?"
Susie: "Right now, I don't seem to have a clue!" "Perhaps your counterpart was just pulling your leg?"
George: "It's possible, but let's set up some surveillance around his favorite love-nest to see what turns up!"
Susie: "Right boss!"
George: "You did realize you called him your boyfriend?" "Has your relationship progressed?"
Susie: "Not the way you would think, but I'm not complaining, I'm making money!"
"I get 50% from all of his friends and I have saved up over
2000 dollars so far!"
"Sounds good Susie!"
they set up the equipment and deployed the smart listening devices, then the Nazis
showed up!
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