Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Short Stories and Poems, Presents: "TIME TRAVEL THEORY Part 2" (SUB-TITLE;" My true theories of Time-Travel"

 More on the man in the hyperbole 

          I asked him; "How did you finally get to keep things together?" He said it was his psychologist! He suggested that he needs to suppress those memories by concluding that it never happened. The past 30 some years was all a bad dream. The doctor convinced him that something happened to him, 30 years ago that put him in a coma, and while unconscious, he dreamed he got married, and gotten 5 steps kids from the it, and 3 of them were off the rails crazy.

          Crazy about money, and into magic, witch craft, and sorcery! However all of it was not true.  It was all a comatose night mare, so he needs to forget about it and move on.  The banana peel murderer, is a mythical thing his comatose mind created, and will never be born!  Still-born!

            Since his therapy, he believes he never got married and while in the coma, he just had a 30 years night mare, and so glad he is awake again n can finally being his real life again, and so glad he had not killed anyone, and so relieved it was all a bad dream!  That's the story he is sticking with! Word!

Von Bro!

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