I don't know how anyone else might feel about things, but I started getting used to the idea of endless life, in a peaceful new world, the first time someone preached the good news to me at age 15, and now I'm 63, and even more used to the idea, so when we get there, no doubt it will not take a very long time at all. Notice how PSALM 37:10,11 states: 10
Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more;+
You will look at where they were,
And they will not be there.+
11 But the meek will possess the earth,+
And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
So in conclusion life in the new world will be nothing short of joyful all the time, and well worth giving up all the the things that weigh us down, so we can not finish the race for life. Word!
At this point, someone might be thinking; "Wait, Wait, Wait, now Dude, this site is about breaking free, from porn addiction, so how does this new direction you going in applies to that, for you lost me, and you, don't seem to be sticking to the theme of this blog!?,"
1. God is opening up his hands and satisfying the desires of every living thing, but how?
2. What work will we do in the new world, and how, and how much will the jobs pay?
3. What about going to heaven and walking on streets of gold, why have I not given any reference to this?
4. What is just so special, about this new world, that living forever, would not get to be so boring?
God is opening up his hands and satisfying the desires of every living thing, but how?
To answer, this bullet point, and the big question above, the Psalm, in reference states; 15
All eyes look hopefully to you;
You give them their food in its season.+
פ [Pe]
צ [Tsade]
ק [Qoph]
18 Jehovah is near to all those calling on him,+
To all who call on him in truth.*+
Just how is Jehovah going to do this in the new world? Well not exactly like one might think, for one's desires, might not be in line with Jehovah's will. So we must interject, that he will satisfy, our proper desires. The world will be filled with a wide variety of food, and we can eat to our satisfaction, day after day.
What work will we do in the new world, and how, and how much will the jobs pay?
Our work will be promising and rewarding to the full, and unlike any jobs we had in this system of things, and we will not wait to get home from work to share our day with our mates, and family, if we choose to have one, and get our rest and relaxation, and wake up the next day, eager to get back to work for another joyous day. As for the pay, well it is said, that money will not exist in the new world, and it sounds fitting, for if you think about it, even now it's merely an illusion. If people just up and stop being so greedy, money would lose its value overnight. In essence, the standard for money is really greed, goods, and services. As if everlasting life was not enough, we will have countless rewards, so enumerable to count, plus work, that satisfies.
What about going to heaven and walking on streets of gold, why have I not given any reference to this?
Well the reason why I have not addressed that issue, is because those who go to heaven are sitting on thrones, and are all with Jesus Christ. It's said that who, these ones are might be revealed to us at one point in time, but really we need to just do everything we can to make it there so we can find out. Lightening ourselves of all things, all addictions, and vices, that weigh us down in the race for life. We are talking about the ones that inherit everlasting life on Earth. The second resurrection. The ones that go to heaven are in the first resurrection: And I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. Yes, I saw the souls*
of those executed* for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God, and those who had not worshipped the wild beast or its image and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand.+ And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ+ for 1,000 years. 5 (The rest of the dead+ did not come to life until the 1,000 years were ended.) This is the first resurrection.+(REV, 20:4-6)
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