Monday, November 27, 2023

A world free from Tears of Pain, but of Joy! (Sub-title; "When Evil is taken Away from the Earth"


            "When Evil is taken Away from the Earth"

                What does it all mean?  Where do we all fit into this plan?  Who will survive this blessed event?

The world is at its darkest hour in world history.  Mankind in general, is morally far removed from the righteous standing intended from our start in the Garden of Eden.  racial, and national barriers are even more complicated by social and gender issues.  How did things get so far removed?  How can such a world, be transformed into the Paradise it should be?

Revelation 20:1-3, states: "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss+

 and a great chain in his hand. He seized the dragon, the original serpent,+ who is the Devil+ and Satan,+ and bound him for 1,000 years. And he hurled him into the abyss+

 and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not mislead the nations anymore until the 1,000 years were ended. After this, he must be released for a little while.+"

            Removing the root cause, of Tears, and Pain!

           Yes! That is Jehovah's game plan, for turning things around, and it will be final!

Revelation 21:3,4 states: 'With that, I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.+

 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes,+ and death will be no more,+ neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.+

 The former things have passed away.” 

           The Former things have Passed Away

          Here is where we come into the picture!  Each and every one of us must take a stand on the right stand of the universal issue.  There are no alternative pathways.  The decision is simple, we either are for the devil, or we are for Jehovah.  No other factions.  This seemingly worsening, but never changing for the-better world, is approaching a grand climax.  Soon, this prophecy will be fulfilled, as stated in Revelation 7:9,10: "After this, I saw, and look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*

+ standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ 10 And they keep shouting with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne,+

 and to the Lamb.”+"

         A Progressive Change is going to start Soon

A series of events are going to take place soon to signal the end of the world as we know it.  Events leading up to it, have already started. Jesus spoke about a great tribulation, which has never happened and never will again.  Jesus' words a Luke 21:25-27 state: "Also, there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars,+ and on the earth anguish of nations not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation. 26 People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.+ 27 And then they will see the Son of man+ coming in a cloud with power and great glory.+"


          In conclusion, this will start the final events of this world on this side of the war called Armageddon.  The events will happen just as Jesus said, one thing after another until it is over.  (Matthew chapter. 24)There will be no time to second guess the decision we have already made up to this point.  We all need to choose sides now before it is too late if we want to be a part of the coming "New World Society".

Von Bro'

Friday, November 24, 2023

Short stories and Poems Presents: THE SECRET EYE!


Nowhere to run, nowhere to run, from the, THE SECRET EYE!


Stop on a dime, and salve a crime, here comes, THE SECRET EYE!


One may lead him on a merry chase, but you find his eyes, are in every place, watching you!


No private I, more in demand, then, THE SECRET EYE!


If you gonna run, run as fast as you can, here comes, THE SECRET EYE!


What in the world did you do that faw!  You can't outrun, the long arm of the Law!


                                               -----watching you!------------


                                           THE SECRET EYE!  




Monday, September 18, 2023

MINDING SPIRIT OVER THE FLESH (Subtitle; Power of the Spirit!)

                   Minding the spirit over minding the flesh!?

Well first, why so important?  Why do I even care, since I mentioned in my last post, that I have provoked the devil to attack and destroy my marriage?  One must make sacrifices to make everlasting life.  Believe me, everlasting life, is more than well worth it, and then some.  I have no sympathy for ones that are in opposition to me, for I well know that it’s because they make money, or work for ones that make bank, ($$$) off all the things associated with the underworld.  The few readers that come to this blog, will hardly hurt their livelihood!

      Why so important, though?  Well, if one that reads from this blog, doesn’t remember anything from this blog, one will do themselves credit, to remember this:  Jehovah’s holy spirit is very powerful.  Ones who mind the spirit and keep themselves on guard by reading and studying his word daily, especially the ones in the full-time services, are getting a for taste, of how the new world will be.  Contrary to popular belief, everlasting life is far from being boring.  Even now, those who engage in full-time service no doubt experience countless numbers of precious moments in time.  Such moments in time where 15 minutes can contain an eternity or blessings of spiritual joy.

        Why do I care so much against such odds?  Having experienced such moments in time, I know how important it is that we resist the fallen flesh.  Fight against it!  A war against it!  Only if we take a firm stand on Jehovah’s side in this way, can God keep us filled with his powerful holy spirit, to experience those precious moments in time, and have great joy as we walk with him through this dark system of things, shedding Devine light on everyone they meet.  Word!

In conclusion: Malachi 3:10 States:  Bring the entire tithe*

 into the storehouse,+ so that there may be food in my house;+ and test me out, please, in this regard,” Jehovah of armies says, “to see whether I will not open to you the floodgates of the heavens+ and pour out* on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking.”



Friday, August 18, 2023


 Romans 8:1-9 states:

8 Therefore, those in union with Christ Jesus have no condemnation.+ For the law of the spirit that gives life in union with Christ Jesus has set you free+ from the law of sin and of death. What the Law was incapable of doing+ because it was weak+ through the flesh, God did by sending his own Son+ in the likeness of sinful flesh+ and concerning sin, condemning sin in the flesh, so that the righteous requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us+ who walk, not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit.+ For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh,+ but those who live according to the spirit, on the things of the spirit.+ For setting the mind on the flesh means death,+ but setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace;+ because setting the mind on the flesh means enmity with God,+ for it is not in subjection to the law of God, nor, in fact, can it be. So those who are in harmony with the flesh cannot please God.

However, you are in harmony, not with the flesh, but with the spirit,+ if God’s spirit truly dwells in you. But if anyone does not have Christ’s spirit, this person does not belong to him. 10 But if Christ is in union with you,+ the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 If, now, the spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the one who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead+ will also make your mortal bodies alive+ through his spirit that resides in you.

  In light of these verses,  one has to face a cold reality!  I started this blog, thinking it was not going to be too difficult to persuade one to break free from porn addiction.  However, I never considered the fact that some might have gone beyond viewing the images to living or participating in pornographic acts.  No doubt, that will make it more difficult to break free, but not impossible!  Sorry, I can't offer any advice in that matter, my addiction never advanced that far, before I found God's word, but with any addiction, one must be willing to try.  Recently, I had to live with a relative with such a lifestyle and he thinks something is wrong with me, for not wanting to take advantage of as many females and enjoy the pleasers of them, in every way.  However, he claims to be a God-fearing man.  In the promotion of true love over lust, I will respectfully wait until I get another wife.  Giving free rain to fleshly desires can lead only to destruction.

   More recently, because of exposing the devil's hand in corrupting people to indulging our selves in the sins of the flesh, Satan incited some of my own relatives to attack and destroy my own marriage, and nearly destroying my faith in God as well, because, in order to stop them from destroying my marriage, I was very tempted to commit murder.  However, through much soul-searching, and prayer, decided to just send emails to try to reason with them, to no avail.  It's a no-brainer that I'm better off alone than locked up in jail for murder, 3 counts thereof!

   One that is granted everlasting life, wakes up one day in a peaceful new world, where such injustices will never exist anymore.  True love will cover the earth.  No one will be using one's body in the wrong way.  God's command to be fruitful and become many, and fill the earth will be on its way to its proper fulfillment, but only with righteous humans.  In conclusion:  Genesis 1:27, 28 states:

 27 And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.+ 28 Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth+ and subdue it,+ and have in subjection+ the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.”


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Last time on: Short Stories and Poems Presents! A NEW FANTASY LOVE STORY. (Sub-title: New P. I. Case)

 George:  "In reference to the billions of dollars in question, that is connected to the underworld; be it drugs, guns, sex trafficking, human trafficking, pornography, child pornography, black market babies, and no doubt money laundering, is closely following!"

Susie:  "Wow, you really go into a deep meditation, don't you?"

George:  "A bit!"  "Enough for now, let's go to bed."  "We have much planning before we get started on this case."  "We first need to find out how this cheating husband is connected to the underworld and go from there."

Susie:  "Agreed!"  Susie helps him up the stairs, as usual,, and helps him to bed, and just makes it to her bed before she gets too low on power.  After fully charged, a new memory file is accessed;  "Detective Training."  Then she begins to dream!


As she dreams, she pays close attention to the stories of Sherlock Holmes, and other great detective stories dealing with deductive reasoning.  finally, morning came and they were at the breakfast table:

George:  "Moring my child, and how was your detective training?"

Susie:  "Very educational, and interesting!"  "Why the fascination with detective stories?" "There seems to be more devotion to fiction writing than to non-fiction!?"

George: "True!"  "However, isn't it obvious, that after the rebellion in the Garden of Eden, Justice has eluded us so that it has always permeated our thoughts and our dreams to the point many stories have been written about it, down to this day!"

Susie:  "I agree!"  "It was unavoidable!

George:  "Let's begin!"  "What did you deduce about the case of the cheating husband?"  "How did you surmise his connection to the underworld?"

Susie:  "It was obvious because each time, he had encounters with 7 different women at the same time."  "Soon afterward, those same women were not in the country for a while, then suddenly after nine months they were back."  "Also, pryer to their return, 7 direct deposits of  $10,000 showed up in his bank account, just like clockwork."  "It's clear, he is the sperm donor, and the women, are the hosts of the black-market babies!"

George:  "Elementry Watson!"

Susie:  "Right!"  "Hey!" "Why do I have to be Watson?"  "You think maybe we can take turns, and sometimes I can be Sherlock, and you be Watson sometimes?"

George:  "For what purpose?" "You have no ego to bruise!"  "Why would you make such a request?"

Susie:  "I agree, I am being a bit petty ain't I?"  "I must be picking up bad attitudes from my boyfriend's fishing buddies, I guess!"

George:  "Is that so, or are you just making an excuse for your actions?"

Susie:  "I had not thought of it like that!"  "Perhaps it means I'm becoming more human?"

George:  "Perhaps, but we will hash this out later."  "Let's finish the job for now."  "Good job with the deductive reasoning, but what is the connection with the Notzi's?"

Susie:  "Right now, I don't seem to have a clue!"  "Perhaps your counterpart was just pulling your leg?"

George:  "It's possible, but let's set up some surveillance around his favorite love-nest to see what turns up!"

Susie:  "Right boss!"

George:  "You did realize you called him your boyfriend?"  "Has your relationship progressed?"

Susie:  "Not the way you would think, but I'm not complaining, I'm making money!" 

 "I get 50% from all of his friends and I have saved up over 2000 dollars so far!"

George:  "Sounds good Susie!"

As they set up the equipment and deployed the smart listening devices, then the Nazis 

showed up!


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Last time on: Short Stories and Poems Presents! A NEW FANTASY LOVE STORY. (Sub-title: New P. I. Case)

 George:  "I feel you on that, but duty calls we got to go."  As George and Susie drive home, they talk as usual.

George:  "How was your last date?"

Susie:  "It was a blast, until some, or all of his fishing buddies he brought along, could not stop touching my butt, but it got better, when some of them, about 5 of the thought they were going to run a train on me!"  

George:  "Don't tell me, they all ended up in the water with the fish!?"

Susie:  "You Don't Know!?"  "You bet after I bruised them up a bit!" "Those Kung Fu chips make me a bad mother, shut my mouth!"  She said as they began to laugh until they cried until they pulled into the driveway.


By the time they pulled into the driveway.  Suddenly, a flash of light almost blinded them, and the image of the head of George, from the past, appeared in front of the garage door.  Then George said:

George:  "Not you again!?"

Susie:  "There goes the neighborhood again!"

Counterpart:  "Yes, the splinter is back!"

George:  "Why are you doing this?"  "State your business!?"

Counterpart:  "Believe it or not I have both our best interests in mind."

Susie:  "I will bet!"

George:  "Quiet Susie, let's hear him out!?"

Counterpart:  "Thanks, and I am so touched!"  "My business is Quite simple!"  "The P. I. Case, you are about to work on has some unexpected elements attached to it, and the one behind the organization in control, makes billions a year, off of the cluster of cash cows in question."  "So watch your caboose?" "Trust me, I have learned my lesson about trying to do away with those people."  "I am the aggressive side of you, and sometimes you are going to continue to receive warnings from me, like an added extension to your conscious."

George:  "Well, that is one exceptional report!"  "Anything else?"

Counterpart:  "No!, except, Hail Hitler!"  "he, he, he!"

George:  "Not funny!"

Counterpart:  "Not meant to be!"  "I'm out your hair, but I'm sure you have not seen the last of them."  "That's all I got, got to go!"  Then the signal faded and he vanished as the time-gravity-well closed.

Susie:  "Do we trust him?"

George:  "Not certain!?"  "However his reasoning is sound, for there were some things about the case that was nagging my conscious."  "As master Yoda would say: Meditate on this, I will!"  "Let's go inside and eat some more fish, I'm a bit hungry!"

Susie:  "He, he!"  "Yes!"  As they went into the house and got everything ready.  They sat down to eat and talk as usual.

Susie:  "Some painful memory files have opened with, references to betrayal, things incidental to youth!"

George:  "Yes, my wife reviled some confidential talk, obviously to her kids, about a weakness of mine."  "Instead of just doing her job at home, she complained to them about it."  "Instead of just protecting me from anything that might cause me some problems, they made sure someone would cause me a problem."

Susie:  "DeDreamer!"  "Right!"

George:  "Yes, but let's change the subject"  "Have too many bad memories behind this!"  

Susie:  "Okay."  "what has your meditation turned up about your new P. I. case?"

George:  "In reference to the billions of dollars in question, that is connected to the underworld; be it drugs, guns, sex trafficking, human trafficking, pornogrophy, child pornogrophy, black market babies, and no doubt money laundering, is closely following!"

Susie:  "Wow, you really go into a deep meditation, don't you?"

George:  "A bit!"  "Enough for now, let's go to bed."  "We have much planning before we get started on this case."  "We first need to find out how this cheating husband is connected to the underworld and go from there."

Susie:  "Agreed!"  Susie helps him up the stairs, as usual,, and helps him to bed, and just makes it to her bed before she gets too low on power.  After fully charged, a new memory file is accessed;  "Detective Training."  Then she begins to dream!


Von Bro'

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Last time on: Short Stories and Poems Presents! A NEW FANTASY LOVE STORY. (Sub-title: Victoria's wedding)

 George:  "I'm not mad, I'm very proud of you!"  "My little girl is growing up."

Susie:  "You expected this?"

George:  "Of course, I did design you, don't you remember what I said to you on your birthday."  "Know way you could ever disappoint me."

Susie:  "Yes, I do!''  "That is it, all the fish are clean, and that reminds me he wants us to go fishing on our date, test out my fish finder thingie."  "What's with you men and being a bass master?"  "Is it some kinda macho thing!"

George:  "You better believe it, Susie!"  "Put these away, and I'm going to prep and deep-fry the rest."

Susie:  "Ok papa!"


George:  "Ok, dear let's sit down and eat!?"

Susie:  "Wow!"  "How did you know that I would want to try some of this fish?"

George:  "It was obvious by your facial expressions, and mannerisms, that your appetite for fish, has been awakened."  "Even while we were cleaning the fish, I could tell you would be wanting some."  "It is also a high source of energy for your matter-energy converters, which transfers organic matter into battery power for your power cells."

Susie:  "Oh, so that is why my sensors are going crazy!"

George:  "Yes dear, let's dig in and clean up and get to bed."  "We have a big day tomorrow."

Susie:  "Yes, Victoria's wedding!"  "Mmmmm!"  She said as she bit into the fish, and George noticed the look of ecstasy on her face and was so pleased that her programs were working so fine, and said:

George:  "Excellent!" "Your programs are working good."  "You should feel your power cells charging immediately." "It's a fail-safe, for when you might be stranded somewhere where you can't recharge your power cells normally."

Susie:  "Mmmm!"  "Is it supposed to taste so good, be so stimulating?"

George:  "Yes, dear!"  "You are programmed to mimic human behavior almost perfectly"

Susie:  "Outstanding!"  "Does that mean that something else is going to be just as exciting? " 

George:  "You better believe it, Susie!"

Susie:  "Will you please try it with me tonight, I can't wait for my date to get interested?"

George:  "No dear, you know what I told you."  "When I start a new relationship, it will be with a real woman!"

Susie:  "Awh!"  "Just a little bit!?"  She said, with a silly grin.      

George:  "Susie, stop, you know we have developed a father-daughter relationship already, and plus, I have something much more special planned for your sexuality."  "However, I would like for you to continue to date as you please, for now."

Susie:  "Right papa."  "I calculate that one more piece of fish will get me to full battery power."

George:  "No, just use what power you have to finish your work for today, then let your bed finish charging you to full capacity."

Susie:  "Okay papa!"  As Susie works, she notices a new program has come available; "DREAMS OF INTIMACY", so she was anxious to lie down and see what dreams may come.  Finally, she finished and lay down and when she reached full capacity, she began to dream of her and the man she was dating, and it was so wonderful that she woke up singing and George woke up noticed her voice ringing through the house, and smiled thinking about how good her singing programs had developed.  Later at the wedding:

Justice of the Peace:  "I now pronounce you, man and wife!"  "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Hauns Donovan!"

George:  "Congratulations you two!"

Hauns:  "Thanks, and thank you for standing in for my best man at the last minute, you were Johnny-on-the-spot!"

George:  "Was a privilege!"

Victoria:  "Yes Thanks George, that was so sweet of you at such short notice!"

George: "Don't mention it, I really love you two as a couple."  "Well me and Susie have to get ready for a P.I. case, we just got a new client."

Victoria:  "Okay sugar, and thanks for the fish!"  "I passed by the chapping dish, and the smell nearly put me into labor, and we are not even pregnant yet!"

George:  "Are you sure!?"

Victoria:  "Oh stop, George!"  "Get out of here, and do your money thing, and have fun, as always."  "When are you going to start enjoying your retirement?"  "You always seem to be on the job!"

George:  "I don't know, I guess when we are living in a perfect world!"

Hauns:  "We are all looking for that day"  "Even with the time-travel tech, I'm still a bit stressed!"

George:  "I feel you on that, but duty calls we got to go."  As George and Susie drive home, they talk as usual.

George:  "How was your last date?"

Susie:  "It was a blast, until some, or all of his fishing buddies he brought along, could not stop touching my butt, but it got better, when some of them, about 5 of the thought they were going to run a train on me!"  

George:  "Don't tell me, they all ended up in the water with the fish!?"

Susie:  "You Don't Know!?"  "You bet after I bruised them up a bit!" "Those Kung Fu chips make me a bad mother, shut my mouth!"  She said as they began to laugh until they cried until they pulled into the driveway.


Von Bro'