Monday, April 1, 2024

NATURAL AFFECTION, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO IT? (Subtitle; "True love has cooled Off!")


1. Lack of natural affection

2. What is natural affection?

3. Love defined.

4. 4 different types of love.

                                         The lack of natural affection 

          Jesus prophesied, that our days would be marked by a lack of natural affection. At least a mother is trying to give her child some kind of life If one leaves one's infant child on a doorstep, and then rings the doorbell and then runs and hides, and waits to see what happens to it before they walk away not even caring, however, it is much more horrible, if they leave them in the trash.  Still, a more popular case is the degradation of the mechanics of love and romance these days. Not only violently inflamed in lust for the same sex, but whether it be the same sex or the opposite, one exchanges mates as often as they change clothing, or just tossing them away as a used napkin, or something even worse. (2 Timothy 3:1-5Romans 1:26-28. NW TRANS,)

                                                    What is natural affection?

          Natural affection defined: 1. Storge (“natural affection”) is one of several Greek words for “love,” but it is never used at all in the protestant Bible (either the Septuagint or the New Testament). It refers to the natural love members of the same family have for each other.(google-search)  Natural affection has instead been replaced with unnatural affection.  To promote true love, one must return to old-fashioned values of long ago, that only a few still practice in our time.  I propose that all true lovers present a united front to make true natural affection more contagious than the unnatural.

                                                               Love defined.

                 Many will give many different kinds of meanings for love because most people are not really taught about what truly love is all about. Notice the definition from the Insite book: A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a friend, for a parent or child, and so forth; warm fondness or liking for another; also, the benevolent affection of God for his creatures or the reverent affection due from them to God; also, the kindly affection properly expressed by God’s creatures toward one another; that strong or passionate affection for a person of the opposite sex that constitutes the emotional incentive to conjugal union. One of the synonyms for love is “devotion.”(Insight on the ScripturesOne and all returning and refining all these wholesome values, can transform us into strong families, then, stronger communities, then stronger cities, and then stronger states, and then stronger nations, until the whole world is united in true love.

                                                     4 different types of love.

                   Storge: 1 of the 4 different types of love was mentioned in the onset.  The next one isEros is erotic or sexual or passionate love. It's often all about need and it's more about the person who's feeling sexually attractive than it is about the person who is the focus of that love or thing that is the focus of that love Different forms of Eros are about false worship, and porn,  the modern equivalent of Baal worship. The next one is Phileo: It only desires good things for the other and is compassionate. But the third time that Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, He uses 'Phileo,' which speaks of affection, fondness, and liking the other. This love is companionable and relational. It's brotherly and friendship love.(google search) is one most people, appreciate for all love people who give gifts, especially to worthy causes. Basic meaning: Brotherly affection.  Finally Agape:  Love of a Principal.  The type of love Jesus showed and he emphasized it in the words: John 15:13 states; No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends.+  Soon, one day, we will all display all the different types of love perfectly.  Then we will be in paradise.

Von Bro'

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