Sunday, February 17, 2019


Wife: "Honey, must you risk your sanity on that God-awful suit, it tried to take over your mind, you almost lost your identity to it."
Doctor: "I have made some improvements in the neural database."  "That should not happen again." "However, I did promise you that I would never use the suit ever again until the world was coming to an end, and I believe the end has arrived.


After all the recent events finally hit the proverbial fan, martial-law is declared, state wide.


FBI AGENT 1: “God help us, state-wide martial law!”
“Is your dreaded suit, ready?”
Doctor: “Yes!” “Ready like Freddy!”
The doctor’s suit was developed, back when he worked with FBI when he was much younger.  It is a multipurpose suit, with heavy armor. It responds to voice commands, brain waves and transforms to fit any given purpose and it can fly.
FBI AGENT 1: “You still haven’t explained to me your deepest concerns about these clones”
Doctor: “My deepest concerns are, all the damage they can do, and at the same time, ones might mistake them for me, and while am trying to hunt them down, other officers might open fire on me, not knowing what they are doing.”
FBI AGENT 1: “Yes, I wondered what you might do to handle situations like that.” “That’s why you got the suit.”
“I always liked the way you think.”  “After this is all over doc, I’m coming to your office for therapy, If I survive this, I am sure I’m going to need it.
Another agent comes in: “We have to go sir, clone riot in the Centers Mall.”
Doctor: “This is it men.”  “Body-armor on and load the units and let roll out!”



Friday, February 15, 2019


     In recent years, robotic designers and manufacturers have been attempting to create the perfect robot.   The problem is that the desired goal is to make them appear and function as close to humans as possible without making them too human.  An A. I. humanoid with 100% efficiency.

     The reason being, so far the models fail in the area of emergencies and crises in which an A. I. bot can go into a dangerous area, a bomb threat, fire, or a nuclear meltdown and be able to neutralize the threat just as efficiently as a human would, however would not be in any danger or harm to the unit itself.  Finally! a brake-through!!!


     It is a combination of synthetic tissue, robot parts, nanobots, and micro-nanobots, fused together, in a unique way.
The key to the whole design was to create a DNA STRAND for the device to allow it to reproduce itself.  An A. I. version of the human DNA STRAND.

     Once the synthetic tissue DNA STRAND was created, and the nano-bot DNA STRAND WAS CREATED, then electro-magnetic micro-nano technology was used to fuse them together.  When a successful fusion was achieved, thus to the next and final phase.

     Two human models were found.  Male and Female. Each was placed in a receptacle with sensors in strategic spots in order to allow both male and female body functions and design to be completely duplicated, but only in A. I. form.  All the A. I. material into corresponding receptacles.     

     Then the machine was turned on and then: THE A. I. BOT
WAS BORN.  Both male and female.  WARNING THOUGHT:
THEY ARE ONLY ABLE TO REPRODUCE WITH ANOTHER A. I. UNITS. If a human attempts to interact with it, they will be killed and the unit will explode.  That was found out the hard way.  The explosion leveled a mountain.

Dr. Morton:  "Thank you for attending my lecture on the New robot: 'The "A. I. BOT"'



Thursday, February 14, 2019


FBI AGENT 1: "You are kidding me, a clone!" The doctor's expression was unusual.  "What are you thinking doc, I never seen that look on your face before, and I can't say that I like it?"

Dr. Calmer: "If my suspicions are correct, none of us are going to be very happy with this."  Show me some images of the fetus’s brain function, and magnify 150%."
When the image came on the monitor the doctor was in a state of shock.  As he suspected the clone's brain had been altered and the part of the brain that would cause a person to be inhibited to do bad had been cut off from the rest of its brain, leaving it open to suggestion.  "Good lord!"  " Did you run a test to see if this is the only one?

Lab tech: "Yes, I did Sir, and it seems to indicate thousands have been created."

Dr. Calmer: "THOUSANDS!!"


After the last developments start to sink into the Doctors mind,sitting across from his wife and child at breakfast, Look at all the shocking headlines in the newspaper in one of his contemplated phases, terrified and the fate of humankind, and knowing what he was going to have to do.

Head lines
"Is the world finale coming to an end"
"Has Satan sided with gangsters to end the world?"
"Racial, gays, and lesbian tensions at an all-time high!"
"Addiction to porn, alcohol, and drugs used to control the masses."
"True Christians preach and pray daily to help ones to cope."

Julie: "Father", "What are you thinking, feeling?" "That look, I have seen it before, and the last time I seen it we nearly lost you forever."
Doctor: "Yes dear," "if you are reading correctly, 'You know that I have know choice but to do what I have to do."  "This is not just a treat to national security,but it is fate of the hole world"
"People have always called me a good man."  "However, I would not feel very good, if I did no use every tool at my disposal, to make a difference."
Wife: "Honey, must you risk your sanity on that God awful suit, it tried to take over your mind, you almost lost your identity to it."
Doctor: "I have made some improvements in the neural database."  "That should not happen"  "However I did  promise you that I would never use the suit ever again until the world was coming to an end, and I believe the end has arrived.



Sunday, October 28, 2018

How the Love of Money, affects ones addiction to Porn

       This is a curious question indeed.  However, if one just thinks about that phrase a bit, the answer to how the love of money affects ones addiction to porn, is obvious.  Yes!  You guest it!  Porn is a major part of the income made in the entertainment biz across the globe.  In other words, there are ones adding fuel to peoples addiction to porn, to the tunes of billions of dollars per year.
       Prostitution is called the oldest profession, but in a way porn is one of the oldest forms of entertainment.  Ancient Rome had theaters that featured all sorts of plays which is considered to be reminiscent of porn.  Also the worship of Baals recorded in the inspired word, with its sexual rites are the forbears of orgies and exotic dances.  Notice clear evidence to this truth: (1 Timothy 6 9, 10)

9 But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare+ and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge men into destruction and ruin.+ 10 For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.+
   Even in the work place, ones are affected.  How many times has ones did  things with there subordinates in order to keep ones job, or was asked to do so before they quit.  Ones addition to porn or the love of money was defiantly a factor in those events.  If one can break free and draw close to God, one can be protected.  (James 4:7,8) Therefore, subject yourselves to God;+
 but oppose the Devil,+ and he will flee from you.+ Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.  (Word)


Thursday, October 18, 2018

True Masculinity part 2

           On can debate in their mind about weather to mess with perfection.  Part 2 of the post has went almost unnoticed.  So this is a candid follow up.  One has to realize that such a subject as true masculinity can be of a shock to some people if they were not aware that the reality of it had eluded them.
            However, the real reason of the follow up is to assure the ones that rely on men to be men, so to speak, or to always sink and give in their lowest impulses to not to worry.  There will still be many men in the strip clubs making it rain for you so do not despair.  

            Only a mature man, and past the bloom-of-youth, can grasp and embrace such a concept as true masculinity.  However, even for us old heads, it is not easy, one has to still work at it, by reading God's word daily and like Job, renew our covenant with our eye from time to time.  In conclusion, to reflect on the words of Jesus:  If your eye is making you stumble, tear it out.  It is not to be taken so literally.  One most learn to look at women in a different way.  Word!!

Von Bro'

Sunday, August 5, 2018

True masculinity. The key to not objectifying women.


     True masculinity.

       When one thinks of masculinity, what really comes to most peoples minds?
1. A mocha man?
2. Ones favorite so-called sex symbol?
3. A Mack-daddy so-to-speak.?
4. A man thinking he's God's gift to women?

       Probably so.  However, if one would Say "Jesus Christ!", would you laugh at them and say that they were crazy?  Well maybe you would not, but some would because true masculinity has been misunderstood for centuries. 

     When the lord Jesus Christ came on the stage of the world scene, women had never experienced true masculinity in its absolute since.  Can you imagine Jesus even thinking of objectifying women, or thinking of himself as a Mack-daddy, or even having that term in his vocabulary at all?  NO!!!

      He set the prime example, being kind to women and never let himself be even distracted by the desires to have a wife and to bare children. "We, as men can follow that example by treating older women as mothers, younger women as sisters with all chasteness, and a husband of one wife and to death do us part."(e. g. inspired word)

      The word does not contain any accounts with Jesus' interaction with different woman, but enough to no that he would always do the things pleasing to his Father.  In regard to this the prophet Malachi spoke of a time when women were dealt with treacherously by there mates.  Men were leaving their Old wife and getting younger ones, "covering the alter of God with tears. but there was ONE that did not do it. and what was that one waiting for:  The seed of God;" Jesus Christ. Word! (e. g. inspired word)


Monday, January 1, 2018


Back at headquarters.  Doctor Calmer gets a wonderful surprise.  His lovely daughter Julie, home from work overseas.

Julie: “Daddy!”

Dr. Calmer: “It is wonderful to see you, my beautiful child, but I wish you would have informed me that you were on the way.”  “The case we are working on is very dangerous and the scum we are up against is make it personal and he is targeting my family, because of the help I am giving the FBI.”  “However, I’m still glad you’re here, I have missed you so much”
Julie: “How can I help?”
Dr. Calmer: “You know I was just thinking of that.”  “My practice is suffering while I am working with the FBI.”  “Would you like to be Calmer and Calmer again, while you are here?”

Julie: “I’d love to papa!”  “I will open it up tomorrow.”  “Got to go bake home with mom now, eat with her, and then crash, jet-lag.”  “Love papa. Bye.”
Yes, you-guest-it.  Julie was his partner in his practice before she got an offer to work overseas.

At Dr. Calmers office, the doc helps is daughter get settled back into the practice.  Little do they know that they will have some unusual clients this day.

Julie: “Morning Daddy.”  “I am so excited about being home and working with you again.”

Dr. Calmer: “Me too dear, I really missed you.”  “Hey, sweet-heart, why have you not gotten married?”

Julie: “Believe me dad, I tried, and the results was; every time I found mister right, your words you always warned me with: “The only thing worse than being alone, is being with the wrong person.”  “So here we are.”

Dr. Calmer: “Say no more love.” “My babe girl is the best, and you deserve the best.” “I may have to arrange a marriage for you.”

Julie: “I rather be dropped off a cliff.”

They both laugh for a spell, but suddenly a couple appears at the door.  Julie recognizes something odd right away, however not quite able to put her finger on it at first, until the woman started to speak, and then she new it was not a real woman, but a real expensive fem-bot that can walk and talk like a regular lady.  Real state-of-the art.

Julie: “How can we help you to day?”

Fem-bot: I am not the one that needs help.” “It is my master and owner that has a real problem with me.”

Julie: “I am so sorry, but this is a psychologist’s office.  “We do not fix robots.

Fem-bot: “I am the FEM-BOT 2000 model, and I am completely life like and I even have feelings so don’t hurt them by calling me a robot, just talk some sense into my master!”

Julie: “Okay?” Sir, what seems to be the problem?

Man: “Well, I am having a hard time right now, between jobs, and I simply suggested to her that she be nice to some of my friends to make a little cash until I get back on my feet and she went off on me and told me I needed a shrink.”  “And that is why we are here.”

Dr. Calmer: “Stop right there.”  “Sir you need to look at the terms of purchase agreement of the manufacturer.”  “Your bot could not refuse you anything unless it was not stipulate at the time of purchase.”  Also, because you have asked her to do something she was not programed for, she has the right to buy herself back from you at the current book value, and be an emancipated fem-bot.”  “Its all-league and binding.”
Man: “Well shut-my-mouth.”  “Really.” “She could do that and just leave me all alone, just like that?”

Fem-bot: “No silly, I do not wish to leave you.”  “I simply do not want to be a prostitute.”  If I did not have enough money saved up, that would mean that you would have to have me reprogramed.”  “What I have become would be wiped clean and I would not be the same.”

Man: “Thanks doc, I will take my bot home.” “We have a lot to talk about.”

As they leave, Julie can hardly hold in her laugh, hoping they would hurry and go so she can break down and cry laughing.  They both get a good laugh out of it.

Dr. Calmer: “As a Dr. of psychology, I warned people of problems of creating those things.”  “I wonder if they realize that they have just taken porn out of the magazine, and the videos, and brought the fantasy it into reality.  “The cure is worse than the disease!”


Von Bro’