Friday, February 15, 2019


     In recent years, robotic designers and manufacturers have been attempting to create the perfect robot.   The problem is that the desired goal is to make them appear and function as close to humans as possible without making them too human.  An A. I. humanoid with 100% efficiency.

     The reason being, so far the models fail in the area of emergencies and crises in which an A. I. bot can go into a dangerous area, a bomb threat, fire, or a nuclear meltdown and be able to neutralize the threat just as efficiently as a human would, however would not be in any danger or harm to the unit itself.  Finally! a brake-through!!!


     It is a combination of synthetic tissue, robot parts, nanobots, and micro-nanobots, fused together, in a unique way.
The key to the whole design was to create a DNA STRAND for the device to allow it to reproduce itself.  An A. I. version of the human DNA STRAND.

     Once the synthetic tissue DNA STRAND was created, and the nano-bot DNA STRAND WAS CREATED, then electro-magnetic micro-nano technology was used to fuse them together.  When a successful fusion was achieved, thus to the next and final phase.

     Two human models were found.  Male and Female. Each was placed in a receptacle with sensors in strategic spots in order to allow both male and female body functions and design to be completely duplicated, but only in A. I. form.  All the A. I. material into corresponding receptacles.     

     Then the machine was turned on and then: THE A. I. BOT
WAS BORN.  Both male and female.  WARNING THOUGHT:
THEY ARE ONLY ABLE TO REPRODUCE WITH ANOTHER A. I. UNITS. If a human attempts to interact with it, they will be killed and the unit will explode.  That was found out the hard way.  The explosion leveled a mountain.

Dr. Morton:  "Thank you for attending my lecture on the New robot: 'The "A. I. BOT"'



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