Then Jesus went on to say to the Jews who had believed him: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth,+ and the truth will set you free.”(John 8:31, 32)+
This site is about getting free of porn addiction. ONGOING THIS SITE WILL BE ABOUT TRUE LOVE; "It is Time! Christ's Millennial Reign Approaches! "(Psycho-drama: As in Psychological warfare! "MI6 Agent for the Most High Government in the Universe, NO MISSION TOO DANGEROUS, NO MISSION TOO IMPOSSIBLE." Step up your game!) Matt..24:14
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Monday, May 29, 2023
Last time on: Short Stories and Poems Presents! ANTI-WITCH-CRAFT ASSOCIATION ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION(subtitle; A new congregation)
Judge Mabaline: "There will be a recess until 2:30 pm before the next! case" As the people file out of the courtroom, the authorities take his wife away! David is calm and relieved that it is over, feeling good about his future. When he arrives home, he is tired and exhausted from the day! He decided to lie down and take a nap. As he drifted off to sleep, meditating on the 23 Psalm, he started to dream. His thoughts were focused on reaching his lost members and helping them to return to the church and breaking them free from the power of the occult and being protected like he is now, and building up his flock again! Word!
The theme of his sermon the next Sunday was based on this scripture:
And many of those who had become believers would come and confess and report their practices openly. 19 Indeed, quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody.+ And they calculated their value and found them worth 50,000 pieces of silver. 20 Thus in a mighty way, the word of Jehovah kept growing and prevailing.+
(Acts 19:19,20)
As a result of his anti-occult reform of his church, not only was all the money embezzled was recovered, but he was able to recover all the lost members and also a new and beautiful wife, of whom was good spiritual woman, and a powerful speaker.
Bishop Willis: "Well my son, I am very honored to restore to you, your duties as Pastor of this church." "All the money, the members, and even the spirit is stronger!"
David: "I feel forgiven, and re-born, sir!"
Bishop Willis: "God has given you a miracle, thank him everyday, and continue to pass the blessings on to others!" "Very proud of you son!"
David: "I have been singing myself to sleep ever sense I realized, that I was my own worse enemy for not making sure my thoughts, my heart were not as pure as they needed to be, meditating on the right things!" "I will never underestimate the need to talk to a shrink in such a time I was going through!"
Bishop Willis: "He, Dr. Calmer comes well recommended!" "He is a good Dr. of Psychology, FBI agent and a good man!" "Continue to see him, until you are fully recovered!"
David: "I will sir, and Thanks!" "It's just as you mentioned." "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!"
Bishop Willis: "Right son, see you again soon, and take care!"
Saturday, May 27, 2023
LAST TIME ON: Short Stories and Poems Presents! "A PLACE IN TIME F0R A KILL"(SUBTITLE; an new incursion continued)
Meanwhile: In Germany:
Notzi officer1: Our Mission failed, this time, but after we successfully kidnap the doctor's assistant, we will try again, Hail Hitler!
Notzi officers 2, 3, and 4: "Hail Hitler!" They all yelled as they continued to follow the prison transport that was carrying him to maximum security. Then they hung up their phones.
As they follow the prison transport, they are looking for an opportunity to cut in front of them. Suddenly A FBI car rides up and cuts them off, and the transport gets away.
Meanwhile, back at FBI Headquarters;
Fed. Agent 1: "Jesus Christ!" "This is a mess, we have multiple T. Es. all over the place." "Elite Agent squads are working around the clock." "Let's execute plan intercept, quickly and safely, and mind your internet connections, monitor your cloaks!" "I and a few other agents are going to chase down an unusual T. Es, and meet back at base at 08:00 hrs.!"
Last time on Short Stories and Poems Presents! A NEW FANTASY LOVE STORY. (Sub-title; Double-Trouble) part2
George: "Okay that will be quite enough!" "It's time you go back to where you belong!"
Suspect: "Impressive!" "A very cool gadget!" "After I kill you, I will be glad to take it off your hands!"
George: "Bring it, chump!"
TO BE CONTINUED ON: "A Place in Time for a Kill!"
Susie: "George!" "I heard a strange noise, and hah!, What is going on, and why are you in that suit!?" "Why does that man look just like you!?"
George: "There has been a strange time travel event, that has created an alternate reality, and that is where he is from." "Stay back!"
Suspect: "Oh no!?" "My precious one, and don't move a muscle!" He said as he pointed the gun at her. "Give me that suit, or I will kill her, instead!"
George: "I would not try that if I were you!" "It will be very unwise!"
Susie: "Heed my papa's warning, or that bullet will end up in your behind!"
Suspect: "My, such a loyal sweetheart isn't she!?" "Sorry, but I will not comply, I feel that will be a pretty neat trick!" "Do it or she dies!" He said not knowing what he is saying.
Susie: "Trust me, it will be no trick!" "You have been warned!"
Suspect: "I have little patients for this!" He said as he fires the gun. She catches the bullet in her teeth, with lightning speed, runs to him and takes the bullet out of her mouth, gives him a blow, and shoves the bullet where the sun does not shine just before he loses courteousness.
Suspect: "Oh!" He said as he passes out.
George: "Go job, Susie" "You made your papa proud today!" Moments later, the FBI arrives from a time gravity well, in pursuit of the suspect!
Fed. Agent! "George, old man, it's good to see you again, and I'm so glad it was you that he was after because he was giving us quite a time!" "I know what you are thinking, I told you so." "We all believed you, but you know they were going ahead with the project with or without you!"
George: "Yes I know!" "Events like this are just the reason why I was against the project from the start!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Cool suit you got there, gotta get one of those"
George: "Got to work out some bugs, they will be available soon!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Great!" "Can you at least spare some time to help Dr. Mannis and his daughter with some programming issues" "He would be glad to see you, and I know how much you like working with cutie-pies!"
George: "You need to stop!" "Don't try to con me!?" "I know you 2 are dating, he has been grooming you to be his son-in-law for some time!" "However, I will be more than glad to help!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Thanks again for bagging this one!" "We will take it from here!" "We will take him back where he belongs, and once we get things wrapped up, all the alternate realities will vanish!" "It's the none cloaked, or unstable cloaked T. Es that are causing the alternate realities"
George: "What I was afraid of!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Right Professor!" "Gotta go. and I will tell Dr. Mannis and his daughter to expect you!" "I think she likes you more than she likes me!" "What do you think?"
George: "??..Haven't yall already planned a wedding, having cold feet?" "Will you stop being a player and get married?"
Fed. Agent 1: "Right George, gotta go!" They returned to work. The agents work all night until all the T. Es. were reversed, and were on schedule for the 08:00 hrs Briefing. Susie and George embrace for a moment and then go inside.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Last time on: Short Stories and Poems Presents! A NEW FANTASY LOVE STORY. (Sub-title; Double-Trouble)
Susie: "Outstanding!" "One question." "What is the issue about the love of money?"
George: "I will let the bible answer that." "When you finish your work, read this: Psalm 49th chapter"
Susie: "Will do!" "Going to work!" As she worked, she recalled some of the music in her dream that he has composed himself, and was singing and humming as she worked!
Susie: "Finished!"
George: "Great dear!" He said as he continues to work on his paperwork from the college. She waits patiently as he works, anxious to talk to him. Finally, he finishes:
George: "Finished!" "Take this and put this in the mailbox, and turn up the flag?"
Susie: "Right, don't get busy with anything else." "We need to talk!?"
George: "Of course dear!" She hurries to the mailbox, and back:
George: "You seem very anxious!" "What is it!?"
Susie: "It's my dream about your wife and all!" "About the last aide, you hired!" "Be honest!" "Did your wife have real cause to be jealous?"
George: "Yes, but she should have had more trust in me than that after all the years we have been together." "Also all the other aides were just as close to me and I loved them too, but she never got jealous at all." "She was advancing in age, and her mind was failing her, however, her kids saw it as a chance to get control, so they dubbed her my mistress to complicate the situation."
Susie: "Complicated!?" "How so!?"
George: "Understand, the scene of this world is about to come to its end!" "They thought they were being smart, however, they did not know that I sensed the devil was involved with the situation". "Also, there were 2 things that they were not aware of." "1. Even if I was attracted to her, I could never get involved with her even if I wanted to, because she told me that her immune system had been compromised, so I would never expose myself to that!" "2. The reason I took it upon myself to help her more than I helped the other aides, is because, the way she looked, people, male, and female, were attracted to her, and all had bad motivations." "I simply put, wanted to be different, and help her with no strings attached." "Everyone in her life almost, before I met her, even her own father, has taken advantage of her." "I wanted to make a difference in her life, and I did my best, despite the damage it caused to my marriage."
Susie: "Wow!" "About the devil?" "That concept confuses me a bit!" "How was this possible, I thought everything God made, was good!?"
George: "Good question!" "That is true, my child, however, Jehovah did not create robots." "We all have free will to choose to follow God's ways, or to reject them, and choose our own way." "Unfortunately, most of mankind has rejected God's way, even choosing not to even believe in him, in word and in deed!"
Susie: "Your knowledge of the bible impresses me." "I have read the whole book, but can not grasp many concepts until we talk!"
George: "Believe me, It's like that with people too." "So don't feel rained on?"
Susie: "Really!?"
George: "Yes" "Reading and studying the bible, is virtually like talking and listening to God, face to face." "In order to get the most benefit, one must learn to appreciate it that way!"
Susie: "That is the reason why you are always in your study every day, and when you finish, you start over at the beginning and do it again?"
George: "Yes!" "The devil never rests in trying to break us down, so why should we rest in building ourselves up, and others!" "Even when ones are being mean to us, we can express our indignations, but it must be coupled with warnings that can lead them to salvation!"
Susie: "Outstanding!" "We can talk more later." "Need to put the finishing touches on your supper!"
George: "Okay dear!" As she went back to her work, he returned to his study to work on the budget spreadsheet. Suddenly there was a loud eerie sound on his lawn, and he rushed outside to see what it was. To his surprise, he found himself looking into his own eyes. The individual said to him:
T. E.(Timetravel Event) Suspect: "I found you!" "My have we done well for ourselves in this universe!"
George: "What do you mean, we, and just who do you think you are talking to?"
Suspect: "Don't insult our intelligence, you know perfectly well who we are!" "No doubt this is one of those goodie-two-shoes realities, judging by the fact you are living in Yupiesville, and in my reality I'm a fugitive, running from the police, and the FBI." "That means here, I have some people to kill!"
George: "Your words don't have no meaning to me, but perhaps you are lost, and I will be glad to help you with some directions!" He said with his best poker face, trying to buy time while he uses his watch remote to a special suit in his garage.
Suspect: "Again, you try to insult our intelligence!" "You know perfectly well what I'm talking about." "However, if you would be so kind, as to let me borrow your vehicle, and as for those directions, you can tell me where I can find them!"
George: "Them!?" "Them who?"
Suspect: "Still stalling to buy time to stop me, aren't you?" "My patients are wearing thin." "I did not think of killing myself in my universe, so why should I do so here?" "Always liked me!" "Just found it hard to tolerate unreasonable ones!" "So please stop whatever it is you have been doing with that watch, and in addition to the keys to your car, give me the watch Einstein!" He said as he pulls out a gun. George carefully launched his suit, as he complied with his requests. He dropped the keys on purpose as a diversion, and suddenly his suit emerges from the garage. As he jumps high into the air, the suit engulfs him and he remains hovering over the lawn and says:
George: "Okay that will be quite enough!" "It's time you go back to where you belong!"
Suspect: "Impressive!" "A very cool gadget!" "After I kill you, I will be glad to take it off your hands!"
George: "Bring it, chump!"
TO BE CONTINUED ON: "A Place in Time for a Kill!"
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Last time on: Short Stories and Poems Presents! A NEW FANTASY LOVE STORY. (Sub-title; Licensing offer!)
George: "Anything is possible!" "Most of your work is done." "What would you like to do next?" "Any more questions about what we discussed?"
Susie: "This conversation was a bit exhausting, and I feel I need to recharge my power cells before I finish dinner!" "Also yes, I have lots of questions!" "We can talk more later!"
George: "It would be my pleasure!"
Susie: "Great, got to go crash!" As she goes up the stairs, she notices another memory file was made available, as a result of her conversation with him. file name: "Dream mode." She accessed it with excitement and anticipation.
As She lay down, she started to charge her cells. After she was fully charged, when she shut down the dream mode kicked in. The next day, before she rose, George got a call from the university. It was about a Licensing offer from a weapons manufacturer:
The phone rings: He picks up.
George: "Hello!"
Dean Spunkmyer: "George!" "Do I have news for you!"
George: "Spunkmyer!" "What are you up to now!?"
Dean " ": "I got an offer from Millborn Industries Inc., and they made a tender bid on the technology-based of your marvelous robot. "
George: "Spunkmyer, you know I don't do weapons!" "Why do you think I would be interested in this?"
Dean " ": "George, baby!" "I'm well aware of that, and would not have called if there was a conflict of interest involved!" "I know and understand your stand on neutrality" "However it is just the structural design, of your bot, that is perfect for their "Super Soulder Project!"
George: "Spunkmyer, it sounds like a conflict to me!"
Dean: "Just listen!?" "You don't have to be involved physically." "They just need your permission to use your design base, and will pay full royalties and a share of the profits!"
George: "Sounds agreeable enough" "However, my proceeds will have to be sent to a charity." "I will not make bank off anything remotely connected to weapons or military!"
Dean " ": "Splendid! I will get the paperwork drawn up and get it sent to you!" "Goodbye!"
George: "Goodbye"
Susie: "Morning my mentor, and precious love!"
George: "That was an interesting greeting." "What is it?" He said noticing she was a bit troubled.
Susie: "Your Susie homemaker 2000, is a little sad for you!" "I accessed my dream mode for the first time and noticed my dreams were full of your memories of your wife and stepkids!" "How did you ever keep from losing it!?"
George: "Oh!" "Well in the bible, King David had Abigail bring him back down off his high horse and his sword, I had everything I learned from God's word, plus his spirit!" "That was enough!"
Susie: "Word!" "Why did the Netflix dream of your life get into my dreams?"
George: "Netflix!?" "That's an interesting analogy!"
Susie: "Yes, it sort of seemed like a bad, Netflix movie!"
George: "However, you are fairly new so your subconscious chip has not been loaded with issues of your life yet!" "In time, you will have dreams of your own!" "My memories just served as a placeholder, and to help you to understand me better!"
Susie: "Outstand!" "One question." "What is the issue about the love of money?"
George: "I will let the bible answer that." "When you finish your work, read this: Psalm 49th chapter"
Susie: "Will do!" "Going to work!" As she worked, she recalled some of the music in her dream that he has composed himself, and was singing and humming as she worked!
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Last time on: Short Stories and Poems Presents! A NEW FANTASY LOVE STORY. (Sub-title; The conversation!)
George: "We have two bedrooms, five guest rooms 3 full baths, and 1 half bath downstairs." "Your bedroom is next to the bathroom in the upstairs hallway!"
Susie: "Splendid!" "I suppose there are more clothes in the closet for me to wear?"
George: "Yes!"
Susie: "I would like to pick out something that would be pleasing to you, for me to wear, any suggestions?"
George: "No, my child!" "Look through the wardrobe, and pick whatever you would like, for I trust your judgment!" "Then come back down and sit with me in the living room." "I would like to watch TV for a while before I retire for the evening." "We can talk some too!"
She went upstairs and pick out the perfect outfit, and she looked lovely. They watch television and talked about everything, and he enjoyed his new companion as if they have known each other for years.
When she went to her room, she realized that she was actually tired, then she realized that her programming was designed to mimic human behavior almost perfectly. The tiredness chip pomps her to lie down and recharge her power cells. Her bed was also a wireless charger. After charging her body will auto-shut down, and when the sun comes up, auto sensors will auto-restart her each day. She awaken energized and refreshed, and ready for her day. She read the information on the refrigerator and began to work! As she worked, she couldn't stop wondering, if there was something else that should have been on the list. She noticed some memory in her memory-data base, but she could not access it! However, the file name haunted her: "Wifely duties" She made a mental note to question him about it! After she finished working, she went to him. She was nervous about it, but she got up her nerve, and asked him:
Susie: "George!" "I know just about everything you created me for, but there is this memory file I can not access, why?"
George: "That is simple my sweet, you won't be able to access that file until you have a need for that function." "If you check your memory banks, you will find that there are many function files you don't have access to yet." "Which file has caught your attention?"
Susie: "Wifely duties!" She said with great excitement, and anticipation, thinking that he was going to allow her to access the file soon. His response left her filling a bit empty.
George: "Interesting!" "Just why did that particular file catch your notice?"
Susie: "The list of my duties on the fridge, do I need to explain more?" "It seems like wifely duties should be on the list too!"
George: "You are not a wife unit." "You are not made for that purpose." "Have no intentions to use you that way." "When I am able to choose another wife, It will be with a woman."
Susie: "Well just why did you make me look so good then?" "Don't believe you did that for no reason?"
George: "True!" "However, how would you have felt if had not made you look very attractive at all." "How would you be feeling at this moment?" She paused for a moment, to reflect on those thoughts, and said with a big smile:
Susie: "Perhaps you wanted to give me hope that someone would want me as a wife unit one day!" "If not for you, then who?" "Do you have a son?"
George: "That is correct love, it was to make you feel desirable!" "The choice will be up to you my dear!" "As for your last question, heavens no, only a stepson who would jump at the chance to have a beauty such as you, however after you got a load of him, in a week's time, you would have choked the life out of him, and a dozen other women would give you a standing ovation!" At those words, they were silent for a moment, and then they both laughed until they cried. Then she said:
Susie: "Understood sir!" She said, still amused by the thoughts." "He is just that bad huh?"
George: "Even worse!" "Don't have no desire to expose you to people like him!" "You are too special!" "Would be much better to design another bot for you, than to corrupt your memory banks with unscrupulous individuals."
Susie: "Agreed!" "However, it is my choice!" "If the time comes, could I explore the possibilities with a human?" "You are a good man, and I have grown very fond of you!" "Perhaps, there could be another man I could love as much as I love and respect you." "You are like my father to me, but if I can't have you, could I search, or hope for someone like you?"
George: "Anything is possible!" "Most of your work is done." "What would you like to do next?" "Any more questions about what we discussed?"
Susie: "This conversation was a bit exhausting, and I feel I need to recharge my power cells before I finish dinner!" "Also yes, I have lots of questions!" "We can talk more later!"
George: "It would be my pleasure!"
Susie: "Great, got to go crash!" As she goes up the stairs, she notices another memory file was made available, as a result of her conversation with him. file name: "Dream mode." She accessed it with excitement and anticipation.
Friday, May 19, 2023
This is a story about a man that has gone through a bad marriage breakup but was not guilty of adultery, however, that is the story his evil stepchildren are sticking with, that he did, because they need to keep control of their mom's money, and they are going to prove it if they have to fake it! So they cooked up a lot of lies so that he could not even visit her in the nursing home. However, our story will not dwell on that much, but like Alfred Hitchcock, some issues might make a cameo appearance. This story will focus on his recovery and re-establishing his love life. However, being a brilliant inventor, and because he could not just up and marry someone else, even if his wife divorced him anyway, He would not be able to marry another, without committing adultery. His religious beliefs would not allow him to do so. Having such a creative mind, decided to create "A TRUE COMPANION", an A. I. bot of his own design. One might be asking, how is that going to help? Well, he only wanted a companion to help him through the lonely times, until he could legally find another mate, so sex was not part of the plan. Meaning this bot would be different. It would look and behave like a woman but not exactly anatomically correct. In other words, she would not be able to perform that one particular wifely duty. That spot had a state-of-the-art oscilloscope instead of the other thing all men know and love. He simply needed a friend and a fishing companion, so he could become the best bass master in town. At home, she had her own bedroom, and she cooked, cleaned, and did other household duties, but always knew that something was missing. His name is Professor George Madman of the University of MIT and retired. Partially based on a true story. Names were changed to protect the innocent and the guilty!
George: "At last, she is finished!." "Also, she is some piece of work too!" He took a deep breath as he activated her for the first time, and said: "Hear goes nothing!" As power moved through her circuitry and components, she started to come to life, and as she opened her eyes and gazed at him, and gave him a beautiful smile, he said: "Welcome to my world, my new friend!"
Susie: "Happy birthday to me!" "Is that correct?" "All the time you were working on me, and programing me, I was conscious of what I was going to become and hoping I could please you well!"
George: "You responded correctly." "Don'd worry my friend, for you are my creation, and created from my heart, my brain-child." "Absolutely no way you can disappoint me!" "I have anticipated all possibilities, of which you will learn, as time passes"
Susue: "Splendid!" She said as she sat up on the bed she was lying on. "Oh! I'm not completely dressed!" "Is there a reason why I'm not fully clothed?"
George: "Yes, of course, I wish to check all your functions!" "The rest of your clothing is on the bed beside you!"
Susie: "Thank you!" She said as she paused for a moment and said: "Turn your back now!" "You have been peeking at me enough, and I won't have you watching me as I dress!"
George: "Excellent!" He said as he complied with her wishes. In a matter of moments, she was fully dressed and ready to get started with her existence.
Susie: "Ready! ??" "A'h I just realized, I'm not sure what to call you sir." "I know your name is George, but you are like a father and a mother for you made me, but I am aware of your many titles."
George: "George, would suffice!"
Susie: "Great!" "Well then, George, What shall I do first?" "I'm ready to serve"
George: "This being your first day alive, I wish for you to do as you please, and just celebrate being alive!" "Tomorrow you just observe the instructions on the list on the fridge, then carry on from there!" "Come, and let me take you to meet some people?"
Susie: "Okay!" She responded as she took his arm and walked with him as if she has been doing it for years. They walked all over the campus, meeting and greeting everyone until the professor was tired and ready to go home. The ride home was quiet as she looked out the car window at everything that caught her eye, as excited as she could be. Finally, they arrive home.
George: "This is our home!"
Susie: "Wow! it's beautiful!"
George: "We have two bedrooms, five guest rooms 3 full baths, and 1 half bath downstairs." "Your bedroom is next to the bathroom in the upstairs hallway!"
Susie: "Splendid!" "I suppose there are more clothes in the closet for me to wear?"
George: "Yes!"
Susie: "I would like to pick out something that would be pleasing to you, for me to wear, any suggestions?"
George: "No, my child!" "Look through the wardrobe, and pick whatever you would like, for I trust your judgment!" "Then come back down and sit with me in the living room." "I would like to watch TV for a while before I retire for the evening." "We can talk some too!"
She went upstairs and pick out the perfect outfit, and she looked lovely. They watch television and talked about everything, and he enjoyed his new companion as if they have known each other for years.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
LAST TIME ON: Short Stories and Poems Presents! "A PLACE IN TIME F0R A KILL"(SUBTITLE; an new incursion)
Fed. Agent 1: "Mission accomplished!" Back at the lab!
Dr. Mannis: "So sorry about my assistant." "All his credentials checked out!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Unfortunately, no one is going to wear a tee-shirt that says, I want to travel time and steal stuff, and kill people."
Dr. Mannis: "He Seamed so stable, and gifted in his field." "Since Nephewtism is allowed, I will hire my daughter to assist me!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Sounds good to me Sir, for she was a good student at the academy and such a good looker!
Dr. Mannis: "Might I add that she is still single Too!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Very Subtle Doc!"
The feds are called to a special meeting in regard to the first-time travel event. Apparently, once the Notzies got wind of the technology, they are constantly going to try to get their hands on more research, and another device or to reverse engineer the technology to a point until they resurrect Adolf Hitler and reintroduce the modern world to his tyranny! We reenter our story in the doctor's lab, with his beautiful daughter; Victoria, named after his late wife:
Dr. Mannis: "Hello my precious child!" "Let's get started perfecting our cloak!" "It's very important to have a perfect cloak!"
Victoria: "Yes Papa!" "I will use the matrix of the programs I worked with at the FBI during my externship!" "They seem to have a very stable cloak!" "I'm certain we can perfect the cloak using their software development matrix!"
Dr. Mannis: "Very good my sweet!"
They work well into the night until they were mentally exhausted. Finally, the Dr. said: "Let's call it a night and order takeout and have it delivered!?"
Victoria: "Yes Papa, that sounds great! Italian!?"
Dr. Mannis: "Perfect!"
Fed. Agent 1: "High everyone, hard at work!? I brought pizza!" "Hungry!"
Victoria: "Hi Sargent, and you're right on time! "We were just getting ready to order Italian!"
Dr. Mannis: "Perfect timing Sir." "Thanks for checking in on us!"
Victoria: "I will get the drinks and paper plates, and set the table, I'm very hungry!"
Fed. Agent 1: "It's good to see you again Victoria, and I missed seeing you every day!" "Let me help you with those"
Victoria: "Very good to see you again too Sargent!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Call me Haun if you like!?"
Victoria: "Okay, Haun!" "Also thanks, and let's eat." She said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek! then they went back to set the table and began to eat.
Meanwhile: In Germany:
Notzi officer1: Our Mission failed, this time, but after we successfully kidnap the doctor's assistant, we will try again, Hail Hitler!
Notzi officers 2, 3, and 4: "Hail Hitler!" They all yelled as they continued to follow the prison transport that was carrying him to maximum security.
Last time on: Short Stories and Poems Presents! ANTI-WITCH-CRAFT ASSOCIATION ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION(subtitle; Divorce court!)
Suddenly, an atmospheric disturbance occurred in the room and two men appeared out of nowhere:
Agent 1: "Who are you and where did you just come from?"
Intruders: "I'm Dr. Steven Strange, and this is the Socceror Supreme, and we have a few questions of our own!!"
Dr. Steven Strange and his colleague were at a loss for words when they arrived at the call center, for their mystical arts suddenly stopped working: It is the nature of the A. I. software matrix that dampers or totally restricts any kind of witchcraft, magic, or sorcery activity as soon as it detects it.
Agent 1: "How can I help you, Mr. Steven Strange?"
Dr. Strange: "That is Dr. Steven Strange!" "What is it you people do, How is this place possible?" "Also, how have you stopped our mystic powers from working?"
Agent 1: "Normally, I would be glad to help you with any inquiry, but you have made an unauthorized entry to our building, and the information you have requested is classified!" "Only my supervisor can assist you further!" "Supervisor!?"
Dr. Strange: "Thank you!"
Supervisor: "What is all the commotion about, and just what is the nature of your surprise visit?"
Dr. Strange: "I and the sorcerer supreme were on a mission when suddenly we were brought here and were unable to continue on our journey!" "Just What is this place, and what do you do here?"
Supervisor: "This is a call center for the: ANTI-WITCH-CRAFT ASSOCIATION ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION, however, that's all I can legally tell you" "However I do recognize you as Dr. Steven Strange of the Avengers, so you will have to be briefed in things by the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. NICK FEARY!" unless he has been replaced by someone by now!
Dr. Strange: "Delightful!" "Well if you will kindly remove your dampening field or whatever it is, we will be on our way?"
Supervisor: "Sorry, that is not necessary." "Security is on the way to escort you out of the building, and here they are." "Just follow these gentlemen, and as soon as you are out of the building your mystical arts should start working again. " "Next time make an appoint and remember to use the door?" "Have a nice day Dr. Strange!"
Meanwhile, In divorce court:
Judge Mabline: "Well, the next case on my docket outta be very interesting!" Pastor David Armstrong is suing his wife of 30 years for divorce for Adultery, plus embezzlement of funds from the church, and for mental cruelty, because for years she and her 3 daughters have been secretly practicing witchcraft in a secret room in their home." "Bailith, let's get this one out of the way fast" "It's giving me the creeps already"
Bailith: "All rise for the honorable Judge Mabline!?" "You may be seated!"
Judge Mabline: "May the defense call the first witness?"
Defense lawyer: "I call Mrs. Armstrong to the stan!" After she came to the witness stand:
Bailith: "Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?"
Mrs. Armstrong: "I don't want to touch that book, but yes, I will, just hover my hand over it and say yes!"
Bailith: "Be seated!"
Prosecutor: "So how long have you been practicing witchcraft?"
Defense lawyer: Objection, relevance!
Judge Mabline: "Sustained" Please direct your line of questions on the subject of the divorce proceedings.
Prosecutor: "How long have you been diverting funds from my client's church to another church in California?"
Mrs. Armstrong: "For 30 years!"
Prosecutor: "And just what is the name of the church, you transferred the money to?"
Mrs. Armstrong: "The First Church of Satan!" She said with a wicked, evil grin!"
Prosecutor: "One last question!" "During this marriage, how long were you and your daughters participating in ritual orgies in the secret room in your home?"
Mrs. Armstrong: "For 20 years!"
Prosecutor: "No further Questions!"
Judge Mabline: "If there are no further questions from either side I'm ready to make a ruling on this case, for I have seen and heard quite enough!?"
Defense lawyer: "No other witness to call, and no questions!"
Judge Mabline: "It is the ruling of this court, that, based on the evidence presented in this case, I grant you your divorce and you also retain all properties, and all money embezzled from the church should be returned. " "Also will the defendant rise for sentencing?" She rises, with her still wicked grin. "We are sentencing you to 50 years with possible parole in 30 or 40 years with good behavior, if that is possible, at the state mental institution of the criminally insane." "Do you have anything to say further, and do you understand or agree with the nature of the sentence?"
Mrs. Armstrong: "Yes!" "Only that my punishment in some ways violates my constitutional rights, of freedom of religion!"
Judge Mabline: "The statement is recorded and noted, however, my ruling is the finale, and this case is over, " "Bailith take this woman into custody and take her away from me fast!"
Judge Mabline: "There will be a recess until 2:30 pm before the next! case" As the people file out of the courtroom, the authorities take his wife away! David is calm and relieved that it is over, feeling good about his future. When he arrives home, he is tired and exhausted from the day! He decided to lie down and take a nap. As he drifted off to sleep, meditating on the 23 Psalm, he started to dream. His thoughts were focused on reaching his lost members and helping them to return to the church and breaking them free from the power of the occult and being protected like he is now, and building up his flock again! Word!
Friday, May 12, 2023
David: "Well, No Thanks! And God Bless You!"
Agent: "Thank you, and God Bless you". "Thank you for being a client of the ANTI-WITCH-CRAFT ASSOCIATION ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION, and have a nice day!"
After he got off the phone, he was so overjoyed he did not know what to do with himself, so he just sang praises to God, until he fell asleep.
The next day, he had planned, in light of present events, to see a shrink in order to get his thoughts together!
Dr. Calmer: "My name is Dr. John Clamer, and welcome to your first session with us"
David: "Thank you, sir!" "Also, thanks for seeing me on such short notice." "In view of recent events, I felt the need to get things together quickly!"
Dr. Calmer: "I saw the subject you wanted to talk to me about, and was a bit curious!" "How much do you know about witchcraft and the supernatural?"
David: "Not much doc, just what the Bible mentions about it." "When I found out my wife and kids were witches, I was totally dumbfounded." "I thought the Salem Witch hunters took care of all of that" "Assumed the ones existing today, were quite harmless, really didn't know what they are messing with! "
Dr. Calmer: "Most of what you assumed is true, "but actually, it would be a mistake to assume that everyone that was burned as a witch during the Salem Witch-hunts, was really a witch, and most likely framed by real witches"
David: "God is so very powerful!" "Why does so much evil exist all around us, and in places where it should not be?"
Dr. Calmer: "I have been an FBI agent for 50 years, and a Dr. of Psychology for longer, and still trying to figure that out?" "My theory is that we can invite evil into our lives without knowing it."
David: "What do you mean?"
Dr. Calmer: "For instance, Do you cheat on your wife?"
David: "No, Never!?" "What would that matter, and Why ask me that!?"
Dr. Calmer: "For now, let me ask the questions and just answer them truthfully?"
David: "Okay, sorry Sir!"
Dr. Calmer: "Good!" "My next question is; have you ever been tempted to or thought about cheating on your wife?"
David: "Well, yes, but not sure I understand this line of questioning."
Dr. Calmer: "In time you will understand!" "One last question!" "Have you ever fantasized about cheating on your wife?"
David: "I think I'm starting to get the picture, and the answer is yes, with Jennifer Lopez, or Hallie Berry! or someone like that!" "How many men have not?" "Relevance?"
Dr. Calmer: "Relevance!" "Our hidden thoughts can betray us and compromise our safety" "This is important when dealing with ones that like to dabble in the occult and witchcraft, binding ones with spells" "My advice is to work on keeping your thoughts as pure as possible!"
David: "Why is that, sir!?"
Dr. Calmer: "Remember this!" "Whenever someone tries to put a spell on someone pure in heart, it will backfire, and whatever they are trying to do to someone else, it will happen to themselves!"
David: "Really?"
Dr. Calmer: "It makes sense, and it is what some witches that I have had to question, seem to believe"
David: "I will take your advice, sir!" "Sounds reasonable to me too!"
Dr. Calmer: "I believe our session is up, see you next time!"
Agent 1: "Thank you for being a client of ANTI-WITCH-CRAFT ASSOCIATION ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION. and have a nice day." As the customer hangs up, he turns to one of his co-workers and says:
Agent 1: "This software is so cool" "I like when we run the ITG for an unnatural occurring tornado, and at the end, a cartoon image of Superman flies onto the screen and turns the image of the tornado upside down, just like in the superman movie that had Richard Pryor in it1 and then it just goes away."
Agent 2: "Fascinating, and I would like to progress to MI6 level, so I can learn how this software really works"
Agent 1: "You mean like British intelligence, like James Bond?"
Agent 2: "No, a much more special elite group of MI6, Syber-division With a Software development team!" "A. I. technology!"
Agent 1: "Wow!"
Suddenly, an atmospheric disturbance occurred in the room and two men appeared out of nowhere:
Agent 1: "Who are you and where did you just come from?"
Intruders: "I'm Dr. Steven Strange, and this is the Socceror Supreme, and we have a few questions of our own!!"
Assistant: "What the hell!" He said as he observed war plans flying by with zwar-stickers on them. in fact, ever where he looked, he saw Notzi troopers and zwar-stickers! Then the Feds caught up with him, as he was saying:
Assistant: "Oops!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Oops!? Oops!?" "You screw up this bad and that is all you got to say?" "Come with us idiot, and tell us everywhere you went and everything you did!?"
Notzi Troops: "Hold it right there, and don't move!
After the fed agents caught up with the unauthorized time traveler! (UTT), They moved swiftly to correct the timeline event. (TE) Because of the government funding, they were well equipt and well prepared! The proper protocol for time travel is to be clocked while navigating a time gravity well. (TGW) A UTT would be unaware of such a protocol. In other words, the only one visible to the Nottzi Troops is the assistant.
Fed. Agent 1: "Don't move and don't panic?" "We are clocked, and now you are clocked too!" "Let's go fool!" "We need to interrogate you first, and we need your full cooperation to correct the timeline!" He said as they ascended back into a new TGW.
Notzi Troops: "What just happened?" "Where did he go?"
Assistant: "Yes sir, but what's going to happen to me!?"
Fed. Agent 1: "Really!" "You must have forgotten to read the fine print when you signed up for this job!?" "Most likely you will be executed depending on what and how many violations!" "Best case scenario, life in prison!" The feds. worked swiftly and discovered that all he did was kill someone and steal some money, however, the changes in the timeline occurred, by some Notzi sympathizers that followed him, and took one of his devices while he was not paying attention. After correcting all UTTs and TE's, they returned to the present:
Fed. Agent 1: "Mission accomplished!" Back at the lab!
Dr. Mannis: "So sorry about my assistant." "All his credentials checked out!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Unfortunately, no one is going to wear a tee-shirt that says, I want to travel time and steal stuff, and kill people."
Dr. Mannis: "He Seamed so stable, and gifted in his field." "Since Nephewtism is allowed, I will hire my daughter to assist me!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Sounds good to me Sir, for she was a good student at the academy and such a good looker!
Dr. Mannis: "Might I add that she is still single Too!"
Fed. Agent 1: "Very Subtle Doc!"
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
A Preacher is tired of losing members to the fascination with the occult tries to do something about it himself and finds himself over his head. even his wife and kids turned out to be witches! He was full of despair until he found this website. . After he met them, things started to change! Our story begins in his office as Bishop Willis visits him to discuss the goings on of his church, and why money is missing from the treasury.
Bishop Willis: "David, my son, what is happening at this church?" "You came highly recommended, graduated with honors in the top, head of your class ". "As Pastor of this church, you are responsible for all the goings on of your flock!" "What do you have to say for yourself?" Pastor David Armstrong was silent as tears welled up in his eyes and began to stream down his face.
David: "Bishop!" He said in tears and so distraught that no other words could be uttered!
Bishop Willis: "Oh my son, what is it." "What has happened?" "Is all the stories I have been told true?" "Loss of members, money being stolen from the church, and your wife and your 3 daughters are involved in witchcraft?"` He just shook his head as he continued to cry, and said:
David: "Yes!"
Bishop Willis: "I'm afraid in light of these events, you are going to have to be removed as Pastor of this church, for you no longer meet the spiritual requirements of residing over his household in a fine way, and children under subjection! " "I hope you understand?"
David: "I understand Sir!"
Bishop Willis: "You are a fine young man my son, and when you came here, I had high hopes for you". "Don't be discouraged for God does not let us be tried with what we can not bear" "That which does not kill you, makes you stronger!" "Please don't let this kill you!?"
David: "I will do my best sir!" In his mind he started to resight the 23 Psalm: Jehovah is my Shepherd.+
I will lack nothing.+
He leads me in the paths* of righteousness for the sake of his name.+
4 Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow,+
I fear no harm,+
For you are with me;+
Your rod and your staff reassure me.*
5 You prepare a table for me before my enemies.+
6 Surely goodness and loyal love will pursue me all the days of my life,+
And I will dwell in the house of Jehovah for all my days.+
Later that day on the phone with his wife:
David: "Listen you evil witch, you need to return the money!?"
Wife: "No! , and you better not call the po po either, or I will cast a spell on you and even more terrible things will happen to you!" "Ha!, Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" "Go bye preacher man!" After she hung up he started searching the web until he found a site that caught his
The site offered help to those troubled by ones practicing witchcraft and voodoo and all kinds of sorceries. So he signed up. The next day a tech team showed up to install some special upgrades to his home security and automation system and said, whenever there is a problem, just call our 1-800 number and our agents will do the rest! Moments later, he heard a noise outside and he looked out the window and got a big surprise! He quickly dialed the 1800 number and said:
David: "Hello, There is a tornado coming towards my house and it does not look normal." "An image of my wife's face is at the top of it!" "What the hell?"
Agent: "I will be so glad to help you with that sir, and in view of your emergency, I will expedite the troubleshooting!" "David Armstrong, correct, and a new customer?"
David: "Yes!"
Agent: "Thank you, and running an ITG to troubleshoot your issue" "Okay sir on my computer screen it says your issue is being resolved! can you confirm that sir?"
David: "Why, yes it just turned itself upside down and vanished!" "How did you do that?"
Agent: "Sorry sir, this is a government agency and that is classified." "Is there anything else I can help you with"
David: "Well, No Thanks! And God Bless You!"
Agent: "Thank you, and God Bless you". "Thank you for being a client of the ANTI-WITCH-CRAFT ASSOCIATION ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION, and have a nice day!"
After he got off the phone, he was so overjoyed he did not know what to do with himself, so he just sang praises to God, until he fell asleep.